The serpentine mysteries of Eden
The message of the initiating serpent of Eden is inaudible and incomprehensible to anyone who is not a follower of the serpent. Like a hissing whisper, Ssssss, the secret, which in turn was preserved and transmitted in a hidden way by the Ophites, justly maintaining the slogan « of the secret in the whisper of the serpent ».
Although there is no reference in the text that the forbidden fruit was an apple, perhaps this tradition is based on the apple tree myth of the immortality of the Hesperides, also kept by a snake, named Ladon.
In the aforementioned myth of the Hesperides, the Ladon serpent guards the « golden apples » of immortality, until Hercules defeats Ladon and seizes these mystical fruits.
Hercules is said to have obtained information from these golden apples from Prometheus, a Luciferian hero, known for stealing the « fire » (the hidden knowledge) from the Gods to give to humanity.
Returning to the question of the forbidden fruit as a « apple », it can be seen that in the translation of the biblical text into Latin, a play on words was made, in which « malus » means both bad and apple, thereby identifying the forbidden fruit as an apple.
Although many believe it was a translation error, it could well be a wink or veiled allusion to a certain ophidic secret regarding the « apple », the same meaning that surely encrypted the myth of the Hesperides.
According to some, that « apple » would actually be a cryptic allusion to the reddish, reddish amanita muscaria psychoactive mushroom with white spots, as can be seen in a fresco in the Plaincourault chapel in France, where the fruit that the serpent offers to Eve is just a mushroom of muscarian amanita.
We refer to the excellent research of the ethnomicologist Gordon Wasson in this regard.
These entheogens, whether in the form of mushrooms, fungi, or psychoactive plants, have been used since ancient times by both shamans and mystery cults (Eleusis, Dionysus, Delphi, etc.) to access the ophidic mysteries or secrets of the serpent.
The link or association of the « apple » as a forbidden fruit and the serpent has multiple levels of meaning.
As a mythical-folk background it should be known that in addition to the Greek tradition of the garden of the Hesperides, there are other traditions, such as the Chinese, and also the Slavic, where an apple tree appears that confers immortality, guarded by a snake or dragon. Also different traditions, be it Mesopotamian with the tree of life, or Nordic Ygdrassil, where a tree keeps access to wisdom and immortality.
In esoteric terms we know that the serpentine energy (Serpent or lizard depending on the context in which it is worked) is coiled in the first chakra , which is represented in red and associated with the earth. (Let's notice the parallel with the apple).
At this oblique and deep level of myth meaning, the spine itself is seen as a tree, so the fruit must necessarily be found in the tree canopy. And in this case, the fruit of the vertebral tree, located in the skull (or tree canopy) would be the pituitary, pineal, and thalamus glands, these being the « golden apples » that Hercules appropriated after stopping the alternating current of the serpentine energies (« Ladon ») that circulate as an caduceus through the spine.
These glands are associated with the upper chakras, which allow « to open the eyes » and access knowledge, paraphrasing the snake.
Likewise, the color red is also that of blood, and since it was the woman, Eve, who offers this fruit to Adam, it is understood that here we are talking about menstrual blood, which is offered as an alchemical elixir.
In the myth of Adam and Eve, it is understood that Eve was able to hear the serpent because she herself carried the serpentine essence. This is reflected in his own name, where the name Havah is extended to both mother, living, and snake.
(Hevyah, root of the name Eve, means female serpent)
The Arabic term for snake, of the same etymological roots, Heyyah, also means teaching or showing…
So the « red fruit » offered here to Adan at the behest of the snake, is then about the menstrual blood of the snake woman.
Now, let us examine the words and response of the serpent, when initially Eve refuses to eat the forbidden fruit, considering that if she did, she would die.
There were exactly 5 sentences that the snake answered :
No you will not die
But God knows the day you try it,
Your eyes will open,
And they will be like gods,
Knowing good and evil
According to the biblical text itself, Adam did not die after eating this fruit, but lived 930 years…. In other words, the snake was telling the truth.
The angry response of the biblical God, when he then expels Adam and Eve from paradise was: » And the Lord God said: Behold, man is like one of us, knowing good and evil; Now, then, do not extend your hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever. » (Gn. 3.22)
So Adam and Eve did not die after eating the forbidden fruit, and their eyes were opened acquiring knowledge, just as the serpent had announced.
And on the other hand, the tyrannical measure of the biblical God is appreciated, as long as it was not that they, in addition to knowledge, could achieve immortality!
Now, if we take an apple, and break it in half, you can see its seeds arranged exactly like a 5-pointed star. Once again, a symbolism veiled behind this apple tradition, alluding to the 5 sentences of the serpent.
The interesting point here is that this form of staff is precisely the stellar orbit of Venus every 8 years. (And remember the symbol of the eight-pointed star of the Goddess Ishtar or Inanna, Astarte, etc.)
This symbolic connection of the apple with Venus makes it a symbol of the Luciferian fruit.
And this very act of « leaving » is associated with chaos! The term chaos, in Greek Chaos or Khaos derives from the verb khaÃno or the variant khásko (« open », or « open half » and also: « open the mouth, the jaws or the beak ») just meaning chaos as a force of separation (so necessary for one's own individuation).
And it has its image in a bird that opens its beak, or a snake opening its mouth exposing its fangs, where its forked tongue can be seen. Division again!
Thus, eating this forbidden fruit allows the fragmentation of the demiurgic essence or soul, in order to access the ophidic mysteries, and the liberation of the spirit.