The Sign of the Origin
In a world of confusion a compass with which to navigate is essential. The created chaos and manipulation of the aether via black magic and violent technology which destabilizes the harmony of existence has caused that disequilibrium of the needle of the mental compass of the population, directing them along courses of a deleterious nature leading to self-destructive lifestyles and deviation from the Origin.
The compass which Lucifer had bestowed upon the population of enslaved pasus with whom they elevated through the plasmation of their mental influence and possibly through vivaparous intermixture with the beastman. The bestowal of the symbol of the origin is the Graalic sanguinous Light plasmated via the Lucifer Spirits who enabled the evolution of the pasu.
This such as Miguel Serrano views as the gift of the gods bestowed upon mortals and as a desirable process facilitating evolution, a 'spiritualization of the earth' and of the captive pasu who had been chained to the wheel of incarnation. The pasu thus became elevated, the men of earth being given the gift of life by the gods who breathed their life into their ancestors raising from the mire of the kalachakra wheel the simian anthropoids.
Perhaps the apparent good is in fact, as Nimrod de Rosario has claimed in his "Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom" far from good or desirable but simply coincident with the plan of the Demiurge who perhaps has subjected these fallen angels or 'traitor siddhas' in the words of Rosario, to His mental influence, using them as tools to expedite His self-realization and the perpetuation of His Will.
Their 'fire of the gods' thus was conferred upon the pasu who is thereby transformed into a more elevated creature who was and is thereby used as a creator of culture, a mirror through which the Demiurge's face is reflected into Himself: "Deus Vult", in opposition to the face of the Virgin of Agartha- "Vultus Spiritus", the face of the Uncreated Spirit.
Regardless of the historical motives, the consequences are the same: that being the perpetuation of the matrix prison and the vampirization by the Demiurge of the life force of His captives. Thus the captive spirits who had incarnated in the wheel are held captive through the evolutive process, adhere is to matter or substance being trapped within the subtle matrix of the soul and body and reinforced through the confusion induced through the cultural superstructures created and maintained by the Demiurge and his legions of slaves.
The creation of religions and their raceless universalistic quality enables their spread and a devotion to 'The One', the transmission of thought energy and the subjugation of the potentially awakening viryas to the will of 'The One' and merger of their semi-autonomous spirit into the Hive Mind structure of the Jehovah Hive Mind (the Mind of God), being assimilated and no longer maintaining any independence and this over time and intensity, the more frequent and 'earnest' their devotions and prayers the more bound they become to 'The One' and the more vampirized by the entities who bind them in their churches.
The black hole entities of reptilians and other insectoids have their energetic food source in the form of the captive cattle (goyim) who are reduced to a low state of consciousness of a more sluggish spin of their feeble Spirit whose vitality wanes amidst the process of their devotions and often with the entities bound to them as leeches absorbing their inner being.
The sign of the Origin fades from memory as their Spirits' vitality also wanes and they suffer 'the sickness unto death' in Kierkegaard's terminology, are in a state of 'being-towards-death' as Heidegger phrased it.
The symbol of the Origin, the star that fell from Lucifer's crown, the Graalic elixir which has augmented the feeble capacity of the pasu, rendering the beastman a semi-divine in many cases and in others a hybrid who has to varying degrees acquired the capacity to break the bonds which bind it to the wheel of incarnation and the matrix of vampirization, 'the world' of the Creator, the Demiurge.
The symbol of the Origin may be represented by the swastika, the perennial Hyperborean sign connoting the revolt against the order of the Demiurge, following the left-hand path of 'Spiritual Virility' in the words of Julia Evola, the path of the Berserker or 'Hero' in his antagonism toward the evolutive process of 'The One' of the entropic process of the manifestation of Yahweh, what is called 'Time' in conventional parlance.
Thus the swastika, being a symbol of the cycles of Time reversed along the reverse path of the manifestation of 'The One' is a symbol of the immortalization of the soul and beyond this of the liberation of the Spirit enchained in matter against the four directions of the compass of space and the four seasons of time (the right-ward swastika of manifestation) in which the pasu remains chained to the entropic process of the disintegration of his Spirit, chained to the soul carapace as an insect trapped within the rigidified structure of amber crystallizing around his feebly struggling form.
The leftwards swastika is the guide towards Hyperborea, the realm of the Immortals: 'Eternia'. Only they who have a sufficient portion of the blood of the gods (litr godi) are able to respond to this side and to have their blood memory activated to rekindle the dying ember of the Graal, the Divine Spark or Parakletos of the Eternal Spirit and to thereby recognize the foreign nature of this world as a 'stranger in a strange land'.
To resurrect the Hero within through the activation of the blood memory is to follow the path of the leftwards swastika against the cycles of time and towards the Greenland of Eternity, to make of oneself a black sun, and immortal vortex of energy that circulates around the nucleus or gravis archetype that is the Selbst, the true self or Uncreated Spirit.
To oppose the current of disintegration of the soul, Demiurgic Time-flow, the will of 'The One' is to take the chance of obtaining immortality, to break the chains of lead binding one to the matrix of materialism.
Blood memory activation entails a situating of the consciousness in a higher states and within the condition of transcendence beyond the spatio-temporal matrix of Satan, outside of the cycles of Time of the ultra-telluric realm and dimensions of manifestation. Acting within the world and challenging oneself against any external forces which impinge upon one's body and soul and are recorded in the consciousness as phenomena which necessitate a reaction against them and as a consequence the reinforcement of the Spirit in its ultra-telluric dimensional locus situated beyond time and space.
Thus "all life is struggle" as Hitler said and "those who do not wish to fight do not deserve to live". All life is a battleground between opposing forces both in this world of concrete mundane life subject to the contingencies of time and space and beyond the physical, the latter simply being a crystallization of the higher forces within the realm of the Demiurge.
The countervailing forces which impinge upon one either overwhelm and destroy him or augment his strength. It is not so much the overt forces which have a recognizably antagonistic relation to himself so much as it is a more insidious and enervating forces whose subtle mechanism of action, indiscernible to the more obtuse or those is sufficiently conscious of the forces' presence and nature.