The Sign of the Origin Versus the Sign of Pain
"The antipode of the Aryan is a jew"−Hitler
And from this ontological basis may be extrapolated the cultural distinction, also antipodal, between that of the blood pact of Hyperborean Origin, the litr godi of the Immortals of Hyperborea, and the culture pact, the raceless cultural superstructures engineered by the 'anti−race', race of jewry. The sign of the Origin, of Hyperborea, is representative of the blood pact and assumes the form of the swastika, the symbol both of Eternity (the transcendent nucleus of Spirit amidst the Time−flow of the Demiurge), and of a transcendence in imminence, an act of opposition to the disintegrative process of the Demiurge, the god of the priestly caste culture pact, itself raceless cultural superstructure, crystallizing in the form of exoteric religion and esoteric occultism, both venerating the Demiurge and seeking (at least for the priest caste), a fusion therewith, and, for the serfs, or 'profane', a recycling of their energies in the Kalachakra wheel fed upon by the Demiurge and His minions.
The sign of the Origin has been in recent decades, owing to the significant event of Hitler and the National Socialists, denigrated and distorted in the mind of the 'profane', and traitor initiates (in fact, counter−initiates who have betrayed their blood for participation in the 'culture pact'), by the priests of the culture pact, and such a denigration reveals their fear of the meaning of this symbol and those related thereto (the eight−pointed star and double square of Venus−Lucifer, the gate of the immortals to and from Hyperborea).
The priests of the culture pact recognize that their system of lives (the Kalachakra key integral to their exoteric religious mind programs), has its only threat in the blood pact and those symbols and signifiers of its inner meaning which serve to awaken the blood memory of the sleeping viryas and Hyperborean Spirits trapped within the matrix of the Demiurge. Hence they have falsified history, through their slander and denigration of the blood pact from the vilification and demonization of the Cathars and Albigensians and other gnostic sects who embody the primordial wisdom of Hyperborea and whose lithic wisdom in communion with the Hyperborean Lucifer Spirits of Agartha pose the greatest threat to the despotism of the priestly caste and its 'doctrine of the heart', of the 'love− wisdom', of Jehovah−Satan, the doctrine of the soulish emotionalism of the Demiurge and His adherents, they who embody the 'Christ archetype' and who serve the 'judaic archetype', with slavish prostration (at least, amongst the gentile laity).
The sign of the Origin, the swastika, thus, is subjected to a cultural distortion and transmuted into a simulacrum of itself, a hollow mockery and demonization of its essence as means of attempting the erasure of its meaning in the consciousness of the Aryan who are, they who are closest to the Hyperborean in terms of their blood memory and hence, as its inheritors, are the descendants of the gods and the instruments upon earth thereof. Hence, as the jew Selenkov, a communist propagandist and agitator stated: "first we destroy your culture, then we destroy you". Hence, in the greater phase of the 'chosen peoples', practical idealist praxis is to erase the memory of the Origin of the Aryan and subsequently erase their presence thereby eliminating any credible threat to their despotism of Zion.
The sign of the Origin, that which is beyond 'good and evil', in the Nietzschean sense is thus associated with the psychological state of the pasu, that of hatred and fear and called a 'hate symbol', an expression of the hatred for the symbol of the Origin, of the Truth, on the part of they who hate the Truth, namely they whose existence cannot dwell within the Origin but simply within the Demiurgic universe of spatio−temporality. The sign of pain, by contrast, is that of the culture−packed, the raceless, artificially constructed culture centered around religion and governed by the priestly caste all of which ultimately controlled by the 'chosen people', of the Demiurge at its height. The sign of pain, namely the christian cross, representative of martyrdom, of the crucifix, is the sign of the Demiurgic universe of generation and corruption and the pain and suffering which finds its place therein and the emotional effect upon they who are trapped within its seven heavens, they who are denoted 'pasu', or the 'profane' whose consciousness exists at the level of the emotions and who are thereby of a 'soulish' character, unable to exist within the realm of Spirit beyond the limitations of their being and those of their Demiurgic penitentiary in which they are trapped.
The sign of pain may also manifest in the form of a Hindu wheel connoting the Kalashakra wheel of incarnation and the 'Eternal return', of the Demiurge within/as the 'creation' of Himself and the inevitable extinction of the captive Virya who did not possess the capacity to transcend these countervailing forces of disintegration. The sign of pain may also be perceived in other symbols of the synarchy, the servants of the Demiurge in Shamballa, such as the yin−yang sign, connotative of Demiurgic polarity (active and reaction). Action and reaction (active−passive; male and female principles or aspects of the Demiurge) and the Dorje, the symbol of the Tibetan priests of the yellow bonnets who use their gnosis to maintain the captive Spirits trapped within the Demiurgic universe of spatio−temporality.
These symbols all connote the binding of the captive Spirits within the reincarnation trap of lower density of 'Time−flow' and the vampirization of the captive spirits' bio−energy into the entities as their food (the extraterrestrial 'Yahweh collective' and whatever higher aeons they are bound up with).
They also convey the notion of the pain and suffering, such process or causal influences of binding entail, a constant agitation and sensory bombardment (with vibration and myriad imagery and sensory stimuli), initiate the process of 'Spiritual reversion' they seek, taking one away from the Origin and trapping them on the earth plane and within the lower astral planes, facilitating their eventual fusion with 'the One' along the evolutive process and ultimate extinction through phagocitization by the Demiurge.
The sign of pain is thus a 'revelation of the method', on the part of the synarchy, priests conveying to their captive charges that they are trapping them within the matrix and imposing upon them a 'double bind', having them worship the symbols of their enchantment such that they, according to the occult, (ill)logic of the synergy, are blameworthy for their own destruction at its hands as they have 'chosen' (albeit in a state of agnosia), to precipitate their own 'down going', (untergang), their own absorption into the Demiurge and flight from the Origin.
This, for the synarchy, constitutes a karmic discharge, transferring their own sins onto their victims. Of course, this is ill−logic indeed, but nonetheless is their own specious self−deception. As Hitler did in the Third Reich, a re−presentation of the Hyperborean Gnosis manifests in its symbols and lithic wisdom is the key to the Kalachakra wheel of the cabal, retaken from they who have, through their culture distortion, stolen the key of the mysteries and substituted in its place, a substitute enabling access only to the inner sanctum of evil.
Thus, with the presentation of those symbols and the tangible presence of the lithic wisdom (a romanization of culture, as in the case of the Third Reich and in other regions of Europe, which availed themselves of this gnosis, a transmutation of the psycho−regions of the earth), the transmutation of the virya is enabled and with the mobilization of the final battalion to march to the Origin against the culture pact and the sign of pain in the direction of the leftward swastika against Time.