The Swamp
False Light of Shamballah
The Swamp
The synarchy operates in a clandestine manner out of the sight of they who they deem 'mundane' or 'profane', they who, according to their opinion are 'beneath' in terms of their ontological state, they who aren't 'enlightened' according to their judgment.
They mock those considered inferior to themselves in their characteristically subtle and yet not-so-subtle way revealing what they are doing while simultaneously concealing it as a demonstration of their occult power over the 'profane' and exempting themselves from karma according to their (mis)-understanding of this causality, believing in ignorance they can discharge their 'sins' by informing their victim in a secretive manner what they are doing to them and in their (mis)-understanding, blaming the victim for their own 'sins'.
The secretive way in which they operate is gone about through false appearances, creating illusions and concealing themselves behind simulacral masks of invented personae like actors on the stage only brought forward into manifestation as the 'theater of the real'.
Their occult rites mirror their behavioral modality, that of a vile creeping denizen of the underground, subterranean catacombs or swamp. The lunar-semitic rites of black magic witchcraft are brought forward in the form of the theater of the real outside of the synagogues and masonic lodges and manifest in the form of staged or orchestrated events in which the targeted victims are ritually slaughtered and the perpetrators attempt to transfer their sins onto a scapegoat.
The example of Mossad operatives dressing up as Palestinian protesters and pretending to assault IDF members who are present under the guise of 'quelling unrest' is a prime example of their false flag operations staged to destroy their enemies and enable them to grab for more power for themselves.
The surreptitious operations of jewry and their affiliates who replicate their behavior is a function of their base cunning which is derived from their reptilian hybrid stock the conference upon them of their demonic blood. This partakes of the consciousness of the Demiurge as they are all hypostases of His Being and the primitive Lemurian stocks jewry was intermixed with paleo-historically.
The primitive consciousness of the jew and of all they who have taken on his infection (which is by strict implication the taking on of the infection of the serpents' blood) is the source of the subterranean guile and demented chicanery of jewry which constitutes his every gesture and move on the chessboard of life, in his contest with his enemies, a war between the dark forces of the false lunar light, that of the swamp and that of the light of the Green Ray, Eternal Champions of the Uncreated Light.
The instinctive mind or reptilian brain works in tandem with the hyper developed cerebral cortex, the prefrontal area and its hyper-rational consciousness to amplify the cunning of reason in the cabal's engagement in 'the world', and their attempts to trap within the world their captives and to enable their own empowerment and perpetuation of their despotism.
The subterranean cunning of the de facto reptilian extraterrestrials and related E.Ts who enabled the creation of jewry on the earth, of the reptilian brain, and through a hyper-developed reason is given a compass and direction for this cunning mode of consciousness which serves as a transformer to step up the current of demonic energies vectoring through the particular consciousness of the cabal and its hive mind structure and, ultimately, the particular individuals who manifest thought into action.
The influence of the Demiurge's mind determines and reinforces this state of being with its cunning of reason ('the real is a rational and the irrational is the real' at least as far as the simulacral reality of lowest density is concerned). Focused purely on the causality of time and space, the transient material conditions of 'this world' the synarchy restricts (as it has no capacity to transcend) the particular conditions of this world and accordingly lives only for the worlds within the realm of the Demiurge, the planets and stars visible to the sight and not going beyond that stage.
The synarchy loss, in spite of their boastful claims to transcending the material world, are restricted to the nets of the spider of the cosmos, the ethereal substance generated by 'The One' through His Verbum or 'Word' (Logos).
Within this spider's web of aethereality properly called 'the matrix' is restricted their mode of operations and indeed hyper-focused on the lower astral planes wherein the black hole entities that they venerate dwell, there Hiwah Anakim and Seraphim, the reptilian transdimensionals and insectoid aliens amongst others.
The focus of their praxis is directed towards the maintenance of their loosh harvesting operations and their own personal and collective 'evolution' within the various rounds and chains of the flood tide of souls and endless cycles of Time until pralaya when they become extinct through being absorbed into the Demiurge.
While present on this earth their subterranean tactics are in perpetual operation, perpetually generating 'strife, endless strife', as Heraclitus said for the purpose of harvesting the bio-energy of their captives.
Their subterranean means they avail themselves of to carry out these vicious acts of assault against others are copious and can only be understood, should one wish to view the world from frog perspective, through a similarity of mind, that immersed in the swamp.
Within the swamp dwell many creatures and its 'laws' operate on the basis of 'might makes right', with the larger creatures devouring the smaller and each immersed in this subterranean terroir in a state of constant dynamic tension and 'strife, endless strife'. Creatures such as the freemason; the jew; the christian (be they catholic or protestant) the new-ager (theosophists; anthroposophist, etc.); the other varieties of monotheism (hindu; muslim; buddhist), etc.
All of these swamp creatures and especially the former three varieties whose presence within the swamp occupies a deeper though though in the case of the latter (the religious zealots) the more involved they are in their religiosity the more deeply they bury themselves in the swamp, their hierarchy of corruption and duplicity being initiatic with those rising highest in the hierarchy (and having correspondent levels of power) sink deepest in the cloaca gentium of modernity, of the locus of the black magicians of the Kali Yuga.
Each of these heads of the Hydra of modernity all work together at the deeper levels and are united in one telluric body submerged in the swamp with the heads projecting by turns above its surface and typically fighting one another, being of a divergence of minds to varying degrees of internal squabbling.
Nonetheless they are united as the Hydra who seeks to tear down Herakles the awaking hero who has, through a recollection of the blood memory, managed to manifest his destiny as a warrior combatant against this polycephalic creature. They are unified by their common hatred, a hatred or instinctive aversion towards that which exposes them to the light of day, that which is a ray of light of the Green Ray penetrating the false illusory realm of the lunar light which is their customary view of the world of the Demiurge in which they live. Thus their bond of unity is simply comprised of the hatred for that which is superior to themselves: that which is True; Good and Beautiful, the shining one who illumines the darkness.
Their tactics are largely derived from their masters, jewry, who almost of a certainty derived them from their alien overlords. It is not judaism itself but jewry as a biological hybridized species which is the source and cause of their transmission of diabolical 'gnosis'; the 'gnosis' of the lunar light derived from their master Jehovah-Satan (or by whatever name the Demiurge may be known in particular times and places: Enlil; Brahma; Allah; Yahweh, etc.).
Their tactics thus are those of the Demiurge and are particular applications of his strategy for global dominion and take over, for the simulation within Himself of the Spirits trapped in matter on the earth plane. These tactics and their general strategy are implemented through a mediation through their individual consciousness and collective hive mind consciousness by their priests and in the form of the ideological fabrications which are the translations of the mind of the Demiurge into particular cultural forms (e.g. 'sacred texts', etc.).
The members of the synarchy operate as a hierarchy of puppets manipulated from above by their overseers and, though they are a hammer in relation to those beneath so too are they are an anvil in relation to those above with none within the hierarchy having any independence from their masters and ultimately their master Jehovah-Satan who is the 'great architect of the universe' (G.A.O.T.U) and whose consciousness is their consciousness, their having no autonomy in relation thereto and no ability to extricate themselves from his strings, like Pinocchio dancing according to his Masters Will.
The subterranean nature of the freemason and his own master the jew reaches the depths of instinctive cunning and deviousness, forever seeking advantage to the most overall effective means regardless of the suffering and harm caused others who he exploits, uses and destroys for selfish gain.
Indeed the black magician of Zion live only for self-service and service to the hierarchy which exists above them and this latter only to the extent it serves that which is conducive to personal advantage. This 'service to self' motivation is paradoxically the replication of the will of 'The One' as it serves the purpose of orchestrating harm to others (pain; suffering; stress; 'strife, endless strife') which is the mechanism of loosh harvesting that the synarchy operates on the basis of, the 'causality of sadism' if such it may be called: harm or cause harm to befall their victims/targets and absorb the energy released (be it in the form of money or the life force which is the ultimate form of value the cabal seeks to absorb just as does the hierarchy which overarches them).
The specific mechanisms and means to engineer this hardship are not undergone by one specific head of the synarchic Hydra but through each contributing their actions and reactions amongst the diverse heads in a dialectic of destruction to engineer the harm caused their targets. Examples could be provided ad infinitum but that of the christian versus the secular humanist or 'liberal' is a contemporary example of the apparent organic conflict which is engineered by the cabal to create chaos and hardship and sacrifice countless milliards to their Lord Satan a.k.a. Jehovah.
Whether 'communist'/leftist or 'christian'/rightist, both sides are set up for the divide and conquer protocol of the synarchy to not only reap the profits from conflict (theft of the property of the deceased; generation of profits through manufacture; theft of resources from conquered territory; the destruction of those who obstruct or impede their global hegemony, their 'dominion mandate') but most importantly and as the ultima ratio of all of their strategies and tactics, to serve up the Spirits' captive within the matrix of lowest Density to their deity and those not destroyed and consumed by Jehovah-Satan to be enchained under their control through religion or whatever particular 'culture pact' or form of ideological standardization, into their hive mind collective consciousness which is the consciousness of Satan himself.