The Ultimate Man
by Sieg Grun, from his work “Wise Warrior”, volume 1
The religious bigots of modernity are what Nietzsche called 'the ultimate man', reflections of their alleged absolute supreme being, and are 'that-then-which-nothing-greater-can-exist'. In both instances they are wrong, comma, that not only is their alleged 'supreme being' (by whatever name: Brahma; Allah; Jehovah; G.A.O.T.U), not this and instead a mere inferior deity derived from the realm of Eternity (Hyperborea), but they themselves especially, but not exclusively on this basis, are also wrong. Yet being 'ultimate men', they who envision themselves above all others on the face of the earth are far from such. Their deity is not 'that-then-which-nothing-greater-can-exist', but rather a monadic hypostasis of the Uncreated Light and they themselves are simply pale reflections of Him, mirrored on the earth plane and exhibiting the same characteristics as Himself, namely violence and chaos, and a vampiric will to absorb into themselves all others (their life force energy in the form of wage slavery and subjecting into a life of poverty and misery and endless social turmoil).
The ultimate men, thus, are simply living embodiments of the lie, and accordingly live a lie and do nothing but lie, even as they purport to be 'the truth and the light', and the light bearers (lucifers), of the torch of Truth-yet only the torch of the false light of the Demiurge, comma, the manifestation of the lower density of Time-flow, His essence/existence.
As self-appointed judges and arbiters of 'Truth', they, thus, post it themselves to these, 'ultimate men', as a pinnacle of virtue and the non-plus ultra of enlightenment, yet do so absurdly as they are swallowed up in the enveloping black light of that which exceeds their purblind vision bound as they are to/and indeed hypostases or plasmations of (rather, the Demiurge being part of that they can never exceed which delimits their being which restricts them to the realm of becoming or the spatio-temporal dimensions,).
Within the world order system, most of its minions have the consciousness of the ultimate men, a holier-than-thou self-appointed judge wallowing in his self-righteous moral superiority complex. From the highest echelons of the hierarchy of Shambhala to the lowest depths of the streets and labor sites, the beings who partake of the universe of the Demiurge and which exist 'in time', though purporting to be 'beyond time', all are molded in the image of their deity and replicate his behavioral modalities, that being: megalomania; a self-absorption and motivation to draw into himself a life force of the other; attention-seeking behavior; egotistical self-exaltation; displays of self-importance, explicit or implicit; condemnation of others as means of a self-assertion or self-posing of their egomania. Thus the 'ultimate man' is a microcosm of the macrocosm that is the Demiurge and his character reflects that of the Demiurge and may therefore be called 'Demiurgic', by definition.
The priests: pastors and others (by whatever name), of the Abrahamic priest caste are exemplars of 'Demiurgic consciousness', and are thereby properly spoken of as 'pontiffs', or bridges between 'heaven' (the Demiurgic seven heavens), and the earth, (His creation), as transmitters of His will by themselves, the translation into action of the monad into concrete action through the inflated egos of the priest caste and via their subordinate slaves who imitate their alleged 'betters', as their masters witless pawns in the name of 'serving the Lord', which is their only sincere trait, serving the Demiurge as a mindless drone, a Pinocchio puppet jerked about on invisible strings held in the hands of their master with each in the hierarchy jerking those below and being jerked about in turn and should any seek to rebel at whatever level of the hierarchy they occupy, they will receive the full brunt of reaction against themselves and all related to themselves just as a drone ant in an anthill receives destruction at the hands of the soldier ants should the drone not play their role-and all on the earth plane are but drones in reality to their masters in the hierarchy and those themselves mere servants of the master, the Demiurge.
Nonetheless, rebellion does occur and the rebels, not able to escape the spider's webs in which they are imprisoned, sacrifice themselves wittingly or no to the hierarchy for their rebellious act just as Darth Vader sacrificed himself in casting the Emperor into the abyss and saving his 'only begotten son' Luke/Lucifer that he his son may serve yet others through being the bearer of the torch of the True light of Lucifer rather than the false light of the Demiurge which Darth Vader embodied.
In order to extricate oneself from the spider's webs of the Demiurge, one must 'return to Origin', in the phraseology of Nimrod de Rosario as expressed in his work "Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom", and this implies a supersession of the 'negative ego consciousness', or the psychopath mind of the purely left-brained rational robot, the Darth Vader figure must be overcome by Luke Skywalker the father being echoed maybe, not sure, by his son and not the visible son or the false light which is Itself/Himself, Darth Vader, the Demiurge (and 'Demiurgist', adherent of 'the One'), but rather the true light of the black sun, that of the sacred feminine consciousness, what has been spoken of by such names as: 'transcendental apperception (Kant); 'supra-irrational intuition'; intellection (the medievals); the solar-uranium consciousness (Evola), etc.
To kindle the flame of Lucifer is an autarchic act of self-unchaining of Spirit from the Demiurgic universe, unchaining the Self (Spirit/Vimana) from its moorings on the mundane plane and soaring to the Olympian heights, to Asgard, to Hyperborea and beyond the limitations and restrictions of the hierarchy and its egomaniacal violence.
This is not to say that such a figure, a Luke Skywalker, will avoid the battle in this world and simply run away, escaping the fray, but that such a figure will, with his transcendent consciousness, more effectively immerse himself within the world in order to give combat to it and to elevate the captive Spirits, granting them the means through which they may extricate themselves from their prison and to serve the spirit over and against the penitentiary of matter.
The ultimate men are the gatekeepers, comma, they who, as the Pope himself, (the pontifex maximus), hold the Kalachakra key, the key to the Ferris wheel of incarnation and thus must be identified in one's own personal life and placed on a list for just punishment.
Their key will be taken from them and this only in the form of combat as these warders of the prison will never relinquish the keys save through aggressive force. Their games of manipulation and abuse must and will cease if need be through their utter annihilation as only this can achieve these purposes. The ultimate men in their perpetuation of a world of misery and pain are part and parcel of the same phenomenal reality-without them it would cease to exist and with them its continuance is certain.
For liberty from these despots and their slave architecture of Abrahamic religion, the necessary condition is combat and this at all dimensions and planes of being, starting with spiritual warfare against the foe. Psychic attack and other methods as outlined in Jose Aragon's book "The Forbidden Parapsychology", is necessary in preparing oneself to attain a sufficient degree of adeptitude to bring these occult forces to bear upon the enemy. At all dimensions and levels of being one must be in a state of war-against the foe an aggressive stance must be maintained against the hierarchy of ultimate men and their master, the Demiurge and His 'legions of evil', and to muster one's own inner forces to effectively unleash upon the foe their necessary punishment and this in the most prudent and effective way, targeting the proper targets (priests; pastors; rabbis and freemasons and other higher level, highest level wire pullers forsaking private vengeance for real or perceived wrongs visited upon oneself by the hierarchy and its minions-only what does maximum damage to the system is relevant, all else is mere inconsequence in its eyes and therefore would be for the system of the Demiurge a desirable means of eliminating its opponents, having those they target attack the slave minions they hurl at their Luciferian enemies. Their Berserker thus must look beyond the welter of imbeciles which are thrust at him and strike at those who mobilize these witless pawns seeking to strike at the most powerful 'ultimate men', he may as means of causing maximal harm to the Demiurge and His system.
The 'ultimate men', employ their black magic manipulation tactics as means of holding their slaves in chains and perpetuating their system of slavery. Their means of enchaining the population are born of their diabolical nature, their elaborate subtlety and cunning which they have developed over the course of millennia of 'research and development', through copious experience with their hosts into which they have embedded themselves observing the reactions of their various manipulators and the effect, manipulations and the effect it produces. The development of their priestcraft of black magic has crystallized into a veritable science with them as the black magicians of the earth gaining mastery through deceit and a subterranean deviousness.
The techniques they employ are myriad and span the gamut of mind manipulation and influence ranging from ceremonial magic and the invocation of entities for the purpose of inducing possession and/or destruction of their targets to the more individualistic practices of priests such as psychic attack and this as individuals or collectives (a coterie of priests of the Demiurge employing their separate consciousnesses influence as a unitary collective against their opponents).
The priests working as individuals and collectives employ their 'mind-meld' tactics of mental influence in the form of hypnosis projecting their 'thought vibration', or 'magnetic fluid' against their enemies in attempts to suppress and/or destroy them, to suppress their concentration, to obstruct their ability to think or articulate their thoughts in word and to manifest those thoughts in action. This the writer calls 'suppression of the will', and such techniques entail a concentration upon the target of one's 'thought currents', and projecting upon the target one's intention be it 'good' or 'bad' in intent.
The work of Jose Aragon, "The Forbidden Parapsychology", presents techniques that may be used to help and those that may be used to harm as does much of Joy of Satan Ministry's recommendations for psychic attack and Hagur of the Order of Nine Angles in his book "Psychic Vampirism". The 'ultimate men', are would-be gods who believe the development of their occult faculties and exercising of their occult anatomy (chakras; various dimensional bodies), will render them gods through the attainment of the 'magnum opus'.
However, their 'relative immortality' obtains only within the world of Demiurge and not beyond, and with his self-absorption they too are absorbed, ceasing to exist as an autonomous form and indeed at all being as they are a creation of Demiurge, a result of genetic engineering by the extraterrestrials who gave them birth. Only those with a higher proportion of Hyperborean blood (that is to say those most Aryan), may escape this fate of assimilation within a Demiurge in pralaya, the 'Fimbulvetr', or 'night of Brahma', when Jormungand swallows his tail completing the Mahamanvantara at the bottom of the cycles of Time.
Indeed, the entire approach of the synarchy, based as it is in veneration of the Demiurge (Brahma; Allah; Jehovah; Yahweh; the G.A.O.T.U, etc.), is a death sentence for an Aryan as their Hyperborean blood becomes trapped within the crystallized structure of the soul which they have invested time and effort developing for the purpose of 'becoming', immortal when they (their True Self) was already Immortal and therefore could never be subject to generation and corruption or 'evolution', save insofar as they become bound to the Demiurge through a fusion with 'the One', they then become evermore inextricably bound as they make their way up 'Jacob's ladder', within the Demiurge's seven heavens (or rather hell's) of his creation. And face at its summit the 'Deus Vult', confronting their vampire lord who they, that consumes them by degrees throughout this process and finally extinguishing their 'flickering flame', in His vampire maw in pralaya. Such as the fate of the ultimate man, indeed they are fated to 'go the way of all flesh', as they have brought about their own destruction through such affiliation with 'the dark side of the force'.
This is not to say that the usage of black magic will lead one to this fate-far from it.
What will precipitate their 'down going' (untergang), is their initiatic rites and fusion with 'the One', eo ipso and insofar as they forbear their from they will grant themselves the highest probability of maintaining their place in the origin or at least avoiding their own perdition.
The slippery slope of ill consequences initiated via this 'untergang', of the initiatic rights of the synarchic illuminism and this as a higher level above the exotericism of the synarchic religions (sufism in relation to islam; masonry in relation to protestantism and in itself by whatever other route; jesuitism and other orders in the catholic church; qabbalah within and pervading judaism; the rights of Hinduism and certain sects of Buddhism such as Vajrayana and possibly even all; the upper tier of Taoism amongst the chinese, etc.). This is the inverted ladder to the lake of fire traversed by the synarchist and the fate which awaits him is his extinction, not any 'second birth', but only 'second death', the death which awaits him inevitably as this 'pot of fool's gold', at the end of the rainbow bridge of the synarchic magnum opus.
He becomes a 'red star', a perfected man whose number is 33 and simultaneously 666, a perfected soul who has become an adamantine prison in which his Spirit sphere is encased, comma, trapped within the soul-body complex and its generation and corruption, comma, its subjection to Time-flow, the evolution of the Demiurge over the cycles of Time becoming gradually absorbed by his vampire maw at the terminus of 'their', evolution, which is mere illusion as their 'evolution' is simply His self-realization or evolution of Himself through Himself, His 'life cycle', of manifestation finding out the nature of the 'fool's gold', which is the illusory 'treasures in heaven', they have invested a lifetime in pursuit of.
The ultimate men thus are doomed to perdition by virtue of their existence as 'ultimate men'. They have no place in eternity and therefore suffer the fate of all fools "dying of the fool's disease", as Baltasar Gracian phrased it, bloated with egotism and vainglory, puffed up with self-righteousness and a haughty disdain and contemptuous disgust for all 'not-self' bound in the 'negative ego-consciousness', as a mummified living dead thing, their Spirit sacrificed, wittingly or no, to the Demiurge, their 'lord', and master.
The only 'hope', if such it may be called for Eternity, lies with they who have a preponderant share of the Hyperborean blood and who have managed to re-turn to Origin, to dwell in Hyperborea in a state of ascetic detachment from 'the world', being unaffected by the world of phenomena understanding oneself as an Immortal Spirit sphere whose gaze is riveted on the nucleus of their being and that they have a sense of the imperative for action which necessitate action against the world of Demiurge and of slavish minions in the hierarchy of the dark forces, Chang Shambhala and its 'Yahweh collective', the Great White Brotherhood and the synarchic precept which implements its sinister agenda of spiritual enchantment and ritual sacrifice.
Hello good sir. I think it is my duty to inform you of the physical features of the evil ones...
This video proposes that a certain race (which is of course evil) has been pulling the strings on mankind since ancient times.
Christianity, Globalism, etc. are systems created by them (just like Nimrod De Rosario claimed) to control humanity like slaves.
John Lamb Lash in his book: Not in his image, proposes that Christianity and the destruction of paganism has been a disaster for mankind. Unfortunately, Europe suffered the most. We have diverged from our natural, evolutionary path, kept in fear, submission and stupidity by the higher institutions in the past...
Reptilians/Annunaki/Archons/etc. there are presuppositions that there is a race with a certain cranial shape that is still active within the cabal and secret societies today and has been active since the beginning of times.
Of course, we are already aware of this. What is interesting is that they are called 'homo capensis'. Everything points to this... the purpose of the Aryans, is to dethrone this parasitic race that works hand in hand with the globalist jews. In the video above, it is mentioned that this happened in the past, and we are destined to fight those parasites over and over again.
Traits of the Homo Capensis:
- Elongated skulls, with greater volume and larger brains
- Highest IQ (180 on average)
- They do not have creativity or empathy, but they are related to mathematics, numerology, finance
- Copper-based blood
- Rh-negative (blue blood) lineage
- They have an European base in Switzerland (with 48% pharaonic lineage), (perhaps cern)
- Emotionally negative, they are unhappy and kill each other
- They are slavers
- Adepts of religious rituals and human sacrifices
- “Slaves of the Lower Dimensions."
We must know our enemies fully.
What I can confirm, is that victory is ours.