The Unpolished Stone
Miguel Serrano collected works
The Unpolished Stone
Jason Alfred Thompkins, III
The ‘Unpolished Stone’ is a symbolic term for the Unblemished Self. San Miguel Serrano speaks of this Unpolished Stone quite a bit, mostly in ‘Manu – For the Man to Come’. But the Stone is always present in Our Legends. It is the Gral. The Electrical Stone that ‘fell from the Heavens to the North Pole’. The Unblemished Self is of the Spiritual First Earth. When We were capable of speaking and traveling with thought alone.
We also spoke to the birds, the wolves, the fruits, the minerals and all Ur-Substance before the separation that lead to the ever hardening of the Material Second Earth.
Gradually did the Ancients create a language as We declined through the spiral of the ages, the Yugas, until We reached the point where We are now.
“What is Christ to you?” ~ Miguel Serrano
“Christ, to me, is the very Selbst of Western Man. ” ~ Carl Jung
As soon as We enter this world, We are slowly, yet surely, taught doctrine and dogma. That Child is, for a time, Unblemished. However, over time, the modern world puts an ‘engraving’ in Our brains, like a needle on a record player, each time the song is played, the needle deepens it’s ingraining. Their ‘songs’ are the various Social Institutions, Fundamental Organized Religion and POPular Media. Engrained messages get deeper and deeper through repetition.
We are doing the same, only in reverse. Just as We use Our electrical impulses to train Our muscles to grow, We train Our brain and thus Mind with constant Mantras, Memories, Nostalgia, and the Visions of AMor and Thule, Hyperborea, Paradesha. We train Our Souls with books and information We know We can trust. By befriending good folk. This is the very reason why Serrano keeps repeating himself, over and over, in his books. In today’s world, to get a simple, yet important message to someone is almost nearly impossible. It’ll go in one ear and literally out the other. We are being constantly bombarded with distractions and this is designed to be so by the Black Magicians of Mammon. But with the Runes, with the Path of AMor, Esoteric Hitlerism and Serranoism, We can immediately counter-initiatie their diabolical plans.
When that child grows through all its years, tears, happiness and later in life, if they follow an Initiatory Path, like Our Retrograde Path of the Left-Handed Swastika, He or She will find that Inner Child again, the Unblemished Self, the Kristos of Atlantis. Venus-Freya-Shakti. Baldur, Horus. They will be Twice-Born. A true Aryan. The Son of Man. Our very Soul, which is the Astral Body free of density and corruption.