The 'Western Race'
The 'traditionalist' (counter-traditionalist) Rene Guenon referred to jews as "the most Western race" by which he meant they who are the lowest in density and consciousness, they who cohere with the Time-flow of the Demiurge and don't swim against the current.
As His offspring they resonate with His Will and this, the bottom of the cycles of Time the Kali Yuga or 'end times' and are the harbinger of the abyss for they who have followed a judaized path toward the condition of the 'chosen people': materialistic and oriented towards their lower economic pursuits. The judaized masses have become swept up in the current of disintegration especially those in the region of lowest density, that currently occupied by the North American continent and Britain as well as overlapping with, according to the cartography of Nimrod de Rosario, the western European continent. The process of judaization thus has concentrated itself most prominently in the region of the Aryan through the jewish pest's infiltration over the millennia.
Britain especially, a region of archontic inversion and power center serves as one of the main bases of operation of the cabal in spreading its 'western culture' of Satanism (in the conventional sense of the culture of the Demiurge). From out of this center radiates the export of entartete kultur which degenerates and drags down the culture of other vital nations toward the abyss of their destruction. The culture of degeneration is its export for the purpose of tearing down the solidarity and potential opposition of the Others (of the opposition of their power against them).
The Anglo-America-Israel cabal is simply one side of the dialectic with oppositional powers in the form of: Russia; Brazil; China and possibly India and other South American and arab nations played off against the NATO powers. Both are two pincers of the cabal which it uses to squeeze the aryan race to death and decimate the ranks of both, eliminating from the regions they seek to conquer the indigenous folk and usurping the territory and wealth for themselves through the divide and conquer dialectic.
The 'western race' which steers the dialectic at the wheel of the ship is that of the 'chosen people' of the Demiurge and their affiliates (both genetico-spiritual and conspiratorial) that of the British race of druids both of whom the writer speculates are reptilian hybrids, presumably genetically engineered by the demonic host of Yahweh, the Dracos from the Orion constellation who enslave this earth along with their fallen angel masters. The host of Yahweh have made the British and jewish man 'in their image' as a genetic amalgam with the blood of reptilian demons and that of the neanderthal millennia ago.
They have the personality of their reptilian sires: psychopathic; bellicose; blood-lustful; devious and cunning beyond measure and power-mad. They typify the child of the Kali Yuga, the archetype of the end times of the age of lead. Their materialism and complete lack of honor are an extrapolation of their reptilian blood which manifests itself in the form of their practices of imperialism via myriad forms of legerdemain and dialectical processes (proxy wars; divide and conquer tactics; the false gifts of their cultural venom, etc.).
The 'Western race' apparently derives as far as the historical record attests and can be verified, from Phoenicia and the region of the Levant and Anatolia. The ancient ruins of 'Çatalhöyük' in modern-day Turkey may have been the origin of their deposition by the extraterrestrials within the recent memory of the Kali Yuga. Prior to this time, according to the OAHSPE Bible, Lemuria was the locus of the serpent seed as was perhaps Atlantis at a later time leading to its collapse. The 'Western race' or rather species thus has been a presence in the world for millennia and presumably does not originate from this planet. According to Blavatsky: "the monads of the jews come from Saturn" and their obsessive focus on this planetary archon suggests this to be true, all symbolism related to Saturn relating to 'worldliness'; materialism; death; control; what is represented as 'justice' and retribution.
The jewish people are the wet blanket of the earth and the archetype of Saturn radiates through there being just as with the British people in general there hyper-focus being on 'justice' and 'morality' (codes of conduct and behavior entailing limitation and restriction and mandating courses of action which serve the reptilian hosts and Yahweh as a mechanism of the harvesting of their bio-energy), have manifested the Saturnian tendency though combined with the Jupiterian tendency of their expansionism.
The 'Western race' are thus the model population of the great Satan of Jehovah, and manifest his mode of will to power in microcosmic form. Their power madness is their fundamental tendency as is their vampirism of others best exemplified in Bram Stoker's allegory of “Dracula”, the alien invader who corrupts; takes over and destroys his host as a plague of locusts whose false gifts are those of famine; starvation; genocide; colonial hegemony and other forms of devious manipulation gone about under the guise of false promises and the empty rhetoric of 'fairness' and 'reasonableness'; 'truth and reconciliation'.
The westernization protocol of jewry is thus not jewry's alone but their hybridized druidic affiliates whose greater share of Teutonic and Celtic blood has enabled then to in many ways surpass their cousin with whom they are connected via their common genetico-spiritual inheritance of reptilian blood. The cunning of the jew, especially that of the sephardi of Levantine extraction however, surpasses that of their Anglo counterpart owing to their greater share of reptilian and neanderthal blood which predisposes them to possess this mentality and character.
It is a fair presumption that this nexus of Anglo-jewry constitutes the dialectical pageantry of their political praxis of 'good' versus 'evil'; 'order' versus 'chaos' and 'like versus darkness' with the jew playing the role of a rebellious child of his 'God' Jehovah the Demiurge (Satan) and the Anglo (christian) playing the role of the noble 'good white knight who attempts to 'put a stop' to the chaos the jew introduces as the anti-thetical moment in their dialectical game of manipulation.
This process of 'creative destruction' or 'the dialectic of Enlightenment' is the shining of the false light which obscures the vision of the sleeping Viryas who might, but for this theater of the real simulacra, wake up and defeat their jailers and exploiters. However, trapped in blindness by the constant flickering gas lights they must needs remain asleep at best groping blindly in darkness and being played as a pawn on the chessboard of the 'gamester's of the triskelion', the Druids and their 'chosen' affiliates, serving to create chaos as a mechanism of attaining their 'dominion mandate' over the world.
With the both participating in this dialectic of 'westernization' as the 'Western race' dyad (two sides of the same shekel of Jehovah's realm) they trap within their matrix system the insufficiently powerful who have become immersed in the lower density of their 'westernization', i.e. Satanization process, immersion of the captive Spirits in the Divine Mind or Demiurge for their phagocitization once their physical life expires. The Western race is the rusty saw that cuts down the nations and serves them for kindling in sacrifice to the Demiurge.