The Western Race: Its Past, Its Future
It is a question as to what will be the destiny or fate of ‘the West’ and that population which has formed its cultural superstructure, that being the British and the jews who have formed their thieves pact of 'good versus evil' within the sphere of the Demiurge, the yin (jewish) and yang (British), the feminine and masculine polarities that dynamically play off against each other and they serve as the ‘tension of development’ that strangles the world's population through its red tape and the chains of its defense forces and mind control apparati such as religion and the masses media.
The 'Western race' has caused much strife and hardship to many globally over the centuries and one might speculate, according to the Hindu conception, that it's karma necessitates its destruction tout court. However this is not a certainty and, owing to the 'good' it has done (relative to 'the world' and its development, along the lines of the evolutive process of the Demiurge) is something to consider that it be preserved.
This of course assumes the evolutive process of the Demiurge is 'good' however, which is as viewed only from the synarchy's perspective and from that of the pasu. There may be regardless some hope for the redemption of the 'Western race' which has certainly figured as the 'wicked witch of the West' on the stage of global political theater for millennia from Phoenicia and Çatalhöyük to Carthage and to northern France and Holland and to the Isles of Britain.
Thus it is a question of what the destiny of this race will be: ‘global dominion' according to its will and that of its master the Demiurge and His legions or to be eliminated, either through the disintegration process of miscegenation and/or via an overt slaughter through the legions of Other kinds, perhaps even the legions of Lucifer, the Wildes Heer of Wotan.