Third Position Foundations – Rooted in Bolshevism From The Start
Miguel Serrano collected works
Third Position Foundations – Rooted in Bolshevism From The Start
We’ve been seeing a lot of controlled opposition agents pushing this idea of Third Positionism as some kind of answer to the current predicament we find ourselves in. They claim this “Third Position” transcends both LeFt and Right. They stress that it is not anything close to Strasserism or Bolshevism, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
To gain a better understanding, let’s go back to the predecessor of Third Position ideology – the Strasser brothers. The Strasser Brothers, Gregor and Otto led a left-wing faction of the NSDAP. They advocated for a worker based anti-capitalist movement. Otto considered Stalinism a form of Russian National Socialism and even advocated for cooperation with the Soviet Union. Yes, he wanted to work with the same powers that would utterly destroy the German people years later. Otto also advocated for alliances with “anti-imperialist” powers such as China and India. The Strasser brothers were vehemently against Hitler’s alliance with industrialists, which led to clashes between the Strasser brothers and Hitler. Otto was later expelled from the NSDAP party and went on to form the Black Front.
After an unsuccessful attempt at subverting Hitler’s party, he lived in exile in various places such as Switzerland, France, and Bermuda. In 1930 Hitler removed Otto’s brother, Gregor Strasser, from his position as head of propaganda and Goebbels then took over. Gregor assumed the post of Vice-Chancellor is 1932 then resigned from politics. Gregor was later arrested and executed along with his faction of the NSDAP in a purge referred to as The Night Of The Long Knives. Other homosexual subversives such as Ernt Röhm were also executed during The Night Of The Long Knives. We have seen many people in the “pro White” movement push this idea of Strasserism. These types will idolize places like China and Russia while making claims about the Holodomor never happening. It’s simply jewish bolshevik subversion.
Next came Francis Parker Yockey. After being a Marxist in his youth, he later turned to Fascism influenced by the likes of Conservative Revolutionaries such as Haushofer. He advocated for a geopolitical alliance between Germany and The Soviet Union. Yockey was accused of being a spy during WWII, after he enlisted in the army despite opposing the US going to war with Germany. He was later honorably discharged following a mental breakdown in 1943. He applied for a position at the OSS (Office of Strategic Services – the prototype to the CIA) but was denied a job due to his pro NS sympathies. After the Germans lost WWII, Yockey continued to write about Fascism and became more involved in spreading this ideology. Many groups refused to work with Yockey since they suspected him of being a communist subversive. George Lincoln Rockwell even referred to him as a “neo-Strasserist” since Yockey was openly working with anti-Zionist Communists. Yockey considered the United States to be a “bastardized colony of Europe which had devolved from the influence of non-European minorities”
He correctly called out the jewish control over the U.S, but then went onto state that American Capitalism was more destructive than the Soviet Union and Soviet control was preferable to American domination of Europe. This is the classic Hegelian dialectic. Instead of pointing out that both were controlled by jews, he wants you to pick from two evils. Yockey even praised Soviet policy in Germany and wanted to collaborate with the Soviet military against the American forces that were occupying Germany. He details his plans for a Fascist superstate in his book, Imperium. This Fascist superstate he wanted did not care about racial homogeneity, but was more focused on class. This is why Fascism is completely antithetical to National Socialism, where racial homogeneity is paramount.
Yockey was able to enter Germany with documents that stated he was promoting a National Bolshevik movement. He then collaborated with ex-NS officers from the Socialist Reich Party. This was a Strasserist party founded by Otto Ernst Remer. They would call out the holocaust for being allied propaganda, which is true, but would not once ever criticize East Germany and the Soviet Union. Again, a classic limited hang out technique. Yockey’s associate, Otto Ernst Remer even received funding from the Soviets in the 1950’s. Yockey then traveled around Europe giving out copies of his book to fellow Fascists. He even gave a copy to degenerate “artist” and rabid misogynist, Julius Evola, who the New Right still idolizes to this day. Yockey then went on to work with Joseph McCarthy and various other “Anti-Communists” but many were not sympathetic to his National Bolshevik world view.
Yockey rejected nationalism and embraced the idea of a European Superstate. He was in support of pro-Soviet forces against American hegemony and “liberal democracy.” That sounds a lot like our old pal Aleksandr Dugin, now doesn’t it? Yockey is seen as a demi-God among Third Positonists. The reason for this is because Yockey was the predecessor to the New Right, and The Third Position. The New Right consisted of individuals such as Alain de Benoist, Jean-Francois Thiriart, and Aleksandr Dugin, who spoke out against “American Imperialism” and “economic liberalism”. Of course they would never mention who controls America and just about every other country in existence today. They of course would never go after the very powers that were funding their subversive activities, the international jewish banking cabal.
This quote from Thiriart highlights the Russian Imperialist goal of taking over Europe and extending the Soviet Union.
Jean-Francois Thiriart, like Yockey, was a leftist in his youth. He later joined the Association of the Friends of the German Reich and the National Legion, and even served in the Waffen-SS, for which he was imprisoned following WWII. I find it suspicious that this man wasn’t executed but many others were. Thiriart is responsible for advancing a philosophy known as Communitarianism. He claimed that this “transcended the Left and the Right.” Thiriart created the organization Jeunne Europe who’s goals was to create a “united Europe” which would be independent from the USA and USSR, but of course not independent from the stranglehold of international jewish bankers. That would go against their communist mission.
Thiriart then went on to advocate for a union between the Soviet Union and Europe. He hailed Che Guevara and Fidel Castro as “heroes” and even worked with Argentinian politician Juan Perón. He praised Ho Chi Minh’s struggle against America, not stating the obvious truth that America was controlled by jews, just as the Soviet Union and China were and still are. One of Thiriart’s followers, Renato Curcio, went onto form the Red Brigades which was a radical leftist organization from Italy. They were active in the 70’s and 80’s. Claudio Mutti, another follower of Thiriart, went on to form the Italian-Libyan Friendship Organization after Gadaffi came to power in Libya. He then went on to organize a “Nazi-Maoism” movement. Yes, they would praise Hitler and Mao at the same time, inducing cognitive dissonance in those who couldn’t see through the smoke and mirrors. It was simply jewish bolshevism being re-packaged. In the 90’s he formed an alliance with Aleksandr Dugin, the anti White, genocidal founder of the National Bolshevik party.
Alain de Benoist, who also came from the same ideological background as Yockey, has had a major influence on the New Right. He had been part of Jeune Europe as a teenager. As an adult he founded the GRECE (which stands for Groupement pour Recherches et Etudes pour la Civilisation Europeenne, or Research and Study Group for the European Civilization) which was inspired by the beliefs of the Italian Marxist theoretician, Antonio Gramsci. Benoist advocated for the theory of “metapolitics” which meant fighting an ideological war in order to influence mass culture and politics. GRECE would publish ideologues of National Bolshevism, such as Ernst Niekisch. Benoist believes that American Imperialism is far more dangerous than Communism. Again, not pointing out that the two are controlled by organized jewry. He wanted people to pick their own poison.
Benoist seems to have been the first “ethnopluralist,” with Jean-Marie Le Pen re-using this term later on. We’ve also seen the Fourth Political Theory Bolsheviks use this term as well. It really just means a world without White people.
These individuals set the groundwork for what is now being referred to as The Third Position ,which I will investigate further in coming segments. We will discuss the current “Pro Whites” who are nothing more than Bolsheviks using the Third Position to dupe eager people into working towards their own destruction. They want you to be confused with all of these different labels. The Fourth Political theory, Fascism, Radical Left, The Third Position are all just another name for Bolshevism. For more on Evola, Yockey, and Spengler’s subversive teachings read here. If you’d like to observe the Third Positionist Nazbols in their natural habitat, you can observe this twitter. They pretend to be against people like Jay Dyer and Fuentes, to create the illusion that they’re “fighting against them” when really they’re all anti-White Bolsheviks. Also, notice the cover photo that celebrates the Balkanizaiton of the U.S.A. Daddy Dugin will be proud.
Third Position – Unmasking The Bolshevik Agenda
This article will explore some of the more modern Third Position parties and how they pretend to be on our side, when they are really just masking their true allegiances.
Terza Posizione, an Italian Third Positionist party, was formed by ex members of the Evola-inspired Ordine Nuovo, Avanguarda Nazionale, and members of Mutti’s Lotta di Popolo. Terza Poiszione was also inspired by renowned degenerate, Julius Evola’s work. The group was suspected of committing a bombing at a train station in Bologna that killed 85 people and injured 200 others Roberto Fiore and Massimo Morsella, who were two prominent members of the group, fled to the UK. Fiore became acquainted with Nick Griffin and Derek Holland once in the UK, as well as members of the National Front, which had its own Third Positionist wing that was referred to as the Political Soldier wing. Due to rifts within the NF, Griffin and Holland broke away and formed their own organization called the Official National Front. They were known for praising people like Gaddafi, Ayatollah Khomeini and Louis Farakahn.
After another rift between leaders of the Official National Front, Griffin, Holland and Fiore would go on to form the International Third Position. Griffin left the ITP after further rifts between the leaders in 1990. He then joined the British National Party (BNP). He became the party head in 2014 after John Tyndall was expelled. Troy Southgate, another former member of the International Third Position, left the party and formed the National Anarchist, National Revolutionary Faction.
They use traditionally “left wing” related imagery and blend it with anarchist symbols. Troy is often pictured using chaos stars, “satanic” (talmudic) imagery, and he hangs out with orthodox jews.
Troy’s work has also been published by the National Bolshevik outlet Arktos, which pushes Dugin’s work to Western audiences.
Back in Italy the Movimento Sociale Italiano would rebrand itself into a more moderate conservative party, and from this came the Tricolour Flame. The Tricolour Flame is a Third positionist fascist party. A faction within the Tricolour Flame that was pro Fiore and pro Mussolini formed and split away to form Forza Nuova. They were once allied with the “far-right” Ukrainian party Svoboda, but later shifted towards a pro-Donbass/pro Russian party.
CasaPound is another Third Positionist party that was very similar to Forza Nuova. It was named after Ezra Pound. The members refer to themselves as “fascists of the new millennium”. CasaPound has run social centers in Italy. They are also affiliated with Sol.ID (Solidarites-Identites), which is an NGO that is active in Burma, Palestine, South Africa, Kosovo and Syria. CasaPound has invited Aleksandr Dugin to speak at their events and show their Bolshevik alliance quite clearly.
Many of these groups would call out the “immigration” problem and would often speak about jewish control and other such things, but they’re only doing that to attract people who see what is going on, luring them into a trap.
I’ve noticed that a lot of these controlled opposition agents will use the wolf’s angle rune. No, this rune is not inherently bad or evil, but these people are using it for a specific reason.
The Neo-Folk “artist” Boyd Rice was known for using this symbol.
I have covered Boyd Rice in past podcasts. It’s my opinion that he was a provocateur who used NS imagery to associate it with “satanic” imagery, and other dark things.
This picture in particular reminds me of the gang from A Clockwork Orange. Was this programming to get us associating “ultra-nationalism” with “ultra violence”.
According to Janusz Bugajski:
in its most extreme or developed forms, ultra-nationalism resembles fascism, marked by a xenophobic disdain of other nations, support for authoritarian political arrangements verging on totalitarianism, and a mythical emphasis on the ‘organic unity’ between a charismatic leader, an organizationally amorphous movement-type party, and the nation.”
It is this “fashy” aesthetic that was used by the controlled opposition agents of the alt right, although they dog whistled to National Socialist sympathies. In the coming installments of this series I will cover the World National Conservative Movement (WNCM), it’s attendees such as Nordfront, and how such groups are making alliances and taking donations from Russian Imperialist movements, while duping their followers into thinking they’re National Socialists that want to preserve their culture.
Nordfront members meet with the Russian Imperial Movement, who would later have them come to Russia to engage in military training.
I don't 'hang out' with Orthodox Jews at all. I merely invited a rabbi from the anti-Zionist organisation, Neturei Karta, to speak at one of my meetings. He himself was beaten up by Zionist Jews in Manchester, and had his windows broken and his family terrorised. I've written a book on Jewish mysticism, too, which is also anti-Zionist in its attitude towards the direction taken by modern Judaism. Regarding Arktos, your statement is misleading because they published just one of my books and long before they began publishing Dugin (someone I oppose).