False Light of Shamballah https://annas-archive.org/md5/a170d5215ef31f5db537a921fbcfdb54
The Will of the Demiurge, the creation, the manifestation of the monads and archetypes (the latter meant in the psychoidal sense as expounded by Nimrod de Rosario in his work "Fundamentals of the Hyperboreans Wisdom")-this process, in actuality uniform, is what may be considered occurring 'in time' or temporality and 'the will' being Time itself, or 'Time-flow'.
The outgoing breath of Brahma is this exhalation of the halitosis Ruach Elohim of Jehovah-Satan the flow of increasing density which drags down all of the higher forms into the penitentiary of matter as 'substance', the crystallization of the light into ever decreasing states of Time-flow, a gradual and inexorable deceleration over the yugas and (maha) manvantara.
Thus Time-flow is an ever increasing state of gravity perhaps it may be expressed as, an increase of density of substance rendering the higher beings captive in the substantial shells of the aether which form around them and which serve as their prison leading to their finitude and ultimate destruction being absorbed into the Demiurge as food digested in His ubiquitous cosmic digestive tract, assimilated into His Being.
Time-flow is the existential mode of the Demiurge which may also be equated with 'becoming' whose trajectory from the transcendent celestial spheres is immanence and the crystallization of forms of higher states of subtlety into lower and the deceleration of their microcosmal Time-flow.
This is the influence of Jehovah-Satan which may be called 'being-unto-death' as the existential modality of entities subject to his temporalization (Time-flow) and what Kierkegaard called "the sickness unto death". Trapped within time, within the lower density of the Demiurge's essence the captive souls and other entities are subject to the entropy of their being, becoming evermore absorbed and bound to 'The One' through failure to exceed the lower states of being that are a result of the influence of Jehovah.
This applies especially to the 'pasu' or beast-man whose state of being exist in resonance with nature, the creation of 'The One' and to more readily fuse with nature and by extension the Demiurge though not only a sympathetic resonance but through a failure to have accelerated their state of being, the vortextual spin of the nucleus of their being, failing to transform themselves into a black hole and to escape the prison of the Demiurge.
The synarchy who administers affairs on earth 'as in heaven', as below so above, endeavors to reduce all to a state of lowest density of Time-flow so that they may be more effectively bound to the matricized prison of this world. Dragged down into the abyss through the influence of myriad causes which debase and degenerate their being, they become a 'docile body' or captive pawn more easily ensnared in the clutches of the cosmic vampire and his hierarchy.
Through the creation of technology; processes; institutions and intangible systems of coercion the synarchy reduces the state of being of their cattle to that of bovine animals subject to the electroshock of cattle prods should they step the slightest bit out of line. The technology of A.I which works synergistically with the spy grid (cameras; satellites-the panopticon of Zion pervading the earth) enables the synarchy to better subject the captive spirits to their micromanagement and standardization, classically conditioning their slaves to conform to the 'concensus gentium' (' gynecocratic norm' rather as the state is more akin to big sister than big brother).
Perpetual spying both through the technology and by the zombie agents and their overlords enables the total control of the lower aspects of the captive Spirits and purports to drag into the abyss (the maw of the Demiurge) the Spirits as well.
The matrix of Zion is built upon the will of 'God', a.k.a. Jehovah-Satan and this 'Will' is the temporalization of the Eternal planes (which are not at their level of being affected by which are rendered increasingly inaccessible as 'time marches on' its inexorable path towards finitude and death.
This system is the administrator of His will and thus is based upon factors of entropy (processes; institutions, tangible and intangible systems conducive to the deceleration of Time-flow or the increase of entropy within the closed system of Demiurgic Time-flow, the cosmic egg).
The processes of deceleration span the entire spectrum of worldly life and are established to keep the Spirits within their soul-body cells and within the larger aetheric prison. The creation of fear; pain; anger; lust and other emotional (by definition 'soulish') states through the system can be seen in the economic system (wage slavery; the worst work; the 'demonic nature of the economy' in Evola's words; usury and debt; poverty and the subsistence wage; dependency on employment as conditio sine qua non of existence else homelessness; starvation; deprivation of basic needs, etc.).
The political system (the endless warmongering and uncertainty of trustworthiness of politicians within the democratic 'hypo-cratia' shell game dialectic of 'right' versus 'left' divide and conquer strategy; the illusion of power vested in, by and for 'the people'; the treason of political whores in replacing their own populations with more easily exploitable slaves);
Religio-ideological system (the pain and suffering resulting from the mental confusion of the priest caste parasites, the implementers of the 'strategic confusion' of the cabal which has and continues to distort and pervert Truth to suit its personal ends);
The 'medical' system (which is an inversion of health causing untold misery and hardship to the population)-as with everything related to the system of the Demiurge it is a violation of the Uncreated Spirit and of the captive Spirits trapped on the earth plane.
The system is inherently violent as it is a violation by definition of Eternity and Truth (at least to the extent it can affect that just got itself) and serves to keep the captive Spirits rolling around in the wheel of incarnation through subjecting them to its time-flow 'temporalization' or slowing down or their vital forces, crystallizing in matter their Spirit and facilitating its vampirization by Jehovah-Satan.
What purports to be 'spiritual' on the earth is itself an inverted system designed to decelerate the vitality of the captive Spirits, binding them to the soul through emotional attachment and disengaging them from the higher principles of their being, the 'Selbst' or True Self; the Spirit, 'gravis archetype' in the words of Nimrod de Rosario.
The plaintive cries of the crucified semite Rabbi Yeshua do not echo in Eternity but rather within the spatiotemporal prison of the Demiurge and serve as sonic weapons to bind the captive Spirits to their soul, the iron maiden prison of aetheric density which serves to drag them into the abyss.
jesus the Satan spawn, plasmation of Jehovah-Satan, the avatar-Manu emanation of 'The One' intervening on the earth to perpetuate His slave prison with the pathos and irrationalism of His sons' siren call of the 'gospel' (god-spell).
The masses must 'be-li[v]e'; 'be-lie-ve' else hellfire and brimstone are threatening to tear down the 'lost sheep' of the Shepherd Kings. The entire pageantry and pathos of religiosity as institution centers around deceit and the image of the siren beguiling Ulysses is appropriate though not in the form of a lustful maiden but rather the 'temptation of the christ' of the false Paracletos and Parousia of his 'love-wisdom' emanations, serving to conjure up a soulish state of slavery and in proportion to decelerate the higher state of acceleration of the Spirit, rendering the cold stone of the immortal heated with the 'passion of the christ', the ultimate instance of 'the great deception' of Jehovah-Satan and His chosen people of Malkuth.
Acceleration of 'Time flow' is what the synarchy seeks to oppose as their motive is to maintain the captivity of the souls within their soul-body prisons and the acceleration of 'Time-flow', the counter-current against the transcendent Time of the Will of Jehovah-Satan, is the key to break out of the prison.
The immanent Time of the microcosm of the entity called 'human' is a contingent thing of promise, a lucky chance full of meaning, the wound window through which an escape may be had from this state of lower density. Immanent Time is a condition of the being (dasein) and dasein is subject to the will of the Demiurge or independent (relatively autonomous) in relation thereto depending on the particular type in question: the awakened Virya (hero); the asleep Virya; the traitor and the pasu beast-man. Each type is subject to Time-flow in a different way through their own willfulness or laxity of will depending on the state of the being in question. They both determine themselves and are determined in turn by the influence of the will of Jehovah-Satan.
The dasein or being (entity; entelechy) in his condition thus may be against Time (the awakened the virya; Berserker Siddha or Hyperboreans Pontiff) which entails a recognition of the enemy namely 'the world' of the creation and 'The One' as an antagonistic influence. This recognition is one of aversion or an unsettled state of consciousness, a recognition of the negative influence of 'the world' and 'The One' and a sense of 'homelessness' in the sense of Novalis, a sense of displacement or alienation from one's authentic being while 'being in the world'.
Should the awakened Virya find adequate means (noological) to orient themselves towards the symbol of the Origin they may then transmute themselves to a yet higher condition, to a state of readiness to act and this against the foe as a 'fundamental hostility' towards the world and the creator of matter with all of its entailment of perishable and transient entities, their pain and suffering, generation and corruption.
Thereby the awakened Virya transmutes himself into a Berserker siddha, a 'warrior monk' who actively engages in the 'Valplads' (battlefield) of the mundane plane and within the higher realms of the emiurge (the astral) in a 'war everlasting' against the enemy and His horde (who would trap the captive Spirits in his plasmated substance and vampirize their life force).
The dasein of the asleep Virya is not subject to the same acceleration of vital forces as a Berserker and indeed even the awakened Virya who himself has not attained the Berserker fury of hostility of the transcendental state of the Berserker Siddha. The asleep Virya is in a state of passive inertia simply 'going with the flow' of the Demiurge and thereby 'going the way of all flesh', allowing the phagocitization of his Spirit by Jehovah-Satan.
The lack of willpower that accelerates Time-flow is the cause of the 'down-going' of the asleep Virya. Hence in order for him to wake up he must increase his willpower as means of increasing will-to-power and this in order to intuitively apperceive that his nature is 'not of this world', not 'fused to nature' or the natural order and thereby that he is 'a stranger in a strange land' and that he must therefore seek a way out and this through the 'triumph of the Will', through an acceleration of his imminent time of the condition of his microcosmal nature within the prison of this world. This motivation implies struggle as his life entails combat- 'All life is struggle' as Adolf Hitler said.
Lastly the pasu or beast-man trapped in Time as a condition which cannot transcend the Time-flow of the Demiurge and therefore is a being of a fatalistic constitution, one wholly determined from without as having no self-determination from within and therefore a 'docile body'.
Assuming the beast-man has a Spirit at all his Spirit is locked within the iron maiden of the Demiurge and constitutes the receptacle of bio-energy upon which the Demiurge feeds as a battery with a finite lifespan they did for destruction. Such is the state of they who have found themselves with 'fervent prayers' and inextricably to 'The One' by way of religious fanaticism, putting themselves into an emotional state as a habitual condition disengaged from the nucleus of their being, their perceptions and trajectory of thought focused on that outside of themselves.
Lastly the traitor Siddha, the synarchic initiate who has pursued what he believes to be 'gnosis' within the system of the hierarchy, their 'orders' (crucibles of chaos, the forces destructive of the Spirit) or rather the orders which implement the order of the Demiurge-these he entangles himself within in hopes he may gain power for himself-whether for the sincere or self deceiving motive of helping humanity, etc. or any other motive he has subjected himself to Time even as he believes he has transcended Time when he is simply fused with 'The One' in samadhi and lost the autonomy of his Spirit.
Through the rites and rituals he undergoes he binds himself with entities which are hypostases of 'The One' and becomes consumed by them, taken over or usurped as a soul-body complex and enables the entity to bind to him thereby possessing him and rendering him a 'cambion', a zombie.
The synarchic initiatic process is designed to create sympathetic resonance with 'The One' and structure the consciousness of the traitor Siddha to operate on the same wavelength as a hierarchy thereby negating his autonomy, assimilating him within the hive mind and subjecting him (the Selbst) to phagocitization (vampirization; cannibalism).
The traitor Siddha thus betrays himself in the end and this is the inevitable outcome of his treason, namely the betrayal of himself through sacrificing his own Spirit (Selbst) to 'The One' and enabling his own down-going. At least the pasu has an excuse but the traitor as much less of one though he too may be deceived by the culture distortors and perhaps this is the usual case.
The synarchy has distorted and twisted unrecognizably out of shape the Hyperborean wisdom which it fears as the greatest threat to its power and thus to discover the path of Truth, of the Uncreated Light within the mutable raise in a false light is difficult at best under the current conditions of lowest density of the Kali Yuga.
The path towards the Origin (Truth; Eternity) can be found only through an acceleration of one's own inner forces to the point of the state of being bracketed off from the transience of the world' creating a space in which to situate oneself with the Virgin of Agartha as Odin on air throne (Hlidskjalf), viewing the world with transcendental apperception, even as he embarks upon campaign in the Valplads as a Berserker Siddha. The loyal Virya transmuted into a Berserker Siddha alone can occupy the summit in Asgard even as he opposes the down going of the captive Spirits.