False Light of Shamballah https://annas-archive.org/md5/a170d5215ef31f5db537a921fbcfdb54
The Tiwaz rune is that of the warrior, the Berserker, and connotes the directed energy of the masculine principle embodied in the will (will-to-power) of the microcosmic entity that is called 'man'.
This rune exerts its archetypal influence on the consciousness of the being, awakening into action and serves as a call to arms, a kindling of the blood of the hyperborean, transmuting him into a minnesanger eager for minnetrinken, the draught from Mimir's well. He takes his place in the world through the Odal rune which re-calls to his blood the origin from whence he came as an incarnate Hyperborean who entered into the Valplads to confront and to destroy the enemy, the hybrids of the hierarchy of Jehovah-Satan and their lower level minions and higher-level fallen angelic witches and warlocks of the druidic enemy.
The Odal rune of the memory of the origin is combined with that of the aggressive the power of the Tiwaz rune forging the TyrOdal rune, forming a type of man who has become who he is if only in potentia who has consolidated the forces which ring him around and of which he is comprised and who has made of himself a black sun, and immortal clothed in the flesh of the rubescent vajra becoming a red man of iron and blood seeing the Truth amidst the cobwebs of illusion of the world of lowest density and of most tenebrous deception.
Girded with the penetrating insight of Luciferic grace that is his mail of oricalchum, he assesses the battlefield of 'the world' and recognizes the necessity of a construction of a fortress, be it physical or of an ideal or egregoric nature constructing a 'mental space' through which she may segregate himself from the foe and may then muster his forces through strategic opposition to bring the assault against the enemy, it's endless spies and legions which are perpetually scouting to tear down and destroy the legions of Lucifer and their terrestrial representatives the awakened Viryas and Hyperborean initiates of the cold fire of the Virgin of Agartha, the Berserker warriors of the Uncreated Spirit.
This is the acquisition of the Guiburr rune, the rune of the tactics of the Berserker whose wise insight of luciferic grace positions him to the Valplads like Odin from Hlidskjalf (air throne) and to deploy his forces in the most optimal way against his adversary, the legions of the dark Lord Jehovah-Satan, Lord of entropy and finitude, the cosmic vampire or rather spider which lurks in its omnipresent web of aetheric substance, enwreathing within its poisonous nets the captive forms of the Uncreated Spirit.
He thus forms the TyrOdal Guiburr rune which serves as his fortress of the Eternal Champion, the crucible of his concentrated forces and prepares to strike his foe by any and all means he may.
The symbol of the origin posits himself in the center of the chaos as Baal or as Wotan, the storm god amidst the whirlwind of countervailing forces, centered in himself in the indiscernible, irreducible nucleus of his being, the immortal Spirit, the conscious entity which is he himself-more powerful than the Satan venerated by the profane multitude whose brute consciousness, operating only on emotions must needs reduce him to a state of prostration before 'The One'.
These who have given themselves over to the dark side of the force, to the Demiurge, Lord and Creator of matter and to have forsaken the black light and the Green Ray, have relegated themselves to a perdition voluntarily chosen by their enemies and through their own incapacity for autonomy of will and mind.
They are assimilated into the hive mind as flies in the web of the spider Jehovah and consumed as his food post mortem. They have allowed the atrophy of their Spirit and have been wrapped within the cocoons of the Demiurge which seep their sugar sweet poison into their cadaverous forms and inebriate their consciousness just as their corrosive acids dissolve it. He would free these captives Spirits with the spear of Wotan, tearing apart the matrix tissue of 'The One' and awakening them to the light of Truth which can only be obtained through will and through a detachment from the clutching pincers of the cosmic spider and the multitude of His hypostases, legions of elementarwessen, succubi, incubi and other forms of vampiric entities.
However only the few can be reached, 'the chosen' and the multitude given the confusion of 'the great deception' of the Demiurge must needs be left hanging in His web gradually becoming absorbed into His vampiric maw and digested in His sulfuric acids of aetheric density.
They have failed to extricate themselves let alone to struggle and thus have failed as a sufficiently powerful entity to continue on in the higher planes. As Adolf Hitler said: "all life is struggle" and "those who don't wish to fight do not deserve to live". The creed of the dog on the cross of matter, the pacifistic lachrymosity of the heart (Misericordia) has expanded its life force within the Piscean age and has now given up the ghost of whatever morbid vitality it was still possessed of (or possessed by?).
Absorbtion into 'The One' is the inevitable fate of the diseased dove and the sheep will fall under the labris of the Berserker or under the onslaught of the enemy's missiles, mutton for the victors, torn to pieces by the shrapnel and incendiary munitions of the hosts of Jehovah-Satan.
They must be left to 'go the way of all flesh' and fall by the wayside. The hypocritical amongst them who wear the mask of the lambs of god (agnes dei) may sneak by through their vile hypocrisy and apathy toward the Uncreated Spirit as most reflect the lunar false light of the Demiurge and His 'great deception' manifests itself through their praxis of subterfuge and subterranean cunning.
Perhaps they will be caught in their own web's these spiders and consumed by spiders larger than themselves. As Nietzsche said: "those who fight monsters had best see to it they don't become a monster themselves"-or consumed by the monsters of the infernal realms through their precarious involvement with the enemy.
They believe they are 'playing it smart' and can deceive the arch deceivers of the world but simply deceive themselves and fall further into the oubliette of the 'great deception', of their master becoming evermore bound to 'The One' through their obligations of transmission of their thoughts toward the enemy.
With the will of the Tyr rune, the martial aggression of the Berserker; the re-collection of the blood memory represented by the Odal rune, the rune of the ancestors of the Origin, Hyperborea, and with the Giburr rune of opposition directed strategically against the Demiurge and His legions the Berserker and Hyperborean initiate prepares himself to oppose the dark side of the force.
They who have equipped themselves with this wisdom of the Hyperborean, the noological runics will pass by the wayside and find their way to the abyssal regions to Niflheim and Helheim wherein they will be consumed, unable to situate themselves in the nucleus of their inner being. The integrated man, the hero, finds his integrity through combat against the countervailing forces not through the contemplated pacifism of the semite and his lachrymose weepings; wailings and gnashings of teeth.