False Light of Shamballah https://annas-archive.org/md5/a170d5215ef31f5db537a921fbcfdb54
The transcendent modality of consciousness of the Hyperborean is that which posits him above the seven heavens, past the ring pass not of Kronos and in the sphere of the Ogdoad, that of Eternity beyond the spatio-temporality of the Demiurge. The Hyperborean, however unlike the devious priests of the synarchy of Chang Shambala, does not aspire or purport to be merely 'above it all' and to dwell in imminence in a state or passive contemplation while involved in their sinister rites of black magic but rather chooses as his chosen destiny the Path of the warrior who dwells within the world is not only not of the world (the boastful claim of the synarchic priest and the christian) but against the world as an active participant and combat within the world of the Demiurge to actively oppose His system of enslavement.
This is the character of the 'Uranian' in the terminology of Julius Evola, which is simultaneously the character of the Hyperborean initiate, the transcendent 'man of heaven' in the words of taoism.
The constant flux of entities that constitute the transience of becoming is the presence of the Demiurge, the Hyperborean confronts and it serves as the 'manifestation' of the Divine Will of oppositional forces which seek to destroy the hero who has chosen his path of Being amidst becoming.
His goal is to overcome the antagonistic forces and to retain his inner being unscathed while defeating the influence of these forces on they who may be awakened and liberated through their own acceptance of the proffered weapon against the foe.
The legions of Lucifer increase in number as the cycles of Time spiral downward toward the night of Brahma, the absorption of the entities generated as so much excreta by the Demiurge into Himself, His self-phagocitization, the Fenrir wolf Jehovah swallowing himself through His own fateful trieb, His existence of manifestation and self-nihilation, the bellows of Satan, 'divine' (or rather diabolic) respiration, inspiration and expiration to begin again with the new cycle.
The cosmic windbag Yahweh-Satan, the Lord of matter/substance whose violent excretions of entities constitute the panorama gestalten is static of the contemplation of the synarchic priest caste be they monotheistic occultist-or mundane scientist. The earthbound souls play about in their identity garden as so many agnes dei ('lambs of god') consuming and excreting each other in their absurd cyclicity of generation and corruption, cycling around in the Kalachakra wheel.
The transcendent Lucifer enters into 'the world' in order to dispatch the world in its crystallized and feeding light, the Crystal Palace of Zion, harboring within it the black magicians of Shambala who would trap within all the captives Spirits and feed off their vital luminescence, telluric vampires of the light of the Uncreated Realm of Hyperborea, the ghouls of the false light of the dark forces of Jehovah-Satan.
The cycles of birth and death hold no power over the Hyperborean Spirits who have incarnated in the flesh to fulfill their self-chosen duty and destiny of combat against the foe. The flesh bodies developed through the incarnating Spirits descended to matter is the vehicle he or she utilizes in order to effectively dismantle the system from within.
The 'laws' of the system (Talmudic; Noahide; common or international maritime law) are mere bands which restrict and restrain captive Spirits and the awakened Virya or 'hero' who recognizes their superfluity and injustice must needs seek to tear down and sever the bonds which serve merely to trap within the matrix its captives and to coerce compliance with the 'will of the sovereign power', to enable the system and its apparatchiks and wire pullers to drain away the vital force of their captives through stress and toil (the subsistence wage; poverty consciousness; death; austerity).
Voluntary poverty within the world though not necessarily a poverty visible to one's peer group. Indeed once you have no friends beyond 'peers', that is to say beyond affiliates necessary to perform his role in the battlefield of the matrix. He should find Kameraden and not friends for his consciousness orients itself around the transcendent telos of his incarnation, his destiny being bound up therewith and all emotional ties and other relations are either a distraction and time waste or at worst a dangerous deviation from his fundamental project of strategic opposition.
To debase himself and lower his state of being to the level of the soul, involving himself in soulish emotionalism, is the inevitable consequence of friendship and, accordingly, he avoids the cultivation of friendship following the path of utility and higher objectives, that being the liberation of the Spirits of the Hyperborean and hybrids trapped within the prison of the soul.
As the Wolfangel rune he employs the cold steel blades rotating leftwards to sever the carapace of the soul which confines him within the lower states of being, in the amniotic fluid of infantile attachment to the matrix womb of his down going.
The Wolf angle is the Berserker rune which the antagonist employs as a strategy to destroy his attachment to the world of transient becoming, the cold steel blades tearing apart the cocoon of the aetheric webs of the Satanic cosmic spider Yahweh which have been woven around the Spirit, trapping it within the world of the creation of matter.
The Berserker thus is the very embodiment of the 'man of heaven', only by virtue of his embodiment fulfilling his purpose within the world, not, as a 'Jesus figure' or similar messianic figure, to preach any pusillanimous gospel (god-spell) of Demiurgic drivel saturated with saccharine emotionalism, the lacrimosity of Mary Magdalene, but rather is a servant of the Virgin of Agartha, the Uncreated Spirit, incarnating on earth to tear apart the bands which circumscribe the captives on the earth plane and only those who are willing and able to resist their own phagocitization by the Demiurge Jehovah.
Those who cling to their shepherds of the order of melchizedek and indeed these shepherds themselves the Berserker sees only as enemies, as the bearers of the false light of 'the christ', the 'love-wisdom' of the great deception of Jehovah-Satan, the guile full trap of lachrymose emotion and the plucking of heartstrings which serve to trap within the world the captive Spirits becoming ever more tightly bound to the soul and more of a source of vital energy for the synarchy to vampirize.
These the Berserker recognizes as having no redemption contrary to the 'glad tidings' of the plaintive weepings of the christ, Yeshua the Rabbi of Galilee, the archetypal manifestation of the mind of Jehovah-Satan. He has not but contempt for the 'good news' of the 'New Jerusalem', city of peace and simultaneously city of perdition, of the extinction of the Spirit through its absorption in matter absorbed and digested in the belly of the beast.
Now he has no regard but utter disdain for the creeping semite and his plaintive cries of: "Oi! Oi! Oi!". He spurns then these 'meek sheep' administers his forces both within and without to engage in the Ragnarok, the true holy war of the RaHoWa ('racial holy war') between the emissaries of the blood of Hyperboreans and they of the realm of aetheria, of 'The One', the creator of entropy and death Jehovah-Satan. Through the Berserker the black light of Agartha shines forth and confronts the enemy in his treachery and deceit.