Miguel Serrano collected works https://archive.org/details/miguel-serrano_202312
by Miguel Serrano
as translated by Adel Souto
In the fifth century of the arrival of Colon.
For the celebration of 500 years of what is called the "Discovery of America", I was invited to participate in the First Encounter International " Health, History and Culture", which had been fulfilled in Quito, Ecuador.
It was requested of me to develop on the themes of "The Rescue of the Identity of America " and "Pre-Inca History and the Significance of Tiahuanacu".
I wrote the following work , and now I print this little booklet, to which I dedicate to Hermann Wirth , author of the monumental work , The Dawn of Humanity, founder of the Ahnenerbe 11>. an Institute of Investigations, which was very special to Hitler's SS, the pastor Jurgen Spanuth (2). who has risked everything in the revindication of the Hyperborean World , and the French anthropologist who established himself in Argentina , Professor Jacques de Mahieu 13>. masterful and meticulous investigator of our native America - of the White Gods.
These three heroes of historic investigation are presently the grandest of Revisionists , who by misfortune are little known, because the Grand Conspiracy does everything possible to ignore them.
I personally got to know these three investigators , and it has been an honor for me to shake their hands.
To them I dedicate this work , and, especially , to my grand friend and comrade Jacques de Mahieu, with all my affection and admiration , without limits, so that my memory can reach him where he now finds himself , after having navigated the dark waters of this world.
The Ahnenerbe was a Nazi German think tank that promoted itself as a "study society for Intellectual Ancient History", and was founded in 1935 by Heinrich Himmler,
Herman Wirth, and Richard Walther Darre
JOrgen Spanuth (1907 - 1998) was a German writer and Christian minister, and is most known for his work , Atlantis of the North.
Jacques de Mahieu (1915 - 1990) was a French professor of anthropological studies, who lived most of his life in Argentina.
In the Old-New World
This celestial body, or better said, this area, or infinitely small point lost in the visible Universe, in which we today live on, is a mystery for present-day man; although present-day man has lost the capacity to comprehend , to sense it as a mystery. The men of antiquity knew this, and lived it; at least the more ancient men, those who were almost first about this planet. And they remembered better than we do, and those of post-antiquity. Those men of the unpolished stone - those who lifted the great circular megaliths, the dolmens and menhirs. Later, everything begins to darken. In fact , where one senses it most, where one experiences the mysteries is in this very area , the land called South America , in the channels and mountain tops of the Andes , in the lost valleys , the low lands, even the Antarctic.
I decided to present a massive work , documenting many references to our entire world, of that which has remained hidden from official history and today culminates in the celebration of Quinto Centenario (Five Centuries) proclaiming the "Discovery of the Americas " . This is all a farce , believed by even those who sustain it, by promoting ignorance going back more than five hundred years.
Five centuries; where some have systematically tried to erase any trace of the truth , building upon a lie, which a millennial Conspiracy hides the transcendence of an immense origin, other-worldly , in which it submerged in a catastrophe of pre-history, whose fragments and tracks are left only in myths and collected legends of men who lived in Hyperborea, in Atlantis , in Lemuria, and in Gondwana. Legends and myths, which have survived throughout the land of the Andes Mountains, though Semites arrived with their Semitic religion, whose sole and firm purpose is to destroy all traces or tracks of another.
I ask for apologies because I will not turn in, as they like to say these days, a "documented" or "scientific" work simply
because I have not had enough time to realize it all, and having to prepare it all in a hurry. Instead, I have decided to carry out , with Ecuador - a country I have always loved - so closely linked with mine, and for being a magical area of the Andes , which have represented fundamental impulses in our own scarce history during these fateful five-hundred years.
The Hyperboreans
There is nothing more insipid, nor more false, than official history. All of it was built upon spurious dates - rewritten. This history has been named "scientific" by its own community . And, there are those who will not tow the company line, and they are discredited as being "unscientific", "not serious" or simply striking it up to our own "imagination" - setting us in the margins of "academic science"! These things have happened to, say, the German pastor Jurgen Spanuth, and among others, French archeologist and investigator (now living in Argentina) Jacques de Mahieu.
What weighs most heavily is in which of these schools can one truly describe their type of investigations as "scientific", when have both studied concrete dates of excavations , graffiti, skeletal remains, mummies, petroglyphs and pottery .
I knew many of these archeologists and investigators personally , and with the professor De Mahieu I maintained an important correspondence with until his death.
I support Spanuth in that Plato's Atlantis 111 is actually Hyperborea, an island continent , in the vicinity of the North Pole. where today appears Helgeland 121. The capitol was once Basileia, or Abalus. It has since disappeared in a grand catastrophe, the same related in the Oera-Linda Book 131, translated and divulged by professor Hermann Wirth, founder of the German SS Institute of Special Investigations . known as the Ahnenerbe , whom I also knew some years before his death.
From the North Pole came the Hyperboreans , in successive waves, opening like a fan out as far as the Gobi dessert. where they founded a grand civilization , whose remains have been investigated by professor Wirth in Siberia. To this I also refer anyone to Tilak 1•1, the political and philosophical Hindu. and his important book, Artie Home in the
Vedas, which states that in the Vedic scriptures you can find the Aryans, which conquered India, or Baharatha , the Land of the "Giant Baharathas", the giants who came from the Artie. Mohenjo-daro and Jarapa 1s1, as old as seven thousand years, are actually later Hyperborean settlements. In another extreme , the advance of the Hyperboreans descended into Africa, much earlier than Spanuth realized, although he reaffirms that the struggle between the invaders and the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II is much the same as "the struggle between relatives, similar to the Germans and the English during World War 11." What we are saying is that the first dynasties of Egypt where white men, from the Indus Valley , as the Count of Gobineau 1•1 assures us. White, like the Inca dynasties , up until the impostor Atahualpa 171.
These detectives, men of science, all had strange destinies: Wirth , Spanuth and De Mahieu. They follow a line, and followed it quickly and firmly, where there are no landmarks amongst unsettled sands, but many magic mirrors, which they were not looking for. Either turning away , or facing an ambient enemy, which tries to combat them or annihilate them. Such is the " black cloud" of the Grand Conspiracy against real history. Thor Heyerdahl 1a1 knew enough to write down all of his early findings on the Isle of Pascua , transforming him into a well-known and prestigious investigator, at least making him a little money. On the contrary with professor Wirth, as well as with pastor Spanuth. When the Germans had lost the Third Reich, their investigations were interrupted, and all pertinent information was lost. Jacques de Mahieu died poor, without any official recognition, nor even a position or chair at the University of Argentina , where he dedicated much of his later life.
But the great De Mahieu continued that strange and mysterious path in front of him, without fear, until the end. Like a good soldier with his sword in his hand, opening pathway after pathway, his solitary force and form finally gave way. It was in this way that, in his final days, he confided in me that "the Viking Tiahuanacu , was only a reconstruction of another
Tiahuanacu, even more ancient." De Mahieu found stones bearing pre-runic symbols, sustaining the belief that the aborigine Comechingones, of the Argentinian Cordoba Sierras, were the last of the Trojans, which escaped Troy and never returned. The Trojans being descendants of the Hyperboreans, came from the North Pole.
What we are relating here is tremendously ancient. Europe has lost its memory with the advent of Christianity. Plato proves this, as he is the only one who speaks of Atlantis, or should I say, he is the only one who has seen behind the intentional veil placed there by the arsonists of the Library of Alexandria. Until the end, without doubts, he believed that the Grand Conspiracy had done the same to Egypt.
Another believed this as well. The navigator, and alchemist, Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa 191, man of tragic destiny. In his History of the Incas, he reported knowledge of great importance, which has served as inspiration and guide to De Mahieu's path. As well as mine, fundamentally.
The first known mention of Atlantis is in Plato's dialogues Timaeus and Critias (circa 360 B.C.E.). In them he claims the politician Critias was told the story of Atlantis by Athenian philosopher and statesman Solon (638 B.C.E. -
558 B.C.E.), who, in turn, claims to have heard the story from Egyptian priests.
Heligoland is a small German archipelago in the North Sea.
The Oera-Linda Book is a controversial Frisian manuscript covering historical, mythological, and religious themes that first came to light in 1867. Modern linguistic analysis argues that the book is a hoax.
Bal Gangadhar Tilak (1856 - 1920), was an Indian nationalist, teacher, social reformer and independence fighter who was the first popular leader of the Indian Independence Movement
Mohenjo-daro (meaning "Mound of the Dead") and Jarapa were two of the largest settlements of the Indus Valley Civilization in Pakistan.
Joseph Arthur Comte de Gobineau (1816 - 1882) was a French Count and writer, best known for his racialist theory of the Aryan master race in his 1855 book, An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races
Atahualpa (1497 - 1533) was the last sovereign emperor of the Inca Empire
Thor Heyerdahl (1914 - 2002) was a Norwegian ethnographer and adventurer, who was best known for his Kon-Tiki expedition, in which he sailed 4,300 miles (8,000 km) by raft from South America to the Tuamotu Islands.
Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa (1532 - 1592) was a Spanish explorer, author, historian, astronomer, and scientist
The Land of the White Men
Our "historical memory", for lack of a better term, no longer soars to the thoughts of Vikings, those extraordinary men of the North, who, beside other immense things, have given the name to today's Russia. Rus, "remeros" <'l. as the Mongols, the Khazars and the Slavs would call them; that is to say, those who descend rowing down the Volga (2J. conquering up to the grand steppes. In all parts they lost themselves, like sand in the largest of rivers, and in the ocean. In the ocean of the races of color. Except for one point, in our South America, where the Inca Empire is preserved, as a divine race, solar, of Gods of the Sun, in an Empire based in the purity of blood of their rulers, and in an ethnological science, shown and maintained by the godi 1J1, the amautas <•>. their "Gothic" priests (of Gott, God and "Good God", Gui): the Sons of the Sun.
I say, that only up to them does our historical memory reach, because it is up to there where runic footprints persist , and stone monuments, which could be attributed to them. Because there is also a Viking contribution , which indicates to us their existence in America , on this dual continent , of the north and of the south - of which we call them today - of something previous, which existed here, and perhaps, causing the Vikings to arrive. They called America , Huitramannaland "Land of White Men". Meaning to say , before them, there were already white men on this continent; more so, that it was the Land of the Whites And these could not have been anything more than the Hyperboreans, those who De Mahieu has also found signs of in the furthest south.
Quetzalcoatl was a Viking in Mexico, Viracocha was one in Tiahuanacu. He arrived here, in Tiahuanacu , around the year 1000 C.E., looking for Danish or Noric philological roots, meaning to say, the "Residence of God" Before this , it was called Chucara. They assembled in the isle of Lake Titicaca ,
of khakha - "blonde" in Aymara 101 - and caeca in Quechua Lake of the ti: blondes. Viracocha is a German name, or Norse, a compound of verr (latin vir, meaning "man"), an indigenous deformation of Gott, God in German. Verr-Gott, Man-God.
The Vikings of Tiahuanacu are called Atumaruna by the colored peoples of the region; seeming similar to "white", and also to "giant", derived from the Norse, yotun. Giant whites. And, although, the Vikings loved the Sun, the particle ati (Moon) could refer to a very ancient time, of the Giants of the Moon, who, at the destruction of the Ancient Sun, submerged into the mountains, or the interior land, some of which survived, and looked for refuge in the mountain ranges of Ecuador.
However, the Vikings are not the builders of those giant rock monuments , whose vestiges are preserved in incredible ramparts, and rocks of human form. That really was the work of giants, of a world now gone. Today in Brazil, there are inscriptions at the "Sele Cidades" ruins 1s1, which is the Externsteine 111 of South America, where a cosmic power has materialized its creations; or better, men who were actually gods.
Here, today, in Chile there are ruins of the remotest past, and totally hidden. At the beaches of Santo Domingo appears an enormous complex of rocks, some of them having characteristics so special that they do not look like natural works. And inside them, an lntihuatana, a monolith designed to calculate the hours, the position of the sun and the skies, with a grand chair made of stone by its side. It was discovered by the amateur investigator Oscar Fonke, who attributed it to the Egyptians, who, he thought, were attacked by the Araucans, who coerced them into abandoning the region, and remount the Maipo River, reaching the mountain range of the Tinguiririca volcano, where today, one can find caverns with strange rupestrian paintings. I have also seen there, in that mountain range, an enormous open hand, apparently carved into the living rock of the Andes , and rocky formations that
look like any other cyclopean wall. A little more to the south one can find terraces with huge cut-outs of rock, resembling polished tile to perfection. It is in Alto Vilches , and one could believe it was a court of landing, before history. The rock complex at Santo Domingo reminds me of Stonehenge, due to having the same characteristics , embedded in a region neighboring the sea, and with huge winds, of which - as in England - causes the stone to vibrate to a "critical state", sounding like a sitar , perhaps facilitating some ritual ceremony of the godi, or of the Druids, who, because of that, could levitate - themselves , and the rocks. The vimana 1ai of rock, of the sacred books of India and their epics, like the Ramayana
I also exchanged opinions with De Mahieu about Santo Domingo and the Tinguiririca Mountains, with Foncke's theories about the Egyptians in South America. De Mahieu thought that it was "blonde Libyans" (meaning "the Hyperboreans who reached Africa") who , in remote Chile, created the "Cultural Complex of Maipo-Rapel" , remounting those watery currents of an inlet from the sea, to the Andean summits , also a world of giants.
Even more south of Alto Vilches, closer to Talca, in Mulchen, a German farmer , with the last name of Von Platte, found a strange object while plowing. The result was a small statuette, gorgeously carved, of a white , bearded man, covered with a sort of hood, and with the figure of lrminsu/ 1101 about the front. It can now be found at the Methodist Museum of Angol, where the German had the bad idea of turning it in. Experts have been consulted from all over the world , and no one has yet to give us an idea of who carved it, nor who it belongs to. It did not come from elsewhere, as the material is andesite, a native rock. I sent De Mahieu a photo, and he responded, saying that he was dealing with an "authentic Hyperborean , with clothing from the epoch of Troy." "A drinker of mead"
I've had this marvelous work of art , and of magic, in my hands, and its vibrations remount us to a superhuman past,
whose message we are very far from deciphering. In all cases, it tells us that, here, there was a land of giants and of Gods, and that their secret is guarded in some mysterious turn, or in a hidden land, which could have been saved against the destruction given to this world by the Grand Conspiracy - much, much bigger and more harmful than the sinking of Atlantis - because of this, it is embedded in our memory. And the Conspiracy has erased everything.
The Vikings of Greenland, disappearing from that "Green Land", have come to Huitramannaland, because they knew that they would find their ancestors here, and that this was "their" land. With the "jump of the poles", the South Pole was the North Pole; Antarctica. From North America , Vinland "Land of Vines", they ran to the south; from Mexico, and from Chichen ltza they came down until they could anchor in llo 1111, where they found the mysterious , little town of the Moche, over which they exercised a grand influence in their mythology, introducing the God GOatan 1121, of the Tempest , which is Wotan. From there they remounted until reaching Tiahuanacu, where they encountered the remains of a grand civilization already long gone. In 300 years they, the Empire of the Atumarunas 1131 believed (curiously , "giant" in Norse is hatun), reconstructed Tiahuanacu, of which this mythic history
- divided in four stages - appears in the 16'" Century Inca chronicles of Felipe GOaman Poma de Ayala 11•1. who is the chronicler of the Atumuruna , or Atumaruna , and like Inca Garcilaso 11s1 is an Inca himself.
I will synthesize all the ancient history of our pre-Colombian world, if I can call it such, in a dramatic and nostalgic pilgrimage of the white Hyperboreans , survivors of so many tragedies and catastrophes , in search of their ancestors , and the "impregnable refuge", replica of Paradise Lost, of Paradesha , of Basileia , of Aryanabaiji , of Hyperborea , and their capital Thule (a name which later appears in several places throughout Central and South America) (1s1. And that is how they found a secure and secret place in the most
southern area of the world, in the vicinity of the Antarct ic Pole, or the Antarctic itself.
After the Vikings came the Templars , following their footprints, and then the Normans and their precious maps of the Continent, which was not discovered by Colon. And it is then the atmosphere of this world of ours, of the Sun, of the Runes, and of the Warrior-Gods , begins to thin out.
I supported De Mahieu in that it was the Templar monks who pretended to evangelize the Atumuruna Empire of Tiahuanacu - which reached the Atlantic , through what is now Brazil and Paraguay , through the Amazon - having found something there, precisely , the Externsteine of Sele Cidades, a very , very ancient construction (of the "blonde Libyans") of which was previously unknown to them. The Templars also came here in search of some safe refuge, knowing they would be destroyed in Europe; or they wanted to simply disappear for having found Wotan again, through the rock builders of the godi brotherhood, and through those who were the architects of cathedrals , and through Abraxas c11> in Asia Minor. De Mahieu affirms that the Templars initiated the evangelization of the Tiahuanacan Empire, mainly between the indigenous elements of color, not knowing they would revolt. The interest of the Templars , according to him , was the exploitation of the silver mines and its European commerce , where they introduced the metal previously unknown to them. And it was with those profits that medieval, Gothic cathedrals were possible on this continent. Odinic monuments , that is to say , in adoration of Wotan over Jesus Christ , according to what we know today. Their interest in introducing Christianity was a way to weaken the Vikings, so as to arrive at dominating their Empire, and firmly establishing a place in this land, with a proper Templar King. Of all this , I am not certain (at the end of this work I will include letters between professor De Mahieu and I), even though De Mahieu gives proof of Templar influence in the construction of Tiahuanacu, especially towards the statue called "El Monje" ("The Monk"), which looks like one from a French Gothic cathedral. Along with the
Normans, and also the Templars , arrived Christian preachers from Ireland, and, possibly, more of some other "pigs", or converts, completing a mission as a special favor to the Grand Conspiracy. They were the "Shadow of the White Gods". One of those Christian preachers may have been the legendary and mythic Pay Sume 11a1 in Brazil, and the "first" Quetzalcoatl in Mexico, ltzamna 11•1. of who you could add the qualities of the extraordinary white conquerors, Ullman, Viracocha and others. It happens to be the "White American Gods", transposition of the Visigoths (" Knowing Goths") - the Castilian translation of Wiessengott, or White God in German. Later, all will be glorified, it will transform in myth and legend.
Without doubt, the Templars lacked a strong racial, or racialist, spirit , apparently , not being exposed to the fatal dangers of miscegenation with the world of the colored, by being chaste. But I insist on believing that they, principally , searched for an "inexpugnable refuge", not only for themselves , but especially for the Gral 1201. Von Eschenbach 1211 has told us the tale of how Parzival disappears in the direct ion of the Occident , taking with him the Gral, in a vessel with the Templar cross. Now, the Templars prefer to lose, in a world lost without solution , dominated by the Roman Church, and by Jehovah. They have found themselves at the end, or, perhaps, in the middle of their path, with Wotan and Abraxas, who - ontologically interpreted - may be one and the same.
In any case. the Empire of Tiahuanacu , of the Atumaruna , was then taking on water - and not from Lake Titicaca - by then, having arrived, in some fashion , the Christians and their monuments. This is in the prophetic 13'" Century. It happens to be that, in Chile, a Coquimbian 1221 troop chief by the name of Kari l"I would invade and defeat them, destroying Tiahuanacu. I maintain that he could well have been a Viking lieutenant - a Jar/ 1241, as his name is a clear Norse connection
- who decided to destroy the strange influences of a proselytizing religion, intolerant and anti-Pagan , contrary to "live and let live" He managed, and so could give pass to the quick recapture of the "Sons of the Sun", of the surviving
Vikings, the lnkas, who - only eight years after the destruction of the Atumaruna Empire - could, amongst the ruins, reestablish and build that wonder of pure "racialism of divine origin"; that being the enormous Empire of the Inca, which lasted approximately 200 years, and of which we hardly know anything truthful or profound.
Some "viracocha " Vikings , Kontiki-Viracocha , had sailed away - when they were defeated - from the coast of what is today Ecuador to Te Pita o Te Henua, or, our badly translated Easter Island ( Oester, of Ostara, the Vernal Light). There, the White Gods leave us the wonderful Initiation of the Manu-Tara 12s1, to which I have referred in many of my books.
But, the actual high caste of the Atumaruna . those who had permitted the defeat by Kari - the same way the Templars were with the Roman Church, and later, the Incas by the Spanish - have disappeared into the Secret Cities of the Andes, awaiting the Grand Time of the Resurrection.
Remeros means "oarsmen" or "those who row"
Volga is the largest river in Europe and western Russia
A godi is an Icelandic local chieftain with religious and administrative duties .
An Amauta is a Quechua (Peruvian/Andean) word meaning "person of great philosophical wisdom "
The Aymara, or Aimara , are a native ethnic group in Bolivia, Peru and Chile.
Sele Cidades (or "Seven Cities") is now a National Park, and located 1n the northeastern part of the state of Piaui, in Brazil.
The Externsteine are distinctive rock formations located in northwestern Germany, near the city of Detmold.
Vimana is a Sanskrit word used to describe the flying chariots of the Gods
The Ramayana is a Sanskrit epic, circa 600 B.C E It is attributed to the Hindu sage Valmiki and forms an important part of the Hindu canon.
/rminsul is Old Saxon, meaning "mighty pillar", and is a pillar which plays an important role in Germanic paganism.
Ila is a port village in Peru.
GOatan is an Inca storm god, whose name means "whirlwind" The Maya called him Votan
The Atumaruna are a post-Inca tribe in the region of Lake Titicaca
Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala (1535 - 1616) was a native Peruvian , and is noted for his illustrated chronicle, Nueva Cor6nica y Buen Gobierno
Inca Garcilaso de la Vega (1539 - 1616) was a native Peruvian historian, and is not to be confused with Spanish writer Garcilaso de la Vega (1501 - 1536).
The preceding was a list of names of mythological countries where many occultists believe Aryans migrated from.
Abraxas is the godhead in the Basilidean system of Gnosticism , whose name in Greek equals 365
Pay Sume is a character in Tupi and Guarani mythology. In these legends, Sume came to the native South Americans, before the Portuguese or Spanish, and taught them all that they knew.
ltzamna is, in Yucatec Maya mythology, the name of a creator deity thought to be residing in the sky. Little is known of this mythological character
The object known as the Holy Grail is a sacred object in literature and certain Christian traditions . most often identified with the dish, plate, or cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper, and said to possess special powers.
Wolfram von Eschenbach (1170 - 1220) was a German knight, minnesinger and poet His best known work is Parzifal , based on a knight of King Arthur's court, and his search for the Holy Grail.
Coquimbo is a region of Chile, and is one of the most mountainous areas, as the Andes range runs closer to the sea than anywhere else
Editor's note: I could not find any information of this chief, Kari.
A jar/ is a Scandinavian noble ranking immediately below the king.
The Initiation of the Manu-Tara is a ceremony Serrano writes of, where the Manu-Tara , or "Bird-Man" is celebrated as the great Androgynous One, the " He-She" we were once prehistorically , and strive to one day become via individuation.
The Inca
In the Oera-Linda Book, it is written that after the sinking of Ast/and (Hyperborea), the marine-kings - accompanied by the Frisian "Mothers", or Norns <11 - spread out all over the world, reaching as far south as Athens , as well as other classical cities. One of these kings we will call, lnka. He navigates in an Occidental direction , and never returns. It is to say, that the name lnka is much older than the Incas, which - after eight years of the destruction of Tiahuanacu, of the Atumaruna - they established the New, strangely leaving the interior of "two caverns", brothers and sisters - as if from a "Hollow Land", from a mysterious inexpugnable refuge - to marry and procreate only among themselves . They were white , they were Nordic, perhaps descended from the legendary Frisians, the same as the Araucanian Indian, Glaura - informant to Don Alonso de Ercilla y Zur'\iga <21 - descended from
[Inca] Garcilaso recounts to us of having seen blonde Inca mummies of grand stature. Also, they were giant mummies who were found in Paraca, Peru, white and blonde, dolichocephalic , which gave impulse to the investigations of Professor de Mahieu. who was able to transform himself to the most important revision in the history of our "American World". These Peruvian mummies are impossible to see today , as they have been made to disappear by the Grand Conspiracy , to hide the dangerous truth concerning the existence of the most successful Racialist Empire in the world.
Much has been written , nevertheless , about the incredible Empire of the Inca, and its mysterious cities, like Machu Picchu, the aforementioned Cusco, and maybe even ones that are unknown to us to this very day, and which, I maintain, are hidden in the most profound of volcanoes of our southern Patagonia, with its fabulous treasures never found. When the Spaniards arrived, the Empire was already in decay, and the Atahualpa half-breeds had assassinated the noble Inca of pure Nordic blood. But not all of them. Because, then, the
purer Inca had broken off, having known what was coming for the pre-American world . Having newly found a refuge in the mystery of the Internal World , in the "Hollow Land", as the elite forefathers , the Atumaruna , had previously done , to wait for better times in the Eternal Return of the Grand Wheel. The legends of the "City of the Caesars", of " El Dorado", of "Elellin", of Trapananda, have their origins in real things, as it was with Homer's Troy , which, for so many centuries was considered myth and legend.
But, there is something , about which , until now, has not been sufficiently repeated in the description and analyses of the Inca Empire, such as, who preceded them in the old Tiahuanacu : it was , essentially , a Racialist Empire, based on the most strict laws in the selection of blood. An Empire of castes, as in Aryan India, governed exclusively by a minority of the white race and Nordics, who spoke in a secret tongue unknown by the villagers , and the conglomerates of color, which they governed . This language was Norse, or German, a Scandinavian tongue , which was spoken by the first Vikings who reached America , and of which was a sacred writing outside of runes. The Inca preserved their language, and, perhaps, their writing , to communicate only among themselves , or with their captains, or curacas !JI, who maintain order and the administration of the Grand Empire, everyone of the white race and, more or less, pure blood. They keep the writing hidden, so it does not reach the town, like the Aryans in India, who did not write down the Vedas for more than a thousand years for the same reasons; it was memorized by only the two highest castes of warriors and priests. Solely , the quipus c•1 - a type of mnemonic exercise, written or scored using knots - broadcasts [information], and was used publicly by government employees and tax collectors of the Empire. Also , in Te Pito o Te Henua - or Pascua Island - until this very day, it is impossible to decipher Rongo-Rongo cs1; the "Speaking Tablets" known only by knowing priests and kings, who the Grand Conspiracy take towards death like slaves , precisely , in the mines of Peru.
Just like the Atumaruna Empire of Tiahuana cu, huge tracks of land and populations of color were controlled by a white minority, elite racialists. who maintained the purity of their blood, and - thanks to them - managed to dominate and civilize. This was the great Inca Empire, a Caste Empire, and maintained by Caste, as it was in Vedic India, Zoroastrian Persia, and the first Dynasties of Egypt. In the Atumaruna and Inca governments there was peace, justice and happiness for
all, fulfilling each caste through the dharma c•1 of their Destiny,
with their proper karma <'> by its natural and cosmic debt. Furthermore, the Inca Empire established a socialist system - the German kind, similar to the Prussians and the Third Reich
- where there did not exist usury or exploitation of the governed people.
Icontinue by citing De Mahieu:
"The law of blood constitutes equally to the basis of economic order."
"In each region, the land is divided in three proportional parts. possibly varying, which we refuse to accept. One was assigned to the Sun, that is to say, the Church; next, to the Inca. or the State; third, to the ayllu <•>. which were distributed every year among families, proportional to the number of its members. The peasants toil in the first place, the lands of the Sun, and later, the ones that correspond to the old, the widows , the ill, and to the soldiers on campaign Afterwards, they took care of whoever's turn it was next, but mutual help was law, as was, in fact, farming - planting and harvesting - in common. Finally, cultivating those of the Inca. The family freely determines the product of its lot, and the merchants permit a certain exchange. The finished crops in the lands of the Sun, and the Inca, serve to secure livelihood of the clergy, the court. and the functionaries But, their material is stored in deposits. which one finds in all the towns and the tampu <•>. designated to cover any unforeseen necessities of the
population , then not one inhabitant of the empire would lack the essentials, and those of the foreigners and travelers , gratuitously sheltered in corpahuasi c101. In their part, the Church and the State maintain innumerable servants and artisans charged with the construction of the temples and palaces, of public works, and metallurgy. The indigenous women thread and weave , throughout the year , wool and cotton supplied by their respective ayllu. But, also, they receive raw material, which originates from the herd of the Sun and the Inca, and transform it into articles of clothing , work that they solely dedicate themselves to for two months every year.
"Two months, equally, they consecrate the artisans of the town to the fabrication of metal objects or pottery appointed to the Church and the State, and the young , whose turn it is to work in the mines. Gold and silver don't have any mercantile worth, for the sensible reason that [commerce] did not exist in the empire, not even minor commerce . These precious metals
- to which I would like to add platinum - was unknown in Europe at that time, only serving as decorative pieces in temples and palaces, such as, after the fashion of hierarchic standards , strictly coded for personal adornment. The women 's, local artisans', and miners' "Work Service" did not, so much, imply some economic exploitation ; it is a duty paid in hand by the ayllu, and compensated by provisions, clothes, objects of common use, which are made by the Church and State for the workers and the needy. With reason then, we could be speaking of Socialism, and thus , giving this word its proper meaning , which excludes everything Statist , that is to say, capitalistically monopolizing everything by the leading minority. In effect, the taxes are useful solely for the maintenance of the functionaries, and the benefit of public services. However, even independent of the cult or of war, they are substantial. Social aid is more important. Public works , including irrigation canals, comes second. Education absorbs an appreciable part of the budget.
"All the Inca, and curaca children go to school ; initially only in the capital, of Inca Roca 111>, and later, in all other providences, by order of Pachacutec 1121. The alumni are taught mythology , astrology , natural sciences , the reading of the quipus and, it is assumed, the ethics and art of war. The teachers were amautas 113), members of the "philosophic and sage" bodies who maintain the State. We have little information in respect of their knowledge, for the simple reason that the Spaniards were incapable of expounding by fault of a sufficient culture. For example, Inca medicine was far superior to that of Europe during the Middle Ages , and we know this because they have found skeletons with traces of trepanation 11•1 carried out successfully , not to mention the surgical bronze instruments that are still in good condition. Some poetry has been saved, similar to dramas, which demonstrate a high literary level. The solar observatories that the Spanish friars did not destroy constitute proof of constant investigations into the camp of astronomy. "
This extraordinary social and economic organization has demonstrated to us the absolute fallacy of modern democratic systems , indiscriminately applied - fanatically , we should say - to all races and cities of the land, and - themselves - creating the most aberrant economic caste system , with greater injustice and riches in the hands of a few, as it is in Capitalism , in free trade, in the social system of the market, or in totalitarian Marxism. None of this is panacea to the towns of color. who today live in the most degenerate misery. What a difference between the Inca regimen and the National Socialist system ; as it also was in old Aryan India'
To maintain the purity of the Nordics-Whites , the Emperors would even marry their "sisters", according to what's been said. De Mahieu believes this is a term that does not refer to consanguinity , perhaps to an Initiatory Order of the Goya 11s). It is certain that, out of preference, they marry the sacred priestesses , the "Virgins of the Sun", the Goya (the Nordic Gydhja, the Goghi, meaning "priest", and Godho, which comes
from the Goths, meaning "God", the Gods). The [priestesses] are from the most pure race, and are Nordic-Polar beauties from very ancient origins.
That is how, from Ecuador to the most distant south (I sustain that a selection of Inca reached Patagonia , where one can find the "entrance" to the "City of the Caesars", of the Ankahuinkas (16), and is where I intended to reach) extended an enormous Racialist Empire, governed by white and blonde Emperors , with blue eyes. "Sons of the Sun" - with generals and functionaries , with curacas who were also white, or of very little miscegenation , men of confidence, but not of divine origin, nor "Sons of the Sun" - until the Empire could maintain itself , unbendingly governed by pure blood (which is divine) , bright "in form", as if it were the very same Sun. Their decadence came together with the impurity of their blood, and miscegenation being almost inevitable to a minority , who stand out like a small island in an increasing sea of color.
It is then that Colon, the Jew, arrives with his "conspirators" , and with the subtle poison of a Semitic religion, which is a lethal weapon that is anti-pagan, and preaches the equality of races, and of blood, raising those who are inferior against the superiors, as they did in Rome, in Greece, and the rest of Europe. With the decadence of this New-Old World , it extends to every corner of the planet the drama and the catastrophe of the end of a Grand Circle, of a Cycle It is the Twilight of the Gods in all the Land.
The Norns are type of disir. or female beings who rule the fates of the various peoples of Norse mythology
Alonso de Ercilla y Zuniga (1533 - 1594) was a Spanish nobleman. soldier and epic poet While in Chile (1556 - 63) he fought against the Araucania. where he began the epic poem La Araucana, considered the greatest Spanish historical poem
A curaca was an official of the Inca Empire. who held the role of magistrate, about four levels down from the Sapa Inca. the head of the Empire.
A quipus, or khipus, also called talking knots, were recording devices used in the Inca Empire, and consisted of cclored, spun and plied thread made from llama or alpaca hair.
Rongo-Rongo is the glyph language once used by the people of Easter Island
Dharma is a Hindu spiritual term which refers to one's righteous duty or any virtuous path in the common sense of the term. Dharma is affected by a person's age, class. occupation. and sex.
Karma is, in Eastern religions, the concept of action. understood as causing the entire cycle of cause and effect
Ayllu were social units of Inca life. essentially being extended family groups, made up of related and non-related members.
Tampu is a Quechua word for a kind of "inn" where travelers would meet.
Corpahuasi is a Quechua word for "guesthouse"
Inca Roca was a Sapa Inca of the Kingdom of Cuzco (circa 1350 C.E.), and was the first of the Hanan (or "Upper") Dynasty.
Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui (or Pachacutec) was a Sapa Inca (1438 - 1472) in the Kingdom of Cusco. which he transformed into the Tawantinsuyu Empire.
An amautas is an Inca wise-man.
Trepanation is a medical procedure, which a hole is drilled into the human skull, exposing the dura mater so as to treat health issues related to intracranial diseases .
The Coya Pasca are Inca high priestesses who were thought to be the earthly consort of the sun god.
(16) Ankahuinkas is a term coined by Serrano , taken from the Mapuche words "Anca Huinca", meaning " half-white"
The Spanish Conquest
In the galleons of "La Santa Maria'', "La Pinta" and "La Nina" arrived the microbes and the virus of Christianized Europe, the "equality" , the "fraternity ", etcetera. Humanism, along with intolerance, fanaticism. and the Inquisition: all unknown and repugnant to the pagan world. The huge paradox of the division , the contradiction , the dichotomy of "sin'', of the "inferno'', and the leprosy of the soul. Anticipating actual democracies , with their rationalist technology.
Did they misinterpret the "Visions of Papan" - sister of Moctezuma , in Mexico, Priestess Princess of the Sun, who is a Gydhja - thinking it was Quetzalcoatl who was returning, in place of Hernan Cortez 11i? It looks as if that is what they believed because there was a "first" and "second"
Quetzalcoatl, a Christian priest in Mexico, called ltzamna, who was not Ullman the warrior-Quetzal coatl - as they were in the Empire of the Atumaruna with Pay Sume - or father Gnupa 121, who was not Viracocha , Son of the Sun, whose "return" is also confused with the arrival of Francisco Pizarro 13).
Since antiquity there existed knowledge in the Empire of the Atumaruna , and of the Inca, of the ill-fated events of the 13th Century 1n Europe, by some Norman boats, and by the Inca memories they've had since the Old Empire, and by their relations with the Templars, who had then been equally destroyed. It is because of them that the Inca Huayna Capac 1•1, on his deathbed he directed to his children, to his relatives,
to his curacas and captains. and warned them: "It's been
many years since, by revelation of our Father the Sun, having past twelve Inca and their children , new people will come, unknown to these lands, and they will win and add to their power our Empire, and many other governments. I suspect they will be the same who have been passing the coast of our sea. (It was Vasco Nunez de Balboa 1s1 who navigated close to the coast of Ecuador.) A few years after I've gone, those people will come, and our territories will submit Don't stand up
to them because their weapons are more powerful than our own. I command that you obey them, and do not fight them..."
These words were already reproduced by me in El Ultimo Avatara 1s1, as well as being found in [the writings of] De Mahieu, and, I believe, in Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa's History of the Inca 111. They were spoken just like that , by that wise Inca, and prophetic to his curacas, to his suyri (from sir in English, from sri in Sanskrit-Hindi , from syna in Norse - valiant
- where we derive sinchi , "chief' in Norse, giving origin to the Araucanian cinche, and to the Principle of the Cinche or Cinchecona 1•1. equal to FOhrerprinzip 1•1). The Inca should have been informed by the amauta priests, of the Inca, wise men who knew the future due to Eternal Return, interpreted in the stars.
Because of all of this , Francisco Pizarro was not fought. And , these were his words, where "the people or towns of the kingdom of Piru were the color of copper tone, and their seniors and governors - men and women - were whiter than the Spaniards."
The Inca knew the future of the Spanish conquest, in advance, and decided to lose (lose now to win later) taking the measure to hide their racial elite for a time, not in the city of Machu Picchu in the Andes summit, but rather in a more secret refuge belonging to their distant ancestors - the Hyperboreans, the Frisians, the Atumaruna Vikings, and the giant heroes, guardians of the Grail, that Solar Energy. The real "Treasure of the Inca", which is preserved unviolated, is "synchronized " only with the divinity of the most pure blood.
Without doubt, along with the Spanish conquerors arrived the rest of the Visigoth warriors of the Hyperborean Spain, of El Cid 1101. That is to say Germans, direct kindred of Vikings , of the Atumaruna and the Inca. But now, they are the few , and almost all go to the most difficult place in this Conquest, the region of Chile, or Chilli, where a village of warriors - the Mapuche ("Men of the Land", who love their land) - give them tremendous resistance. Because of this , the conquest of this
territory will cost Spain more than double the loss of men's lives than in all of the rest of the Americas. And , in 400 years of continuous war no one manages to end the pacification of Arauco 1111. Because, here also governed the "Principle of the Leader", of the Cinche, the FOhrerprinzip , of the ancient Germans, and there did not exist a single Inca who did not wish to combat the invaders, or, if there was , they went unheard. It is the Frisian blood of the Araucano that would lead that epic battle, which encourages a Spanish Visigoth to write down the first poem of heroic deeds for all the conquests of the Visigoths of Spain. The warrior-poet , Don Alonso de Ercilla. charmed by the valor of those strange people, who look more German than Tt'!utoburger Wald 1121, or the Greeks of Sparta. As it was written in La Araucana. Auca means warrior , to be precise. And , aucapacha, "Time of War" "This time" lasts long, and here come the Visigoth warriors to fight , in a land that does not offer them any major wealth , outside of the honor of combat. War for war's sake, so loved by the Goths. It is in this fashion that Emperor Felipe 11 could affirm that Chile, or Chilli, has "cost him the flower of his Guzmans" That is to say, his "good men" - his Gut Man in German. The Visigoths.
Unfortunately , they don't even know that at least they are Goths, and that they should preserve their blood. They indiscriminately mix in this America of ours, as well as in Chile, with the villages of color, giving birth to our world of half breeds, with better or worse shades - according to region. In my country there originates an even crossbreed, of just two sexual components , the Visigoth and the Araucan. And we have an extraordinary book covering this theme , The Chilean Race, by Dr. Nicolas Palacios 113), whose conclusions helped me write my book, The Chilean Racial Cycle l"I·
At this moment in our history - of the American regression - if we wish to apply some policy for the "health of the American villages ", it looks to me as if the only possibility would be to treat the entropy of race mixing , and looking into the preservation of quality - which is essential to do alongside the
Christian and Freemasonic myths of equality , and protection of the deformed, the retarded and the mongolics - giving preference, however , to the most apt, the least crossbred , the most intelligent, to the best equipped , intellectually and physically. I have advocated this in Chile since the beginning, where today - unfortunately - the fertility of the villages of color and the lumpen 11s), plus the indiscriminate immigration of Orientals and Jews, which quickly transforms us - just like the rest of our America - in a mosaic of African and Oriental races, where the Spanish Visigoth, the Inca and the Atumaruna Viking Aryans - just like the Germany between World Wars - won't be anything more than a pale memory of yesterday , in the center of a maelstrom, and a shipwreck caused by the Grand Conspiracy, destined for the final destruction of this planet, so as to build over the ruins the sinister Empire of the Wisemen of Zion.
What should we commemorate , then, in this 500th year of the "discovery " of America? Perhaps, with the arrival of the Jewish Colon - where in the just parts of Spain on the same day "the last Jews not converted were expelled" - he came with a mission to destroy the last refuge of the Hyperboreans , so as to grant power to his "anti-race" in the inexpugnable "Secret Cities", where the "White Gods" are hidden?
We will not celebrate this.
The Jesuits attempted to destroy - and they managed to - all the signs and documentation of the invisible world, of those who could oppose their mutilated and tendentious worldview . However, although the Jew and his agents look for , even today , with desperation, the entrances to the secret world - of the refuge of the Hyperboreans , of the Inca, of the ancestors of the Inca, of the Atumaruna , of the Templars and of the Hitler's elite SS, and of Hitler himself (who had desired "to lose so as to win") - that "inexpugnable Earthly Paradise" where the Gral is safeguarded , of which they cannot find or ever will find . Until the great hour of the Resurrection of the Gods arrives, right on the edge of the final catastrophe , when we believe all is lost. And , like so, our America will once again become the
Huitramanaland of the Vikings, land of the Hatun, of the Giants returned from the Ancient Sun, of those that have preserved motionless in the summits and rocks of the Andes.
And this, Our Land, shall once again be inhabited by the White Gods.
Miguel Serrano Chilli-Mapu September, 1992
103'd Year of the Hitlerian Era
Hernan Cortes de Monroy y Pizarro (1485 - 1547) was a Spanish conquistador who led an expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec empire and brought large portions of mainland Mexico under the King of Castile, in the early 16th century.
Gnupa was a 1o•h Century Danish king who after losing a battle was forced to accept Christian baptism
Francisco Pizarro Gonzalez (1471 - 1541) was a Spanish conquistador , conqueror of the Incan Empire and founder of Lima, the modern-day capital of Peru.
Huayna Capac (circa 1500 C.E.) was a Sapa Inca, and successor to Tupac Inca Yupanqui
Vasco Nunez de Balboa (1474 - 1519) was a Spanish explorer, governor , and conquistador , best known for crossing the Isthmus of Panama on to the Pacific Ocean in 1513.
Adolf Hitler. El Ultimo Avatara (Adolf Hitler The Last Avatar ) was written in 1982, Santiago, Chile: Ediciones la Nueva Edad. Spanish language only.
Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa (1532 - 1592) was a Spanish explorer , author , historian, astronomer , and scientist.
A cinchecona is an Inca captain who leads a group of men into battle
FOhrerprinzip is German for "leader principle" , and is a system with a hierarchy of leaders similar to a military structure, which was applied to the citizenry in National Socialist Germany.
Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar (circa 1040 - 1100), known as "El Cid Campeador" , was a Castilian nobleman, a military leader and diplomat who, fought against the Moors in Spain.
The Arauco War lasted a little over three centuries. and was between colonial Spaniards and the Mapuche tribe. It is considered one of the longest wars in human history .
Teutoburg Forest
Nicolas Palacios Navarro (1858 - 1931) was a Chilean political scientist and anthropologist He wrote The Chilean Race in 1904
(14)EI Cicio Racial Chileno was written in 1984, Santiago, Chile: Ediciones la Nueva Edad. Spanish language only.
(15) The German word lumpen describes someone who has been displaced in social class or status.
Buenos Aires, October 11, 1986
My dear comrade and friend,
It has been three days since your affectionate note of August 18th has arrived: the fault in this delay is due to the "lack of enthusiasm " in the work of our postal employees, who will die of hunger, as if they were mere anthropologists .
Your booklet, clear and valiant as always , had arrived a week before your letter. A million thanks for your shipment, and for the references to my modest works.
It's been a few days since the weekly supplement of the journal , Clarin, published a report about a monument, which some equipment team discovered in Argentina on the Chilean front , at the altitude of El Bols6n; an edifice of carved rock, 80 meters in length by a width of 10, and a height of 3, divided into 10 habitation quarters , with a central passage . There were no photos, because low clouds covered the ruins (?) I wrote that stranger, meaning the chief of the team , c/o C/arin, but I have not received a reply as of yet. Interpretation of the journalist: construction by shipwrecked Spaniards or deposited by smugglers . This does not seem to me to be credible: why would castaways take the trouble to raise a building of this size. and with what did they make it with? Plus, what could have been smuggled from Patagonia centuries ago?
But, the region in question is in Chubu! - where they've found rune stones, two of which were reproduced in Die Erden Troyans - and the province of Biobio, where there is a statuette of Angol. We should go and see. I can't stand it anymore: at least the hide of my wallet cannot , I suppose .
Again, a thousand thanks, my dearest comrade and friend. My lady, who thinks of you with affection, entrusts me to ask when will you be coming by our Tel Aviv.
Jacques de Mahieu
Buenos Aires , January 3, 1987
My dear comrade and friend ,
Last week, I received La Resurrecion de/ Heroe. with your cordial dedication . I have read the book with an interest provoked in me by all that you send, when much of your content escapes the exoteric pedestrian that I am. Yesterday , all the paths led to Rome. Tomorrow , they will reach Asgard .
I confess, however , I don't share your admiration of the Cathars or Templars . The first of which were dualists , who renounced the world in general, and carnal love in particular: nothing could be further from our tradition . The second constituted a sinister transnational usury, which looked to institute its worldly power over organic communities in the Middle Ages . I concede to what I do not understand or could ever understand, but these points I'll treat as a question of fact.
Here, we've had two Solstice ceremonies . One, in the fashion of a German ritual (but in Castilian) ; the other, in a much smaller circle, was done in the fashion of the Norman Vikings (fire and libations). Now, we must continue to fight.
My lady unites with me in desiring to you, to all of yours and your comrades, a very happy New Year .
With a strong hug, yours truly ,
Jacques de Mahieu
Colchagua, January 17, In the 97'" Year (1987)
Professor Jacques de Mahieu Buenos Aires , Argentina
My dear friend and respected comrade
Many thanks for your letter of the last 3 days. I will try to give you an explanation to my constant citations of the Cathars and Templars - how I perfectly understand your point of view - although it was not expressed in your important book, Los Temp/arias en America , where you let us better glimpse an admiration for them, or, in any case, you do not accuse them of "sinister transnational usury, which looked to institute its worldly power over organic communities in the Middle Ages". And, I believe you do not, because you understand that this phraseology corresponds to the technocratic civilization of our time, and is poorly applied to the Middle Ages. Furthermore, the Templars, I have understood , did not render interest, and, therefore , usury cannot be attributed to them.
In your book, you confirm that the Templars financed the construction of cathedrals with their silver commerce, taken from America. With that they protected and financed associations of artisans and builders, helping those same "organic communities ".
Precisely , in one of my last books, I dared insinuate the possibility that contact with those pagan and Gothic associations gave them "the strike of Gnostic grace", that is to say, or, even better, "Odinic", letting them re-find the runes. With Abraxas they came , already separating themselves from Judaic Christianity , at the same time they discovered the inexistence of that Semitic Christ The secret seal of the Temple that you reproduced in your magnificent book, I do not believe is "Amer-Indian. " It is a representation of Abraxas
exactly , such as the one that appears in the Gnostic gems, called "Abraxas stones" (of which I include a photocopy). I have reached the supposition that , at this stature , the secret direction of the Temple was to believe it was preferable to dissolve, or destroy the order, as a means to break the visible and invisible bonds to their Christian and Semitic origin, another well-known item for the papacy and synagogue , who gave the orders to destroy them. Being the most powerful - the Templars - did not defend themselves , as if they had wished to produce that destruction on the surface.
Clearly, these are just assumptions. All of it concerns those times, and that mystery. But, it is not a supposition that the Templars were the promoters and divulgers of the legends of the Grail of the Arthurian Circle - besides that of the Benedictines, who Christianized them. With the disappearance of the Templars came the disappearance of those literary tales and poems, as confirmed to me by Julius Evola. And , another thing which became clear to me was that the SS had organized itself after the model of the Templars. I personally confirmed this when I visited the castle of the SS Order Wewe/sburg, in Westfalia. As it was in the Court of King Arthur. Of this I have already described in Adolf Hitler: El Ultimo Avatara. The SS had also planned on instituting agricultural-warrior communities on the fronts of the world of color, and cities free of taxes, where the money does not circulate only in the interior, that being one of the principles of the Templar port of La Rochelle.
As far as the contemporaries of the Templars - the Catha rs
- much less is known about them. The only thing we are sure of is that the shadowy Semitic Rome, and the even more shadowy Domingo de Guzman, liquidated them. Otto Rahn (also SS) was interested in them, and the Ahnenerbe investigated the Visigothic ethnos in the Languedoc. It was that the SS were in search of the Grail in the caverns of Ornolac, and Otto Rahn was sent by them. I have followed their footsteps , and have seen Rahn's signature in the guestbook at the Montsegur inn. I was a good friend of Rene
Nelli, the Cathar expert and professor at the University of Toulouse, author of extraordinary books, like, L'Erotique des Troubadour, who edited Otto Rahn's last book, the French, La Corte de Lucifer. He assured me that if the Germans had won the war , Hitler would have reconstructed the Castle of Montsegur , revealing to me, that since the fulfillment of 700 years since the destruction of the Cathars and the Castle - in the heat of battle - tracing with smoke in the sky over the ruins a Celtic Cross. Saint Loup, in his novel, Los Nuevos Cataros para Montsegur (I am translating the title from French), one imagines that the plane carried Rosenberg.
In this fashion , the National Socialists thought the destruction of the Cathars by Rome had hidden ethnic reasons, with the Jews behind the French Nordics who accomplished the destruction of their own people - as if new to them, they did it again to related races in the last war. I remember in those years , there did not exist a clear racial consciousness from any side , neither in the Cathars, nor in anyone in Europe. Only the Jew had it, and consequently acted on ii, through their ''fa9ade institutions", as they say today. And , if they destroyed the Cathars and the Templars , the principle reason was because they saw - or discovered - a dangerous tradition, even though deviated (The Golden Cord of Hyperborea) in the Cathars , I would agree, not controlled ideologically, archetypically, by the Jews. The Cathars considered the Demon to be Jehovah , and like the Templars , only accepted the scriptures of St. John when written in Greek, and with a different numerical key than that of Hebrew. And , this is what really counts, and what really counted to the Jews , as well as to Hitlerists.
As far as the concept of carnal love, here everything has not been said, and - I assume - one cannot generalize. National Socialism needs to promote the reproduction of the race, and it should be done in every village that has it, and which finds itself in minority , and in danger of extermination by the tide of color. What this does not mean is that in the upper hierarchies there should be equality. Because that never was.
A genius should not procreate, because their sons will not be the best. Hitler was chaste , and a vegetarian. The Hermetic Doctrine in all the villages producing civilization - and only the white race has done so - creates " Sun Virgins", as in Machu Picchu (the "Vikings of Machu Picchu"), or as in Doric Greece, or as in Aryan India, or as in the priestesses and priests - Magi or Magus - of Zarathustra , of Odin, or of Mithra, which corresponds to a science and technique of Tantric alchemy. Also, in the Wewelsburg SS, one takes care of their nutrition, very fruga l, without alcohol, and - in the secret grades - one would strive for chastity . Things totally alien to the Waffen SS, and to the exoteric bodies commanded by Otto Skorzeny , as well as other fighters of that style - heroes of the external world only.
In my books I am referring to both worlds , in the "synchronicity " of the Glorious War , in which we have learned, and in the end will win - here - in a "parallel world", or wherever it may be.
Dearest and respected comrade, I request you understand that I do not attempt to argue these themes , I only wish to give you a necessary explanation - between comrades - over what I know of the Templars and Cathars , or what I believe I know, possibly , by all means, making a mistake since the stretch between centuries , as well as the flaw of clear documentation (all is driven by the grand conspiracy and official history) obligates us to be modest in our judgments. Nevertheless, the scholarly SS knew more than we do, and extremely valuable documents existed in the Wewelsburg Castle. And, they felt an admiration for these people for some reason, which I only know by intuition, even when some things have "blown me away"... In the Benedictine convent of Lambach, in Austria , the SS had a valuable documentation . I also searched there for a document of ancient Gothic German.
I think Hitlerists are also dualists: on one side the Jews, Jehovah: on the other, our gods and our people.
I envy you for your Solstice celebrations. Here, we celebrated the New Year , on the 20'" of April.
All of the Chilean comrades admire you and read your books. They send you and your wife their best salutations , in our style. And I, a very intimate hug to you both, asking you to excuse the extent of this letter.
This year we must see one another again. HH.
Miguel Serrano