'Western Civilization'
Miguel Serrano collected works https://archive.org/details/miguel-serrano_202312
'Western Civilization'
The kingdom of Jehovah on earth is the kingdom of the potencies of matter, the kingdom of the deceleration of Time-flow, of the very depth of density. Everything that comprises 'Western civilization' and 'the West' itself is oriented around violent aggression, an animalistic (rather 'Satanic', that is to say Jehovistic) will-to-power that indiscriminately forces itself upon others without consideration for their being.
As it is by definition 'evil' in the sense of conducing to a negation of the 'Other', of all of that 'other' to itself, of all that which exists in autonomy in relation to its will, the will of the vampire God Jehovah. 'Evil', indeed, the presence of lowest density; violent aggression and the violation of all otherness, the creeping evil of 'The One'.
'Western civilization' thus is the exemplar of evil in the world in spite of its claims to the contrary, the claims made by its celebrants who extol their own virtues and that of their golem Frankenstein's monster they have constructed which is most readily apparent in North America and the British Empire as well as the nucleus of evil the state of Israel (in terms of 'geosyncrhony' and psycho-regions).
Nonetheless this violent aggression, (which conceals its true evil behind the façade of 'love' and other judeo-christian pacifistic 'virtues' which are the mask worn by the great Satan of Western 'civilization'), possesses redeemable traits inherent within it and within that of its population, that of a predominantly aryan extraction.
The virtues of a sense of justice and truth are a presence though by no means reflected in the judeo-christian/masonic/marxist occupied government and most of the upper caste of the nations especially those having political influence for only the corrupt can attain anything in the great Satan and the corruption of the population is proportional to their rank, the higher up they go the more corrupt and evil they are as the initiatic system in place determine the elevation of the members or would-be members within the power structure.
The redeemable element of the 'great Satan' are the members who are pushed to the margins; ostracized and cast out of this Satanic illusory paradise or 'new jerusalem'; 'city of peace',etc. Indeed within this slave plantation, a true city of war everlasting, the only 'peace' is that which lies in, through being absorbed into the Demiurge through allowing and enabling the spread of His vile presence, else to attain a victory over the foe through having 'peace' within, amidst the chaos which surrounds one and not allowing oneself to be decentered of his inner stability or equilibrium.
'Peace', however has never been the goal of the warrior Berserker but rather war everlasting which he has chosen to participate in against the foe the great Satan and its members, indeed against 'Western civilization' itself.
All things 'Western' are oriented around aggressive force and violence and in so far they possess redeemable value though oriented around the motives and purposes of the Demiurge and His legions of minions. The telos or good of their aggression is 'bad' (for the Hyperboreans of the Spirits trapped within matter) but the mode of its manifestation is good, that which conduces to vitality and strength and empowers one to achieve meaningful purposes and creative expression.
That which is permitted in the current of disintegration called 'the West' is only that which serves the telos of the Demiurge, that being a standardization of the mass mind, an assimilation of all into a unitary collective consciousness, mere hypostases of 'The One'. Hence the aggressive violence brought against the captive spirits of the system is designed to disempower and to phagocitize the Spirit, assimilating it into Jehovah through its merger with matter, shifting the focus of his attention toward 'the world' of phenomenal affect and away from the realm of Spirit, immersed in a world of material density and sensationalism.
The 'Great Satan' of Western civilization is the formation of temp oral power controlled and regulated by black magicians who control their world system as a golem machine of war and violence to use aggressively against any who preserve any independence and power of their own which may threaten the total hegemony of the black magicians.
All manner of lies and subterfuge are used to impose their violent aggression and any justification for plunder is attempted to be smoothed over and blamed on others (the convenient scapegoat jewry and their underlings the masons and christians have set up in advance to destroy as a sacrifice once they are furnished with the means to carry out whatever operations they had held before them as their 'mission'); proxy wars; controlled opposition; economic manipulation; religious and ideological programming and other forms of artificial intelligence and magical forms of manipulation.
Thus their control mechanisms are based upon coercion, violation of the economy of others; on aggressive assault against others veiled behind the mask of hypocritical altruism and 'high-flown' phrases regarding 'god';' humanity',etc.
'Western civilization' from its advert has been 'where this sun of mind sets' (in the West) and reflects the dichotomy or polarity of the Demiurge and his minions (masculine; feminine; chaos; order; white; black), a dynamo of aggressive force brought against that which is 'Other' to itself, the two forces or 'polarities' of chaos and order being manifested (acted out as theater of the real skits of manipulation) through the christians and York rite masons playing the role of order and the remnant of masons (presumably the Scottish) as well as the communist-leftist (secular humanists, etc. of whatever specific name) led by jewry playing the role of chaos (with jewry and the entities controlling it all from above, working toward their 'one world' order of Zion).
The great Satan exists 'in Time' not above Time let alone against it and is the very embodiment of ‘temporalyzing temporality' in the words of Heidegger, the manifestation of the will of 'The One' or Time-flow, it's dynamic process of manifestation. Jehovah works through his legions and hierarchies, his 'powers and principalities' of matter, the 'potencies of matter' as Nimrod de Rosario has called them (planetary archons/aeons; demonic host of Hiwa Anakim and seraphim, etc.).
The will of 'The One' manifests itself in the form of violent aggression and crystallizes in its telos in the form of greatest material density, the 'Kingdom of Zion' and the 'New Jerusalem', a world of putative and ostensive 'spirituality' which in reality in its actual nature is the pseudo-spirituality of the synarchy of Jehovah, the formula through which Spirits become bound to 'The One' in a fusion of 'love; peace and unity', being assimilated into the hive mind of Jehovah as food for the Demiurge, existing with Him until His own self extermination as so many fragments of rotting excreta in the belly of the beast.
'Western civilization' inexorably destroys itself as Jehovah-Malkuth, just as Jehovah Himself destroys Himself through His own self consumption as Jormundgand swallows His own tail and the Fenrir wolf consumes Himself in the Ragnarok of pralaya, the night of Brahma in which 'The One' destroys Himself to remake Himself anew in another exhalation of His halitosis wreaking breath Ruach Elohim.