Why I am non-political (and I don’t say a-political): because when one pronounces ‘I’ he doesn’t pronounce 'We’ and when he pronounces ‘We’, he is not pronouncing it at all-it is the group which pronounces things, which group, regardless of his position within itself, governs him even if he attempts to govern it.
There is an ideology called ‘ Demos-cratia’ (democracy) and this means: ‘The dissolution of all individuality. Why? Politically, individuality is mythological and vice versa; pluralism is an absurdity and its attempt to reconcile the pluralism of heterogenous distincts (‘politics’ and ‘inidividuality’) is a failed project a priori. It affronts itself: to be pluralistic is to achieve unity; to achieve unity one must achieve fragmentation; identity and non-identity tear one another apart like a paradox of Chinese mysticism.
But here we consider things in abstracto and this defies things both politically and individually, for both descend from their abstract form into empiria and refuse to have anything to do with their foster parent (abstraction) now that they have discovered anew their blood relation (concrete existence).
Ideology, on the other hand, is abstract though and through-it is what is mythical and deserving of the torch instead of the straw-garbed reality of politics, vilified by the incendiary criticism above. I had mistaken the reality before and now return to it for closer investigation and analysis.
Ideology and all of its socio-psychological underpinnings is merely the grease of the wheels of politics, this latter being nothing but, in my opinion (to define it ideologically, by which is meant ‘abstractly’): ‘to argue for one’s self-interests as part of a group’. Thusly it makes its descent onto the empirical plane-but it still remains ideology. It becomes a lebens philosophie (lived philosophy), an abstract and yet concretized system of adherence, ‘something to believe in’.
But belief arises, en masse, out of the rabble and its opaque conception, regardless of the intellectual quality-or its absence-of the group. It is a hysterio-genesis of beliefs that results in, for example, the passing of the Manifesto around the Proletarian camp. Do these people have any ability to assimilate the Thought which not only purports to govern their action but which outstrips them at the same time? At most slogans (which is the case with youth and its incessant surging of emotions, heightened to intolerable degrees) are bandied about and the belief-foundation of the actions of these people is contingent upon their ability to preserve this loyalty to the system and, being political, their loyalty is in constant flux, rooted as it is in their self-interests.
Self-interests change and are changed by ideology which latter change inheres therein. Thus no ideology is lasting, not pluralism, not anything; a lasting effect is merely tendered by ideology and invariably rejected by the political actuality faced by those individuals who so mistakenly fall into their own abstraction, the death of their individuality-the group.
Thus politics, qua ideology, is not possible, and it is merely a futile gambit on the part of the inflated egos of those who would make themselves leaders of men (who would become ‘hegemen’) or those who are by nature subservient and quest for a master to bark in their faces. The former would be advised, by myself, to pursue the Icarian heights and fall by their own incessance, the latter to become housewives, cuckoled husbands or soldiers in the military (in its bureaucratic or traditional form). In any case, these proselytes of ideology pursue merely ephemeral golden dreams as their concrete lives unfurl before them-but they don’t even notice; their eyes are gazing up into utopian virtual reality, the smiling eyes of children in third world counties on the T.V inspiring them with hope and confidence that ‘there’ll be a better tomorrow’. But someday never comes.
I should hope that there is someone out there not apathetic enough to criticize me:
feel free to respond below
Why am I not ‘a-political’? Because I’m too apathetic myself, refusing as I do to believe in golden dreams of change through politics. I’m neither against politics nor am I for them-I’m indifferent. Some may say with contempt: ‘it’s been done buddy!’-but I’m not an ideologue and don’t follow trends, I merely repudiate critically. I invite repudiation of this pamphlet on the part of my ‘readers’, should I have any.