Link and the Triforce
The video game franchise, Zelda, is yet another allegory of the Aryan and his Hyperborean blood. In the storyline, the main protagonist, hero figure, Link, is a blue-eyed, blonde-haired Aryan dressed in a green tunic, connotive of Lucifer or Venus, the green planetoid base of operations of the Hyperborean Siddhas.
Link, thus, is a 'Link', to the past, to the Origin of the Hyperborean Siddhas and is their earthly emissary. His role reveals a mission on Earth of the Nordico-Aryan race in combating the enemy who enslaves this world, that being the jew Gannon who has stolen the 'Triforce', etc., or i.e. the graal, or primordial gnosis encoded in the blood. Link must defeat Ganon and rescue the princess, his Ella, or Lucibel, and uniting with her, may possess the Triforce over and against a system of slavery orchestrated by the architect of evil, that being Gannon.
The dark forces on the Earth are revealed to have taken control thereof and have installed themselves on the Earth plane to hold all within their prison of energetic vampirism, attempting to steal the life force or a virile from the gods, from their 'earthly descendants as represented in the Triforce, the state of unity consciousness of a balance of thought, thoughts; emotions, and actions, an integral complex of mind, body, and Spirit, immortalized diamond body of Vajra. Link succeeds in defeating Gannon and uniting with Zelda, the princess, and creating a Spiritualized world in Hyrule, the realm in which the higher, the gods, rule over the Earth with a benevolent influence for the Spiritual upliftment of all.
Another franchise which derived from Japan and played its role in the culture war against the judeo-christian and more broadly, Demiurgic system of slavery is that of "Super Mario". Super Mario is portrayed as a simple, average, everyday man of modernity, a humble plumber who, though plumbing the depths, is led to another realm, a realm of the dark side of the consciousness, beyond that of phenomenal perception, beyond the Demiurgic universe, gaining access to more subtle planes of Being. Within this realm of the consciousness, Mario combats reptiloid subterranean creatures and in undergoing this combat, he consumes mushrooms to enhance himself, becoming 'super', or above his previous level of limited consciousness, that of the asleep Virya, awakening and attaining the state of the superman, the man of power or perfected man, the 'man of heaven', in taoist terms.
Mario, the humble blue-collar worker, becomes transmuted through entering into combat amidst the Valplads or battlefield of the underground (the astral planes?), and becomes a Berserker Siddha in the combat against King Koopa and his legions of reptilians and other minions to rescue the princess Toadstool, i.e. to undergo the second birth (connoted by the Toadstool or mushroom which grows out of the cadaver, post-mortem), or the attainment of the magnum opus, uniting with the soror mystica/ sacred feminine as Lucifer unites with Lucibel.
The parallel of themes between the franchise Zelda and Super Mario can be readily observed in there being an allegory of alchemical transmutation, an awakening of the blood memory by an active combat not only against the primitive modes of consciousness of the reptilian brain (pons; medulla, and brainstem), and this via the vril or will, but against the dark forces of Chang Shambhala, the reptilians and other extraterrestrials as reflected in the enemies of the game's subterranean realm.
Yet another franchise, also deriving from Japan, "Chrono Trigger", entail the further elaboration of perspective on the reptilian presence with the character of Frog in primeval paleohistorical times descending to the earth plane to work with Marley, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Cro-Magnon against other reptilians who were attempting to enslave the earth plane. The main protagonist of the franchise, Chrono, travels back and forth in time and seeks to combat the dark forces, and ultimately, the Demiurge, who is named Lavos as the ultimate final boss attempting to save the planet from destruction at his hands and that of his subordinate, Magus, presumably representative of a catholic priest or a jew who travels through time himself (holding the kalachakra key), attempting to obstruct Chrono and his crew of freedom fighters.
"Battletoads and Double Dragon" are yet more franchises in which the presence of reptilian humanoids is prominent with them explicitly depicted in "The Battletoads" and implicitly connoted in the 'Serpents of Wisdom' of the latter franchise, both of which franchises being unified in a crossover game "Battletoads and Double Dragon", perhaps unifying the idea of the Oriental (as represented in Jimmy Lee), and Aryan (Billy Lee), the "Double Dragon", and the higher reptilian loyal Siddhas (loyal to Agartha and to the realm of Spirit, i.e. Hyperborea), against the enemies thereof, namely 'the big boss', a technological hybrid monstrosity; Roper (a crude mercenary of anglo-american stock, perhaps representative of the Jjudeo-christian man of violence); Flagg a rat hybrid and 'Bobo', a negro thug. The coterie of low-minded judeo-christian and other satanists serving the Demiurge.
In the "Double Dragon" franchise, Billy and Jimmy Lee unite against a triad, like Mafia, of Chinese thugs, stigmatizing the Chinese as having an arms-length relationship with the cabal. The Japanese, being of a gnostic orientation, have propounded these revelations of the Primordial Gnosis and the antagonists in their mundane and ultra-mundane nature, the two sides and their interrelations, the serpent wisdom as embodied in the physical form of the loyal reptilian Siddhas and their earthly counterparts, the Aryan and Japanese, if not more broadly, the Far East Asians (perhaps excluding the Chinese?).
Though the Japanese have stigmatized Aryans in certain other video game franchises, such as Street Fighter, and have attempted to ingratiate themselves with the Chinese and others therein, the above franchises suggest some degree of rapport, and at the least (and most significantly), insight into the paleo-history of this world and the role played by the Aryan therein, and the distinction between the loyal reptilian (and other extraterrestrials?) Siddhas of Agartha, and the traitor Siddhas of Chang Shambhala.
The death knell of the parasite cabal can be sensed in its palpable qualities, the paroxysms of rage and anger; of anxious desperation, which are writ in the worried features of the archons, the potencies of matter, wishing to desperately cling to their worldly laws and advantages, and having a foreboding sense of the inevitable outcome, which will lead to their ultimate extinction. Doom for the cabal of parasites who enslave this world, and doom for their adherents who perpetuate their slave plantation, their cowardly minions devoted in equal baseness to their coarse, satanic motivations, venerating matter and its manipulator, Jehovah-Satan, the god of israel.
The video game franchise "Doom", may very well be a portent of things to come in this world. Within the context of the video game, a threatening presence of extraterrestrial life is depicted on planet Mars, which has ravaged the bases of the World Federation, (the United Nations template) which is revealed in its expansionistic-Demiurgic intent of extra-mundane colonialism (itself impossible owing to their technology and the presence of the Van Allen Belt of radiation, inhibiting the travel away from the Earth's atmosphere of physically dense matter, supportive of life).
The extraterrestrials, portrayed as demonic in nature, as of a nature similar to the Minotaur and in a form of floating amorphous spheroid shapes, have presumably managed to co-opt the physical bodies of the galactic marines and transform them into some form of cambion or husk of whatever elemental they are possessed or usurped by. These same seek to conquer Earth and to avail themselves of dimensional portals as a means of traversing space-time to arrive on Earth for conquest and the consumption of humans.
The franchise, as a typically synarchic American-made venture, materializes Spiritual life and portrays forces which are probably good and kind (the Hyperboreans), as 'evil', and the forces of actual evil (the synarchy itself, and Chang Shambhala), as a heroic party, the so-called defenders in actuality being attackers, the typical reverse projection role reversal protocol of jewry, where they, as leaders of the synarchy, represent the collective in terms of their behavior and hypocrisy. The doom that jewry would predictively program for Earth they perhaps wish to reify in bringing onto Earth their, 'Yahweh collective', on a grand scale, opening up the gates as has been their typical modus operandi throughout history, setting up their host to be destroyed and stealing their host's wealth and indeed their very life force., that the franchise is established on Mars with the extraterrestrials located there and the Aryan race (Nordico-Germanic people), allegedly having dwelt on Mars up to the point of the nuclear war thereon and later migrating to Earth (according to some such as Blavatsky), implies a subtle demonization of the Aryan on the part of the judaized american creators of I.D software, ('I.D', in the sense of the Freudian reptilian brain), as Mars has been associated both mythologically and according to some sources paleohistorically with the Aryan race.
I love that you mentioned Chrono Trigger. Definitely one of the best games ever made.
I am a dwarf