The Jews have always employed the aesthetic prop. In the barrage of lying, sickening, movies on World War Two spewed out of Kosher Valley (Hollywood), the evil Nazis, particularly the SS, are always portrayed by ugly, rat faced, beady eyed, hook nosed Jews. Concomitantly, the noble Jews they are persecuting and abusing are always portrayed by very attractive Aryans. It's both sickening and hilarious that the masses of sheeple can't see it. Here's a new handle for the Chinese Jew: "Jook" (combination of Jew & Gook).
The Sasoons, probably the only Jew family on earth whose wealth rivals that of the trillionaire Rothschilds, have always had their Hebraic claws deeply embedded in China.
The demi….pet of the AI system?
The Jews have always employed the aesthetic prop. In the barrage of lying, sickening, movies on World War Two spewed out of Kosher Valley (Hollywood), the evil Nazis, particularly the SS, are always portrayed by ugly, rat faced, beady eyed, hook nosed Jews. Concomitantly, the noble Jews they are persecuting and abusing are always portrayed by very attractive Aryans. It's both sickening and hilarious that the masses of sheeple can't see it. Here's a new handle for the Chinese Jew: "Jook" (combination of Jew & Gook).
Lots of chinese working with jews now.
The Sasoons, probably the only Jew family on earth whose wealth rivals that of the trillionaire Rothschilds, have always had their Hebraic claws deeply embedded in China.
there are lots of mems on gab from an account called 'unakceptable views' regarding the jews in china and india: