Really quite excellent! Gabriel is lunar. The Moon & the Star. Saturn is her "parèdre. Complementary. The Polar Sacred Cross goes from right to left.

I shall be very happy to read more of you. Thanks.

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What are your thoughts on this site:


They make some plausible claims regarding lunar and saturnian aliens, reptilians etc. I doubt it is all 'symbolic' or merely allegorical.

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Thank you for the link. Seems legit! But all the same Satan is the shadow self of all authentic initiates. We don't have to feed him. Nor follow his antics. All creatures have a shadow (Set) projection. goes with the astral & physical etiology of the soul being.

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Have you ever read Nimrod de Rosario? His work is in spanish in the original. It is pure noological runics and luciferianism. https://nimrodrosario.blogspot.com/

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Tengo sus "Fundamentos" en Dos Libros. Some say his ideas impacted Don Miguel. Even that Don Miguel took from him without giving him credit. The Doctrine doesn't belong to anyone person. It is Spiritual Aryanism. That's all. It belongs to us. If we wish so. Or we make of it what we must. Because it is like a living creature. Its blood is ours.

Nimrod is an unsung hero of sorts. Strange man. Strange Mum. I like that. Thanks for the link.

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