The Demiurge Deception and Spiritual Aryanism
The world of confusion in which we live is the product of cosmic processes which trace themselves to the original rift between the eternal and unchanging dimension which is beyond time and space and the dimensions that exist within time and space, the rift between Being and becoming.
The cause of this rift has caused the spirits from the higher realm to become trapped in this lower density state of spatio-temporality, of generation and corruption, subject to the possibility of extinction if they remain beholden to this lower dimension.
This dimension has been called 'the creation' in mainstream religious terms and has been for millennia an object of veneration by the zealous adherents of their monotheistic creeds. ‘The creation’ implies a 'creator' and the ‘creator’ too has been held in venerable esteem as the be-all and end-all of life ("what the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away", Job 1:21).
This ‘creator’ is often referred to as Jehovah or Yahweh; YHVH or Brahma; Enlil or Allah and is considered the Absolute Supreme Being, in the words of medieval scholasticism: "that- than-which- nothing- greater-can-exist" (St.Anselm).
However there have been for perhaps a greater number of years (perhaps uncountable) critics of this monotheistic 'one God bar none' conception. Adherents of this conception had formed many sects and orders over the course of millennia such as the Cathars; the Paulicans; Bogomils; Cainites; Mardukites and yet more primordial polytheists who have been labeled by the dogmatists of the Catholic Church as 'pagans' and 'heretics' and by the fatwas of imams as 'jinni' ('satanists'). The perspective of the religious dogmatists of course was blinkered and myopic, filtered as it was through their theological lenses overly concerned with the 'letter' of what they deemed 'the law' and not so much with the Spirit.
This perspective today still lingers like a bad smell, the mothballs of the cloister. Hence the surviving remnants of the arcane wisdom have been preserved in spite of the religious influence not on account of it. These remnants have come to be called 'gnostics' by modern scholars though they vary on many points with some of these sects being semitic in origin and orientation and others aryan and thus antithetical.
These polytheists (if such they may be called), those deemed 'heretics' by their opponents, have conceived of this 'God' or 'creator' as a ‘creator’ of the material world alone, the world of substance, and as a violator of the realm of Eternity, of distorting the inner spiritual vision of those trapped within the denser substance of his ‘creation’ or plagiarization of the higher planes, distorted copies of the Eternal 'Forms', of the realm of Eternity which has been called Hyperborea or the 'Ogdoad', the realm beyond the seven heavens.
This ‘creator’, often called by gnostics the Demiurge (from the Greek word 'Demiurgos' meaning ‘creator’) is thus a deity considered by them inferior to the Eternal Realm which has often born a female appellation, connoting the cosmic womb or the source from which all emanates and has its being.
Hence, according to this conception the Absolute or 'Supreme Being' is the ineffable and unknowable Uncreated Light which entails within itself the Demiurge and his creation (cf. "The Demiurge", Rene Guenon:
The mode of being of this 'creator' is 'will-to-power', the projection of itself from out of itself manifesting through its 'Word' (Logos) or 'Verbum', it's Will with which it is equivalent. Thus the Demiurge is the ‘will-to-power’ itself.
In the Vedic conception this is 'Brahma' which is the same as Jehovah; Enlil; Allah,etc. and this Demiurge functions as its 'will-to-power', as a being broadcasting its 'Breath' (will-to-power) outwards ("Let there be light", Genesis 1:3) into the Uncreated Light of Eternity (the cosmic womb) manifesting itself in the form of the ‘creation’ or plagiary of perishable and transient matter or 'substance', lower density states of existence subject to generation and corruption.
The outgoing breath of Brahma is necessarily complemented with the indrawing breath which leads to the absorption of the ‘creation’ into itself, creating what is called 'the night of Brahma' or pralaya where everything is destroyed which exists within 'Time' or the lower dimensions of spatio- temporality. This conception has its parallel in the Nordic Edda in the figure of the Fenrir wolf who consumes himself in the Ragnarok leading to a new world after the catastrophe.
This is the conception of cyclical time ('Time-flow' in the words of some philosophers discussed in the second part of this essay) with the indrawing and outflowing 'breath of Brahma' being the determining factor in the ‘creation’ of lower worlds of ever increasing density or deceleration of 'Time-flow' comprising the 'four ages' of: Golden; silver; bronze and iron ages, the 'Wolf age' spoken of in the Edda.
That the Demiurge is equivalent to Fenrir well illustrates the nature of this 'god' or 'creator' and the parallels existing between the gnostic conception and the Nordic underscores the completely foreign nature of this monotheistic creationism to the aryan race whose relationship to the world was never one of slavish obsequiousness, the pathetic groveling before a violent father god as in the case of the devotees of 'The One'.
The aryan cosmological conception is that of a warrior hero, a berserker who faces the gods on his feet with sword in hand and carries out his duty to his folk against that which threatens their existence and that which stands in their way of creating a spiritualized world not subject to the lower density of the Demiurge.
Indeed, throughout all myths of the aryan race from the legends of King Arthur and the Grail (cf. "The Grail as Nordic Mystery”, Julius Evola: "The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hiterlism", Miguel Serrano: serrano/The%20Golden%20Thread%20-%20Esoteric%20Hitlerism%20%28Miguel%20Serrano%29/) and the Nibelungenlied to more contemporary versions such as J.R.R. Tolkien, the theme of the wise warrior hero figure is omnipresent.
The enemy the hero fights is always the Dragon or similar figure representative of the forces of chaos and disorder which are manifested on the earth plane embodied in a violently aggressive and all- consuming entity of an alien species. The writer contends this is no mythology alone or 'symbolic representation' of alchemical transmutation (the 'magnum opus' wherein the initiate overcomes his own 'lower self' to attain a 'fully integrated soul') but a presentation of actual beings and reality: .
Thus the history and mythology of the aryan race reveal the contention between the aryans, the bearers of the torch of truth, and the Demiurge and his forces of chaos, they who are largely spiritless entities dwelling in the lower astral planes in other dimensions of subtlety slightly above the physical and out of the visual spectrum.
The warrior heroes of the Uncreated Light are no worshipers of the Demiurge but of the realm of Eternity, Hyperborea. The conclusion must be that any espousing an aryan worldview cannot accept the lies and deceptions of the Demiurge which are the mainstream religions of the contemporary world and must recognize that they are incompatible with any authentic aryan worldview.
This will be discussed within this essay under the section entitled "Spiritual Aryanism" to amplify and convincingly argue that the monotheistic creationist worldview is foreign to the aryan race and an import of semitic influence and that the true aryan weltanschauung is that of what may be called 'gnosticism' or perhaps more appropriately the ‘Hyperborean Wisdom'.
Part Two: Dialectic of The Demiurge
The adherents of monotheistic creationism or the religions which venerate the Demiurge support wittingly or no, the imprisonment of the Spirit in matter or the lower density of substance of the Demiurge while purporting to be 'springboards to the divine'. This is the physical manifestation of the Demiurge deception “on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10) and it is a fair presumption that at higher levels the priest caste of all religions across the board is privy to this understanding.
All religions are divided into an inner secret teaching available to the priests (esotericism) and an outer dogma which the laity must unquestioningly adhere to in order to attain the illusory promises and false gifts of an 'after life' in heaven to 'unify' with the ‘creator’.
The reality of course is otherwise: that far from attaining immortality they simply become fused to this creator and subject to the erosion or disintegration of their Spirit (their true self) as they have allowed themselves to become weak, 'meek' as a lamb of god and to fail to resist the external forces of the Demiurge’s universe which absorb into themselves the energies of other beings (for such is the nature of the cosmic vampire Jehovah and his vampire world, a world in which "the stronger force overcomes the weaker").
Indeed the priest caste concealed from the laity this knowledge and serve the purpose of facilitating the fusion of the captive spirits into the Demiurge, into the lower density consciousness or substance of that Being which absorbs into itself their spirit energy or life force (cf. the article "Vampire Farm" for a technical analysis: ).
As will be discussed below certain esotericists such as Nimrod de Rosario would consider the entire hierarchy of beings which serve the Demiurge as performing a similar function of energetic vampirism and all of those beings who are insufficiently strong in their constitution to resist these forces become their prey and are consumed as 'lambs of god' are consumed by the astral 'wolves of the steppes'.
These entities are venerated in the mainstream religions under the name 'seraphim' and 'elohim'; 'hiwa anakim', etc. and according to some sources collectives of extraterrestrials who control the entire priest caste and who are the genetic engineers of the 'chosen people' of Jehovah (cf. "Synthetic Semite": ).
The hierarchy of the Demiurge serves their 'one god' and themselves on the basis of a 'service to self' motivation while masking its actual intentions under the false appearance of altruistic 'other-regard', of 'peace';' love';'god';‘justice' and other emotionally charged terms which they endow with falsely associated feeling states through pairing the stimulus (word) and response (emotional reaction).
Such is the nature of the Demiurge's deception as it manifests in the form of his earthly representatives, the priests of what Nimrod de Rosario has called 'the synarchy' or collection of associated groups which are related to one another though to all appearances (as they appear to the profane, the uninitiated) distinct, unrelated and even antagonistic to one another: see the article “Synarchic Octopus”:
Whether the organization or institution preaches a devotion to 'god' or 'humanity' sans 'god' they nonetheless serve the same purpose, that being a mixture of all and sundry into a collective mass that is subject to the reduction of their higher consciousness to a level of pacifistic weakness and cowardly servility not only to the Demiurge (be it in its aspects of 'nature' or the 'god' above, etc.) but to the hierarchy which administers on the earth plane to his will.
Whether in the form of atheistic materialist scientism (pantheistic naturalism) or that of Abrahamic religion, it is the Demiurge and his ‘creation’ which is being subject to veneration either in the form of an obsessive hyper-focus on 'scientific investigation' or 'verification’, a transmission of the thought energy of the 'scientist' to the ‘creation’ thereby endowing the Demiurge with his thought energy or an obsessive focus on the ‘creator' serving the same functional purpose of energetic vampirization.
Hence the 'synarchy', the associated collective of black magician priests united at their summit by Freemasonry and the Catholic orders and subordinated in both cases to the 'chosen people' of the Demiurge is a unified group with a pyramidal or trapezoidal structure tapering from the lowest levels of the sheepish masses to the highest levels of initiates of semitic witchcraft deriving in all likelihood from the extraterrestrial 'Yahweh collective' hierarchy at the capstone of power and the higher non- physical forces or Aeons above this all subordinate to the Demiurge.
The synarchy thus is motivated by a ‘will-to-power’ following in the shadow of the Demiurge to vampirize and consume the energy or bio-energy they bleed off their subordinates who they keep in a state of ignorance to more effectively absorb their life force without their serfs putting up any resistance.
The creation of pain and suffering as means of vampirizing the life force of their charges (they whose spirit has been trapped in the lower density of the Demiurge's Time-flow) is undergone through countless means as outlined in the above-cited article "Vampire Farm" and through creating a perpetual state of confusion to blind the masses to what they are doing and how.
Hence the synarchy or 'cabal' or 'globalists' as many would name it, create diverse organizations; groups and movements based upon ideologies they had developed as part of their 'divide and conquer' strategy (“And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians”, Isaiah 19:2). This confusion is designed to ensure that the masses are divided amongst themselves fighting over petty selfish purposes or issues while their very life force is robbed from them by they who claim to be their leadership or 'champions' (‘heroes of the working class'; 'crusaders for divine justice',etc.).
The masses are thus divided and subject to each other's blows and antagonism while the priest caste of the synarchy step back and enable the chaos to perpetuate itself. This as means of absorbing as much of the life force from others as they can while maintaining their closed system of vampirism, creating mass sacrifice through war; revolution; famine; disease spread; and biological weapons, etc. which serve as a means of harvesting the life force from their charges.
An example of this dialectic is the creation of chaos via the 'left wing' and coercive imposition of counter-force by the 'right wing' with both 'right' and 'left' wings being controlled by the same priest caste. Its representatives act out their role according to their dialectical template, pitting one group against another with each being blamed for the chaos and the 'chosen people' then stepping in to ‘quell unrest' with their pompous pose of 'objectivity'; ‘reason' or 'divine justice'.
Indeed the 'chosen people' envision themselves to be the 'children of god'-and they are right. However this is represented as 'good';‘benevolent';'valuable' or 'desirable' but only for themselves and their god serving their own selfish ends in the name of 'humanity' whose definition they restrict to themselves exclusively.
Their god has been likened to Satan, the cosmic vampire and 'creator' (or plagiarist) of the material world which is a violation of the Eternal Uncreated Light. Their ‘service to self’ motivation is equivalent to that of the Demiurge and his ‘will-to-power’ and, according to the qabbalah they are 'Jehovah Malkuth' or the 10th sephiroth (sphere), the physical embodiment of Jehovah on earth.
According to their narrow perspective confined as it is to the prison of the Demiurge they are the only 'humans on earth' (“The Jews are called human beings, but the non Jews are not humans! They are beasts!” [Babylonian Talmud: Baba mezia, 114b.]). All else are 'animals in human skin' whose fate is to serve the 'chosen people' or be subject to decapitation ( noachian ).
The question the thoughtful reader must ask themselves is: “The god of Israel has plagued the world with his violence for millennia. Given his track record, is this a god that aryan mankind wishes to bow before?". Or better still: "Is this not an inferior deity whose mind is readily perceptible in the 'sacred works' of 'the chosen people?” (Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession., Psalm 2.8).
Part Three: Spiritual Aryanism
Just as the Demiurge has his coterie of minions who have their narrow dogmas which constitute their orientation towards that which is Above so too do they who follow a path oppositional to the Demiurge.
Some have called this path 'Luciferian' though this term is loaded with controversy, bound up as it is with a Judeo-Christian and Abrahamic worldview, the perspective of the worshipers of the Demiurge, being that anything oppositional to their false humility and willful ignorance of Spiritual truth outside of what they consider 'the truth (i.e. theological dogma) is 'proudful' and makes one a worshiper of 'false idols', etc.-("Thou shalt have no other gods before me” Exodus 20:3).
However this term ‘luciferian’ is that most readily identifiable to the majority of the spiritual path that is oppositional to the god of Israel and which is yet not 'satanism' (though this would be the perspective, born of ignorance, of the religious dogmatists. For more on this distinction see “The Difference Between Lucifer and Satan” by Nimrod de Rosario:
Though the term has been distorted and falsely associated with the semitic occultism of Freemasonry it is nonetheless sufficiently valid to adopt for practical purposes in this essay. Other terms may be Wotanism; Odinism or Hermeticism all of which relate to the same path of gnostic transmutation, of the attainment of truth through self-transformation (For more on the differences see the above cited article: )
This Luciferianism; Wotanism; Hermeticism is the path of opposition to the religious dogmatism of monotheism. Its history is steeped in the depths of Time and is the Sophia Perrenis (perennial philosophy) of the most ancient aryan races, tracing itself perhaps to the visitation of extraterrestrial life, the Hyperborean 'gods' who were aspersed in the semitic religious texts as 'fallen Angels' (though some of the below esotericists such as Nimrod de Rosario would agree with this analysis).
The following presentation of aryan and related esotericists is concise and in no way exhaustive of their voluminous works. It purports to give insight into the Aryan spirituality or ‘Aryanism’ which, unlike masonry and other forms of black magic witchcraft, uses the runes. The runes have the function of activating the blood memory of the Hyperborean origins of the aryan race, transforming them into an awakened hero who becomes conscious of his foreignness to 'the world' of the Demiurge and its masters, his 'chosen people'.
The following discourse is amplified in the work "Berserker" by the writer under the subsections "The Race Idea"and "Ideological Critique" which presents analyses of these luciferian doctrines and recommendations with respect thereto:
Friedrich Nietzsche was a seminal figure in transvaluing the values of judeo-christianity and attempting to rectify the true message of christ which is to say the true doctrine of Lucifer(Christ, the morning star), the doctrine of enlightenment, of the will to become the Superman. His works greatly influenced the subsequent writers in addition to the national socialists (this is argued more explicitly in the work "Nietzsche prophet of Nazism" a slanted critique by an Arab woman Abir Taha).
His doctrine essentially is that all life is "love and war" (attraction and repulsion in physics terms) and that this dynamic polarity is the ‘will-to-power’ (the Demiurge). He prescribes that in order to become the Superman we must transmute ourselves to overcome the judeo-christian norms and go "beyond good and evil":
His work was critiqued by his later follower the architect of 'esoteric Hitlerism' Miguel Serrano (on whom more later) as being the work of a "half-jew" owing to the judaic nature of Nietzsche's emphasis on the ‘will-to-power’ which was not so much an anti-jewish doctrine but an anti-christian one, more 'Dionysian' (in the sense of Nietzsche's terms, reflecting the behavior of the ecstatic semitic occultist), more 'worldly' and not so much 'Apollonian' (ie. Transcendent, above the chaotic forces of the Dionysian embodied, though a failed transcendence thereof).
The national socialist philosopher Alfred Rosenberg also held a critical stance regarding Nietzsche's works which for him were insufficiently oriented toward the transcendent and were too focused on the imminent realities of 'this world' within the spatiotemporal manifold of the ‘creation’ and hence too much aligned with the Dionysian and not sufficiently aligned with the Apollonian element.
Rosenberg’s task was to introduce this Appolonian element and to a greater degree amplify the work of Nietzsche, rendering it more historically contextual and accessible within the larger context of the national Socialist weltanschauung which he propounded in his work "The Myth of The 20th Century":
This work, the expression of Rosenberg's worldview, was heavily influenced by gnosticism and some have contended Rosenberg was a Marcionite gnostic. Marcionism was a doctrine considered heretical by the Catholic Church and was more reflective of the original christianity before it's co-optation by Saul of Tarsus (ie. St. Paul) and the formulation of Catholic theology during the Council of Nicaea.
Rosenberg’s work and worldview was more Apollonian than the overly 'Dionysian' worldview of Nietzsche which latter was in many ways in parallel with the masonic worldview and its jewish veneration of the G.A.O.T.U (‘the great architect of the universe’, i.e Jehovah, i.e. the Demiurge).
Rosenberg’s work was a critique of Catholicism and a presentation of the history of luciferian currents which had attempted to break away from the despotism of semitized Rome. He states explicitly in this work: "we are luciferians” and being a marcionite gnostic it follows from the premises that the original teachings of christ are indeed luciferian as Marcion was closer to christ's teachings than Rome and subsequent Protestant sects.
The work of the scholar James B.Whisker "Gnostic Origins of Alfred Rosenberg's Thought" goes into greater detail expounding upon the golden thread of gnosis running through the national socialist ideologue's work:
To further underscore the fact that the national socialists were luciferians, the SS black order member Otto Rahn's book "Lucifer's court" and "Crusade Against the Grail" examined both the history of gnostic luciferianism and the personal adventures Otto Rahn undertook in his official capacity to clandestinely discover the sacred sites of the Cathars and other gnostics in the Languedoc region of France:
The Hyperborean lineage of the Aryan race is expressed in Nietzsche's phrase: "Let us look each other in the face. We are Hyperboreans— we know well enough how remote our place is” (“The Antichrist’) and carries through to Johann von Leers, the professor and linguist in his works " Odal: The Life-Law of an Eternal Germany" ( )
and "Blut und Rasse" ( ) which underscore the 'golden thread' of Luciferianism; Wotanism; Hermeticism which runs clearly through the aryan race and not the semitic distortions of Freemasonry and the Abrahamic and other religious priest caste ritualism.
The national socialist Alfred Bauemler also wrote a work on Nietzsche:
( ) which dovetailed with Nietzsche's magnum opus "Will To Power"and presented the formula for attaining the Superman at an introductory level for the middle classes who are not themselves initiates.
The doctrine of national socialist luciferianism is perceived by many to be a doctrine of imminent-ism of 'the world' or 'worldliness', lacking any transcendent dimension but this is a misunderstanding as a doctrine of national socialism was not confined to 'this world' in the mundane sense but was the doctrine of imminent transcendence which was externalized in the Third Reich.
Hitler himself heavily annotated the work of one of his mentors Ernst Shertl: "Magic: History; Theory; Practice" ( ) which entailed an analysis of the occult doctrine of the ‘will-to-power’ or luciferianism with a section on occult practice in detailed form.
Hitler was also influenced by Jorg lans von Leibenfels' "Ostara Magazine" and the ariosophical movement which, along with Guido von List was the re-presentation of Wotanism, the Aryo-Germanic 'rita' (or 'tradition') (cf. “Ariosophia”: )
Hitler however had a somewhat dim view of the 'venerable greybeards' of the Wotanist neo-pagans as did Alfred Rosenberg who critiqued what he saw as their futile attempt to revitalize 'the wotan cult' and proposed to adopt a more 'progressive' worldview suited to the contemporary times and not to repulse the largely christian demographic.
Within the Third Reich various new age occultists of the divisive sort were active and their activities though concealed under the vestments of the magician serve the purpose of attempting to internally subvert the regime. Aleister Crowley operated there and was banned from the Third Reich as the national socialists correctly understood he was an MI6 agent of the British government.
Peryt Shou, an affiliate of Crowley and a distortor of the myth of the blood of the regime and of the Edda itself wound up in a concentration camp, the purpose of which was intended to attune the internees to the weltanschauung of volk and heimat, blood and soil.
Indeed the concentration camps (konzentrationslager) were designed, as Nimrod do Rosario has revealed in his work were designed as a machine for the transmuting the consciousness of the POWs through magic and the only people who died in them where both the prison guards and inmates during the late stage of the war owing to the famine and disease which occurred at that time.
Rudolf Steiner, another occultist and founder of anthroposophy and a Freemason wrote and lectured extensively in Germany and disappeared in the concentration camps as well, as the Third Reich cleared itself of the subversive, judaized occultists who were practicing witchcraft to attempt to undermine the nation.
A prominent figure in the hermetic tradition, Julius Evola, was affiliated with Italian fascism and Mussolini though unofficially, never having been a member of the Fascist party. He was active until 1974 and wrote many works that embody the Hyperborean Wisdom from "The Hermetic Tradition" to "The Absolute Individual" spanning the range of topics from esotericism to meta-politics (cf. The works “Spiritual Virility” a compilation of his writings: and “The Absolute Individual”: ; and the compilation: “Evola on Race”: ).
He developed a semi-official racial work for the Fascist regime entitled "Synthesis of Racial Doctrine" which propounded a tripartite conception of the race of the body; the race of the soul of the race of the spirit. Though the work deviated from Rosenberg and the national socialists it was perceived as a threat by the semitic Catholic church of Rome who encouraged Mussolini not to venture into the church's monopoly on the realm of spirit by excluding Evola's work from official status thereby maintaining the church’s judaic universalist-egalitarian hegemony wherein ‘all souls come from God’ admitting of no distinction or variation.
The Catholic church was also completely opposed to the Third Reich and its ‘myth of the blood’ which can be perceived in the papal bull "Mit Brenender Sorg" ("with burning concern") which condemned the Third Reich as espousing ‘christianity without christ’: brennender-sorge.html
Evola also penned a work entitled "The Myth of The Blood" ( the-myth-of-the-blood-the-genesis-of-racialism/mode/2up ) where he presented his critique of the conception of race as historically propounded by various theorists such as Vacher de Lapouge; Arthur Comte de Gobineau and more contemporary theorists, the outcome of which work intended to be an implied criticism of 'biological racism' in the form of national socialism, a regime he also critique in his "Notes on the Third Reich":
It was for the reason of his divisive racial conception, incorporative of a nebulous psychic and spiritual 'race' that led the national socialists to prevent him from lecturing in Germany.
This is not to say that Evola's work is lacking in merit simply that it is divisive on this point and others and though his corpus of work is a repository of the primordial gnosis it is limited in its offering and entails deviation from the origins of Hyperborea:
His work on the Nordic grail mythos reveals however an affinity for the Nordico-Germanic racial idea and though his racial works' incorporated somewhat nebulous elements they did not reject physical race. The works of his that render his work accessible to those unacquainted with him and which prescribe a course of action to navigate the chaos of the modern world are his self-analysis of his own works "The Path of Cinnabar" ( ) and "Ride the Tiger: a Manual for the Aristocrats of the Soul": soul/mode/2up
The golden thread of the primordial gnosis of Hyperborea continued on under the pen of Miguel Serrano, the founder of esoteric Hitlerism after the second war. He was a Chilean diplomat whose conception followed that of Savitri Devi in her “The Lightning and the Sun”
( ) that Hitler was an avatar of Vishnu the destroyer, in the sense of Vedic cosmology.
Hitler was an embodied siddha or incarnate Hyperborean who used the physical vehicle of Adolf Hitler the man to bring into being the national socialist Idea, the Führerprinzip (leadership principle) of "ein volk; ein reich; ein Fuhrer" (one people; one nation; one leader). Serrano wrote of this Hitler mythos as a manifestation of 'the myth of the blood' in his esoteric Hitlerist Quaternary, especially his magnum opus "Adolf Hitler the Last Avatar" (falsely translated into English by Franz Berg as "Adolf Hitler Ultimate Avatar": ).
In the four books of the quaternary Miguel Serrano amplifies on this and other themes of the primordial gnosis and the conception of the Tulku (avatar). The first "The Golden Cord: Esoteric Hitlerism" expands upon the historical thread or ‘golden cord’ (cordon dorado). Serrano discusses the currents of different groups and figures carrying the luciferian torch of the Hyperborean Wisdom.
He was wrong on several key points as Nimrod de Rosario has critiqued and which is further discussed here: and
here: .
Serrano confused several key issues and groups and essential concepts as well. He confused Shambala and Agartha, the two higher dimensional centers of occult power thinking they were allies, Shambala being the side of the Demiurge and Agartha that of the Hyperboreans of the Uncreated Light.
He also misunderstood that the conception of evolution is simply the 'great deception' of the Demiurge as souls and matter (substance) alone evolves not the spirits of the Uncreated Light of Hyperborea and that, as Nimrod de Rosario has stated, to evolve the soul is simply to fuse oneself to the Demiurge, the soul being a mere extension of 'Jehovah' (Enlil; Brahma; Allah; Yahweh) which serves to trap the potential immortal spirit in its substance and to disintegrate it in its vampiric nature, being the entity (Jehovah-Yahweh) which is entropy, that which is dependent on taking energy from without for its continued expansion.
Serrano borrowed heavily from Rosario and Rosario's works without attribution though Rosario did not hesitate to reference Serrano in his works. The two were similar in their doctrine and yet different with Serrano's works being more historically and factually extensive and Rosario's being more intense and rigorous philosophically.
For a more comprehensive overview of Serrano's works and vocabulary the reader may consult the 42 page compilation of quotations from his works esoteric-hitlerism/ ; this glossary of terms which enables a more thorough understanding of their meaning and the writer would recommend the reader study this short work of Serrano's which he wrote at the end of his lifetime, “The Son of the Widower”:
Nimrod de Rosario, the adopted name of Luis Felipe Moyano Cires was an Argentinian scientist and esotericist who was initiated into the SS black order in Argentina by national socialist émigrés. He was claimed by some to have been a CIA asset and by others as a double agent against the CIA but no proof of either is known to the writer and it is the writer's opinion that Rosario was what he is represented to be, namely a legitimate SS black order initiate. For more extensive biography see here:
Nimrod de Rosario penned over 9,000 pages of writings but to date only slightly over 2,000 are available in any language and most of them translated into English. His work is prescribed to be read in the following sequence and constitutes an initiation into what he called "Sabiduria Hiperborea" or the "Hyperborean Wisdom":
⦁ his novel: "The Mystery of the Hyperborean Wisdom" aka. "The Mystery of Belicena Villca":
⦁ the novel "The Secret History of the Thulegesellshaft" (currently undergoing translation into English: )
⦁ "Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom":
The first of these works is an 850 page tome presenting the hidden history of the world from the ancient times of Phoenicia and Carthage and the semitic attempt to take over Spain and to destroy the house of Tharsis, the warrior nobility who were the repositories of the Grail.
The history traces itself to the Americas and the aryans who in pre-christian times were affiliated in South America with the asiatics who had come from Siberia. The christians sabotaged their societies and, accompanied by the rabbi Cristobal Columb (aka.‘Christopher Columbus’) installed their despotism over the Americas using the gentile Spaniards and Portuguese as their pawns and accomplices.
The story continues with an SS émigré in contemporary times who relates his history in the SS and the hidden history of the Third Reich's involvement with the Tibetans and Chinese secret society the Green Gang or Green Band.
The novel reveals the ancient history of the Mesopotamian region and the omnipresence of the 'synarchy' of Chang Shambala in its desperate attempts to destroy the emissaries of Agartha on earth, the aryan nobility, inheritors of a Hyperborean Wisdom.
The second novel of Nimrod de Rosario presents the secret history of John Dee and the mirror of Princess papan alluded to in Serrano's works. This mirror connected the aryan occultists with the Agarthans (the Hyperborean Lucifer spirits who dwell in Agartha) and the 'golden thread' which continued up to and culminated in the Thulegesellshaft.
Once the reader has read and assimilated these works he is sufficiently equipped with a background of hidden history to properly understand the meaning of the "Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom". This work is Rosario's theoretical treaty of the primordial gnosis of Hyperborea and is a direct transmission of the wisdom of the SS who derived it directly from the Hyperborean's of Agartha themselves.
The work is two volumes amounting to just over 1,000 pages and is a comprehensive exegesis of metaphysics; cosmology; epistemology (theory of knowledge) and ontology (theory of being).
The work is a complicated one of formalistic analysis and synthesis of abstract philosophical concepts providing a total worldview for the awakening of the blood memory. Answers to such fundamental questions as the meaning of the self (Selbst); the nature of the Demiurge and His evolutionary process; the nature of the conspiracy and the purpose and nature of life of different types: of the 'virya' or hero; the 'pasu' or beastman (the profane) and the traitor siddha or 'synarchic initiate'; 'illuminati' are discussed.
This work enables the reader to gain an understanding of how to navigate in the world of beings and how to fulfill his destiny as an awakened aryan on the path of higher gnosis.
Though Rosario, perhaps influenced by his own personal bias as a mestizo, does not restrict the category of 'virya' to the aryan race and claims the Hyperborean spirits can incarnate in any body, the writer would question this conclusion. The work, in spite of this, is a very comprehensive work essential to understand the intricacies of this world; who we are; what we must become and how we must act to get there, to "become who we are" (Nietzsche).
This 30 page compilation of quotations from two of his works, "Gnostic Fragments" gives the reader a sample of his insight:
Rosario's works are by far the most detailed revelations of the Hyperborean Wisdom the writer has ever read and it is recommended that the reader study and share them with their fellow Kameraden to assist in their contributing to oppose the system of the Demiurge and their own liberation from the fate He has planned for us all should we not resist. Only then will we become who we are. Who are we? Nietzsche has the answer: “Let us look each other in the face. We are Hyperboreans— we know well enough how remote our place is.”
I'm sorry, but this is an utter and unrelenting FALSEDUD... The Indo-European religion -- in fact, pretty much every Eurasian religion, is emphatically pro-demiurge. Odin, Mazda, Zeus, and Indra are all credited with the creation of the world and are considered fundamentally good. The source of evil is the empty receptive substance which they attribute form to -- Ymir, Nyx, and the Danavas. No Hindu in his right mind, by the way, would consider Brahma to be "evil", and it was only as the Hindu religion became more inundated with unaryan ideas that Indra went from the highest of the gods to a more grey figure.
The Indo-European hero is very clearly a microcosm of the demiurge, who as a craftsman actually instills the higher principle of form into the lower principle of hyle or anima. Because Gnostics suggest that the demiurge is ignorant of the good, form must be a demiurgic property. This is a criticism the Neoplatonists correctly identify with respect to the Gnostics, who are certainly not Aryan whatsoever. Gnosticism is entirely a near eastern movement with zero antecedents in Europe. Oh yeah, and Jesus Christ, who was not a Gnostic anyways and who literally promises his followers the resurrection of their bodies in this world, was not Aryan but a Jew.
By mimicking the demiurge in the pursuit of cosmic order through expansion of will onto space, pursuit of excellence, and theurgic prayer, one can come to recognize and achieve union with the supra-rational Monad and ascend to an enlightened state. This is what actual Europeans like Plato and Aristotle, and the good emperor Julian, recognized.
>But Hitler and Rosenberg said this or that!
Hitler and Rosenberg never actually praise Gnosticism at all on a cosmological ground. They just suggest that it would be better for the German people not to believe that the god of the jews is their god. Which is correct. But they praise plenty of religions, like Shinto, and Zoroastrianism, and Buddhism, and Hinduism, and even Islam sometimes. I feel like it must be clarified -- Rosenberg didn't believe in what he wrote for the German public eye. In private, he completely acknowledged that Positive Christianity and similar such projects were optics-oriented. The most appraised theologian in Rosenberg's writings aren't Marcion or some Gnostic, but Master Eckhart. He's also a Kantian, so... Idk, make of that what you will. Also, if you actually read Hitler's annotations in Erst Shertl's book, they don't provide any sort of evidence that Hitler was a Satanist or a Gnostic. The Book itself does not have a strongly gnostic nature, and when it talks about communication with "demons" it is talking about in the sense of antiquity and not in the Christian sense of demons.
The "Volkisch Nationalists" Like List and Liebenfels were not anti-demiurgic, they were Platonists and recognized that Wotan was the demiurgic figure. List was literally a Kabbalist as have been most of the major Runologists of the past 500 years. The reason Freemasons were ridded of was because they were associated with Liberalism and were a fifth column.
And I assure you, Pythagoras, who actually was well-known to frequent the real land of Hyperborea, would also be on the Platonic side of this debate. But if you believe that the priestly caste was simply an evil caste then you are not practicing anything even vaguely similar to Aryan religion.
I'm sorry to tell you this as well, but despite the rottenness of the Jews and their cultic religious views, many traits of the biblical Jehovah are likely a direct copying from the Aryan god of Ahura Mazda, who is obviously a demiurgic god as he is responsible for the creation of the physical world. Hermeticism, by the way, is fundamentally in contradiction with Gnosticism as it promotes the Platonic understanding of the demiurge as the greatest being sub-being, the greatest intelligible being and a multiplication of the principle being. Every god is demiurgic insofar as they generate the world from chaotic receptive substance.
Read my article:
I agree with Julius, thanks for the links! But please hyperlink them!