I'm sorry, but this is an utter and unrelenting FALSEDUD... The Indo-European religion -- in fact, pretty much every Eurasian religion, is emphatically pro-demiurge. Odin, Mazda, Zeus, and Indra are all credited with the creation of the world and are considered fundamentally good. The source of evil is the empty receptive substance which they attribute form to -- Ymir, Nyx, and the Danavas. No Hindu in his right mind, by the way, would consider Brahma to be "evil", and it was only as the Hindu religion became more inundated with unaryan ideas that Indra went from the highest of the gods to a more grey figure.

The Indo-European hero is very clearly a microcosm of the demiurge, who as a craftsman actually instills the higher principle of form into the lower principle of hyle or anima. Because Gnostics suggest that the demiurge is ignorant of the good, form must be a demiurgic property. This is a criticism the Neoplatonists correctly identify with respect to the Gnostics, who are certainly not Aryan whatsoever. Gnosticism is entirely a near eastern movement with zero antecedents in Europe. Oh yeah, and Jesus Christ, who was not a Gnostic anyways and who literally promises his followers the resurrection of their bodies in this world, was not Aryan but a Jew.

By mimicking the demiurge in the pursuit of cosmic order through expansion of will onto space, pursuit of excellence, and theurgic prayer, one can come to recognize and achieve union with the supra-rational Monad and ascend to an enlightened state. This is what actual Europeans like Plato and Aristotle, and the good emperor Julian, recognized.

>But Hitler and Rosenberg said this or that!

Hitler and Rosenberg never actually praise Gnosticism at all on a cosmological ground. They just suggest that it would be better for the German people not to believe that the god of the jews is their god. Which is correct. But they praise plenty of religions, like Shinto, and Zoroastrianism, and Buddhism, and Hinduism, and even Islam sometimes. I feel like it must be clarified -- Rosenberg didn't believe in what he wrote for the German public eye. In private, he completely acknowledged that Positive Christianity and similar such projects were optics-oriented. The most appraised theologian in Rosenberg's writings aren't Marcion or some Gnostic, but Master Eckhart. He's also a Kantian, so... Idk, make of that what you will. Also, if you actually read Hitler's annotations in Erst Shertl's book, they don't provide any sort of evidence that Hitler was a Satanist or a Gnostic. The Book itself does not have a strongly gnostic nature, and when it talks about communication with "demons" it is talking about in the sense of antiquity and not in the Christian sense of demons.

The "Volkisch Nationalists" Like List and Liebenfels were not anti-demiurgic, they were Platonists and recognized that Wotan was the demiurgic figure. List was literally a Kabbalist as have been most of the major Runologists of the past 500 years. The reason Freemasons were ridded of was because they were associated with Liberalism and were a fifth column.

And I assure you, Pythagoras, who actually was well-known to frequent the real land of Hyperborea, would also be on the Platonic side of this debate. But if you believe that the priestly caste was simply an evil caste then you are not practicing anything even vaguely similar to Aryan religion.

I'm sorry to tell you this as well, but despite the rottenness of the Jews and their cultic religious views, many traits of the biblical Jehovah are likely a direct copying from the Aryan god of Ahura Mazda, who is obviously a demiurgic god as he is responsible for the creation of the physical world. Hermeticism, by the way, is fundamentally in contradiction with Gnosticism as it promotes the Platonic understanding of the demiurge as the greatest being sub-being, the greatest intelligible being and a multiplication of the principle being. Every god is demiurgic insofar as they generate the world from chaotic receptive substance.

Read my article:


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How do you guys know all this stuff? I'm not being a smart arse I'm genuinely interested.

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Aug 7
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When I say “aryan” I am obviously referring to the attributes of the Indo-European cultures and races of the ancient world. If you are referring to anything else, you are obfuscating.

What is even the point of being a “Gnostic fascist” or political at all as a Gnostic? Most people are Hylic flesh automatons, it seems like political intrigue amounts to frolicking in the devils playground if you’re a Gnostic

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Aug 7
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Phoenicians are not Aryan because they are Semites with semitic language who only have marginal Aryan ancestry. What are you even talking about? Nobody says Phoenicians are Aryan. Aryan was originally an ethnonym of the Indo-Iranian people, which remained as such in Iranic world and shifted meaning to “noble” in the Indic world due to the formation of the caste system. The Finnic languages use the term Orja as slave, which is likely a very early loan word because in the Scythian languages the “r” sound in Aryan is converted to an “l” sound (Alan, Rhoxolani) suggesting that this is what the people the Finns enslaved were known as the Aryans.

Rosenberg and Hitler used Aryan specifically to refer to the Ethno-linguistic category, and the spiritual attributes were simply characteristics of the Aryan races descended from the Yamnaya and Corded Ware Cultures.

As to your response to my second point, seeking to understand the mysteries and esotericism of the world is obviously a good thing, but Nazism is not an esoteric movement. Hitler was not a monk in the mountains, he was a heroic figure. Action is justified in esoteric circles because Buddhists and Hindus recognize a cosmic order which is good and is microcosmic of divine order, which can bring us ecstatic union with the monad. Of course, this active enthusiasm is a passionless enthusiasm. However, when the creator of this world is fundamentally evil then the qualities of this world are not worth any sort of enthusiasm at all. “Race” for instance, was created by the demiurge who is evil.

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Sadly, I know people who think Phoenicians are Aryan. In fact, I know people who think they are Finns. Look into the Bok Saga - some Finnish dude who sucked his dick and said it gave him magic powers. He spread this idea that Phoenicians are Finns.

Also, you have the Michael Tsarion crowd who says Aryans are Israelites, and Phoenicians are Celts who are Egyptians who are Aryans who are Israelites. Y'know. Schizo tier stuff.

But i have met people unironically repeat this information like fact.

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It derives from L A Waddel and his work "The Phoenician Origins of Britons, Scots and Celts". British Israelism was created by a jew in the 1700s as the channel below divulges:

"The Christian Whistleblower"


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buddhism can be used as Evola spoke of in his work on buddhism. It doesn't entail escapist reclusion but active nihilism, immanent transcendence. In and of itself it is limited but its practices can be drawn upon to transcend the base drives of the phenomenal self.

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Aug 7
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If you are using Aryan to mean whatever this alleged "Hyperborean" people is, then you are misusing the term. Just as it would be a misuse of the term "Slavic" or "Germanic" to refer to the Aryans. Also, just to clarify, the original Aryans were from Europe and descended into Turan and India, I am not one of those retarded people who believes the Aryans came into Europe from the outside.

Not sure why you connect more with Gnostics from the middle east than you do with Hinduism and Buddhism.

The idea that races are vertical and "octaves" with respect to each other, which hints at our divine origins, doesn't make any sense from a gnostic point of view. The Demiurge (in your view) is ignorant of the divine, he is the formal cause of this world and so the things in this world cannot be signs of the world above.

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I agree with Julius, thanks for the links! But please hyperlink them!

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This article is drivel, don't let him poison you with the rotten sap of Gnosticism. The Hermetics were not Gnostic, they were Platonists. The Volkische Nationalists were not Gnostic, they were Platonists. Evola was not a Gnostic, he was a Platonist. Guenon, likewise, literally makes fun of the Gnostic childish view of the demiurge in his works. The Hindus and Buddhists are not Gnostics, they too are Platonists. Hitler was not a Gnostic, none of the things he annotates in the book represent a gnostic strain. Even Rosenberg expresses expressions of favor towards wildly different religions. His appraisal of Marcion and the Manichaeans comes from their rejection of the importance of the Jewish god, not from a deep seeded approval of Gnostic cosmology.

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I like to give the crazy Hitlerists the time of day, no one else will lol

I agree though, and warned Julius of this in an email the other day.

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Wonderful article and thanks for all those links.

I have just finished reading “Universal Philosophy: Or How to Escape from Hell here Below” by Jacqueline Berger and am still trying to process many of the concepts.

It seems that Planet Earth itself is Plato’s Cave and we have all been looking at and believing in shadows – the “lies and deceptions of the Demiurge” – the “Retrograde Virtue”, materialistic Yahweh, god of Lies and Deceit.

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I would stick with Rosario and his works.

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Thanks - I have downloaded a few.

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Aug 7Edited
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‘Universal Philosophy’ was recommended, indeed GIFTED, to me by someone that I doubt you would hold a candle to. As I said, I don’t grasp many of the esoteric/spiritual concepts of ‘Hierarchies’, ’Virtues’ etc but the core arguments and observations presented are very strong, indeed self evident, and I am sure there is much more overlap with your own sentiments. Where do you differ, specifically?

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