Satan was a creation of the power wanna’bees'

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“The shifting of the Polar Axis occurred ‘in solidarity’ with the catastrophe of the mixing of the Æsir that occurred ‘in solidarity’ with the shifting of the Polar Axis of Planet 13- Gerda & Saturn is transformed into Satan, the Jewish Yahweh and also into Jehovah, as understood by the Cathars.”

Insinuating that the “Nazis” were “Satanists” is to bound them to the very chains that enslave us to this world of entropy…. As “the Jews are the ones who turned Sat-urn into Sat-an, Jehovah.”

In the Highest Truth—- the Hyperborean/Aryans are Lucifarians, not satanists. The Mæstro makes this distinction as he repeatedly speaks to the enemy as Yahweh/Jehovah/Satan. Hyperborean/Aryans are Venusians as they originate from the Morning Star… therefore they are Luciferic—-“He is the supreme Guide of the Pilgrims of Dawn, of the Acolytes of Lucifer, the Morning Star.”

In a nutshell- calling “Nazi’s” “Satanists” is in essence perpetuating our fallen state of enslavement , bound by time & entropy in the trenches of this demiurgic reality, in the ‘satanic age of Kali’…

We should distance ourselves from the term ‘Nazi’ as it was a term coined by the enemy to brand us with a title that represents a “lazy bumpkin” of sorts. Far from our Original Coding—-We are Hyperborean/Aryan- a Divine Polar|Solar Signature that is Venusian & therefore Lucifarian.

“Lucifer the Morning Star, has nothing to do with the demiurge, and is “an example by which to live & die”…

“The war of Esoteric Hitlerism, once won, will also liberate Saturn-Kronos”….

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