The false trinity Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Miguel Serrano collected works
The false trinity Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
There is a lot of hostility, fighting and tension between Muslims, Christians and Jews – at least for the world. Apparently they are constantly falling into each other’s throats and contradicting each other without stopping.
However, the behind-the-scenes truth tells a different story. In fact, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are all but enemies for each other, and they come from the same dagger, their purpose is the same. As we remove those few apparent opposites from the surface, we can easily see that these are just the three faces of the same thing.
This is supported by a lot of evidence, and if someone is willing to research a little, they can see it for themselves. High Priestess Maxine Dietrich has already written about the relationship between Judaism and Christianity
( and how the enemy plays two opposing roles, so I will now write about the relationship between Judaism and Islam.
Islam, like Christianity, is a program of Jews and aims to enslave the Gentiles, take Spiritual Knowledge and Power away from humanity, and put Jews, that is, the few chosen “, in the hands of the Jews. The same thing happened whenever Islam occupied an area as it did during the Christian occupation. All spiritual knowledge was taken away from society, destroyed, and what remained remained remained in the hands of the attackers. Then came the threats of “ eternal damnation ” as a punishment for the use of spiritual knowledge, as in the case of Christianity. Islam also stole everything from ancient Paganism after trying to destroy it, but I wrote about it in another chapter.
Islam’s relationship with the Jews, and the praise of the Jews, can be seen from the fact that the same ( invented ) Jewish actors appear in Islam as in Judaism and Christianity. They are revered as “ prophets ” in the early days, and as the founders of “ religion ”.
Here is a short list of fictional Jewish “ prophets ” mentioned and respected in the early days:
• Abraham, in Arabic Ibrahim
• Moses, Musza in Arabic
• Noah, in Arabic Nuh
• Jacob, Yakub in Arabic
• And of course the filthy “ Jesus ”, in Arabic Isa
Below, other mentioned Jewish actors ( also invented ):
• Adam and Eve, Adam and Hawa in Arabic
• Cain and Abel, Habil and Qabil in Arabic
• Solomon, Suleiman in Arabic
• Lot, in Arabic Lut
• Joseph, in Arabic Yusef
• Mary, Mirria in Arabic
In addition, Islam and early on have always encouraged believers to “ restore ” the original Abrahamic / Jewish religion. The following quote is from Wikipedia:
“ The historical relationship between Judaism and Islam is. It began in the 7th century when Islam began to spread in the Arabian Peninsula. Because the foundation of Islam lies in Judaism and has a common origin in the Middle East ( Abraham ), both are considered Abrahamic religions. Judaism and Islam are linked to a number of common elements: Islam is similar to Judaism in terms of its religious unity, structure, jurisprudence, and practice. For this reason, there has been a remarkable and continuous, physical, theological, and political overlap between the two beliefs over the past 1,400 years. The impact of Muslim culture and philosophy on followers of Judaism in the Islamic world also contributed to this. ”
This undoubtedly proves that Islam is linked to Judaism and is a program of Jews. Below is a quote from the early, which also supports the above:
“ O Sons of Israel! Remember my grace, which you have received in my grace, and that I am privileged you were above all else. ” – 2nd treatment 47
This statement is repeated a few more times early.
Wherever Islam beat the homestead, laws were passed to protect the Jews and given them “ freedom of religion ”, for, like Muslims, “ was considered the people of the Book ” by – we mean false enemy doctrines.
*The Jews, having received the revelation of God and recorded it in the Bible, were given the title “ the People of the Book ”, as were Christians, at least in the early days. “ Do not be afraid. ” – says early. In contrast, the Gentiles were cruelly persecuted and slaughtered.
Of course, stories emerged that Jews were expelled and persecuted for refusing to convert to Islam, but this is nothing more than the usual emotional “ poor persecuted Jews ” lie, with which they want to extort support and compassion from the ignorant, silly Jentils. This is also an example of playing the two opposite sides.
It is also interesting that “ XVI. Pope Benedict ” (, who turned out to be non-Jewish but apparently have strong ties to Judaism and Jews, as evidenced by his numerous efforts to unite Jews and Christians “ ” also ) visited Jordan, where he was invited to the largest mosque in the country. It was here that he declared that “ had a deep respect for Islam ”. He also gave a speech on the importance of the “ unit between Muslims and Christians ”.
In addition, I must point out that Islam professes the same teachings, philosophies, and ideals as Judaism, and these are the former, There were foreign things to Pagan Arabia when Islam began to spread. An example of this is monotheism. This is purely Jewish teaching and is characteristic only of the Jewish / Abrahamic religions and of those that result from or are distorted by them.
The original and true religion of mankind is Paganism. The Jewish concept of servant monotheism is false and foreign.
Again, this is just trying to engrave the dominion of the Jews over the Gentiles in our subconscious. The same message can be seen everywhere in Christianity. This points out that Islam also works for exactly the same purpose, no different from the other two, no better than them.
It also shows that it is by no means an enemy of either Christianity or Judaism.
As I mentioned, there seem to be big contradictions between Muslims, Christians and Jews, but that’s a complete lie. Its sole purpose is to divert the attention of the masses.
The average “ believer ” you can see on the street knows nothing about the truth, so he involuntarily plays into the hands of the perpetrators who rule Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Their goal is to jump everyone in each other’s throats, virtually destroy each other, so they can rule freely and do what they want. This tactic – incitement to internal strife – is often used in politics.
Since the leaders ( are working for the conquest and eventually destruction of the ruling Jews ), the above is also suitable for putting their goal into practice. They send their troops to Islamic countries to start “ holy wars ”, slaughtering thousands of Jentils. And how many “ holy wars ” did the followers of Islam begin, ending with the death and weakness of even more Jentils? The term Muslim “ Jihad ” represents this. It’s just a lie invented to massacre the Gentile peoples, and that condition is frustrating. These stupid people are so ignorant of the truth that they try to turn to Islam for help and seek answers, while not realizing that it is primarily Islam itself that is what
the problems are caused by – so they are returned to the hands of the leading Jews who want their destruction.
( How many Jews were killed during these wars? Not nearly one. They are always protected by their “ belt ”, while we, the Gentiles, are killed in piles. ) Below is a quote from the Minutes of the Wise Men of Zion: “ They can't reach ours because we'll know the time of the attack and prepare in advance to defend our own. ”
In addition, Israel uses the concept of “ holy war ” to take away areas that do not belong to it, to claim for itself what is rightfully that of the Jentils, using the false history described in the Bible and early. Every learned and free-thinking individual knows that the land now known as “ Israel ” is by no means Jewish, only ELLOPTÁK from the Jentil People to whom he rightly belonged, who called him home. And how? By force and bloodshed.
The ruling Jews chased humanity into chaos, so they are free to do anything about it
people, they can manipulate the situation the way they want because no one is questioning them. As I said, they do the same with political parties: a government goes to the “ A ” party and urges action against the “ B ” party, then goes to the “ B ” party, and incites to “ A ”. In doing so, the two parties are fighting each other, not against the government – even though they could have formed a strong alliance to force the government to its knees. With this, both parties are embarking on a path of destruction without the government even having to move their little finger. Do you see what I'm saying? These people know very well how to manipulate a situation to remain in power, of course to a much greater extent than in the example above.
The silly masses do what they are told up there and voluntarily implement the plan of the leaders, that is, the destruction of the Jentil. This process must be stopped!
If our people of Jentil woke up and saw what Islam and Christianity – were really the destructive slave programs of the Jews - this senseless strife would end,
we could unite and take up the fight with the real enemy. We could regain our rights and power and everything that is rightfully ours and stolen from us.
And let us not forget the infamous Talmudic quote: “ When the Messiah comes, every Jew will have 2800 slaves. ” According to them, the conquered Jentil people will form these groups of 2,800 people. The fact is, however, that Jews are in the minority and Jentils count far more people than they are. It is clear what their purpose is, but they will do everything they can to keep ignorance going.
The Gaza War is a perfect example of murder and conquest. Followers of Islam in turn
massacred by Israel and the Jews, yet they worship the same Jews by following Islam.
The end result is that Jews benefit from Islam and followers of Islam suffer. The “ god of Islam ” is the “ god of Jews ”. This is a well-known fact among Muslims.
However, this is not a god at all, but a form of thought, the energy law of Jewish magic. Created with STOLEN and distorted Pagan knowledge – this is the reason why occult knowledge was removed from society very quickly and therefore the study of REAL Occult knowledge is prohibited by Islamic followers, for people must be ignorant of this,
to become slaves to this. This has already been mentioned on the Exposing Christianity website, and this is no different in Islam.
Anyone who knows Occult and true magic knows how thought forms and energy vortices work. It is created for a specific purpose, and once it is created, it will feed on energy for self-sufficiency, growing stronger, evolving from a simple form of thought “ into a form of God ”. When we draw energy from it, it slowly dissipates.
The Muslim / Christian / Jewish “ god ” was created with the aim of weakening and conquering the Gentiles and giving power to the Jews. It feeds on the energy that believers produce during “ ima ”. For the Muslim “ Salate ”, this happens five times a day, at the times when most energy can be produced. These people unknowingly feed the enemy with an awful amount of energy that they direct to their own destruction.
As I have already said, no true and mighty God needs or desires the servant worship of men. This form of thought / energy law is obviously starving for this, otherwise it would be destroyed.
In a nutshell: every follower of Islam loves and nurtures this something, thereby giving power to Israel and the Jews, while they are the ones who openly kill them.
Praise of Jewish “ prophets ” and fictional characters, preaching of Jewish teachings, Jews
exalting quotes and worship of the gods “ ” soak the age and prove that Islam is just another face of Jewish worship. With proper follow-up, this cannot be denied.
The Muslim Muhammad “ prophet ” ( who is also a fictional character ) was originally portrayed as Jewish!!! Many Muslims are unaware of this as it has made it illegal to depict this fictional “ prophet ”.
Mohamed preached Jewish teachings, worship of Jews who are butchers of the Jentil People.
Islam, like Christianity, is just a program of Jews, and any hostility or struggle between them is merely deception, distraction. Playing two opposite sides.
Great article. Funny how with all of their antipathy toward each other, the three Abrahamic religions of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam lock arms to eradicate Gnostics, who uncompromisingly seek truth and have no need of the parasitic, mind-control, priests, rabbis, and Imams. Though they call them by different names, all of those assholes wear yarmulkes, another giveaway of their congruity. In the distant past, the promulgators and purveyors of organized religion, particularly the Abrahamic big three, realized that imposing their systems on the masses was a way to an easy, soft life without working, not to mention libertine and perverted sex at will with impunity. They are just fucking racketeers.