Great article. Funny how with all of their antipathy toward each other, the three Abrahamic religions of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam lock arms to eradicate Gnostics, who uncompromisingly seek truth and have no need of the parasitic, mind-control, priests, rabbis, and Imams. Though they call them by different names, all of those assholes wear yarmulkes, another giveaway of their congruity. In the distant past, the promulgators and purveyors of organized religion, particularly the Abrahamic big three, realized that imposing their systems on the masses was a way to an easy, soft life without working, not to mention libertine and perverted sex at will with impunity. They are just fucking racketeers.

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beyond this they are instruments of ETs to enslave the earth probably possessed and controlled by them also. The Abrahamic trinity of evil

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Courtesy of the Demiurge, his archons and Hebraic flesh children with their treasonous goyim sycophants. The fat lady may have sung but the curtain has yet to fall. This war is far from over.

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