The Vegetarianism And Celibacy Psyop: A Case Study
The Jews in India state they came to India after they were expelled from the Levant by the Canaanites for their merchant practices in the sixth century BC. Note it was in this time that the rise of the merchant class in India became noted in the realm of political and social life. It was out of this class around this century that Jainism appears. It was this new religion of the merchant class that created vegetarianism and celibacy and attempted to replace spiritual knowledge with materialistic moralism its whole premise was to act as a counter paradigm to the Vedic Dharma. The Jews were always in the merchant, money lending class.
Buddhism a sect of Jainism was then imposed on society by Imperial force by Askoha. This regime was in close contact with the Jewish regime of gold baron merchants in Alexandria the same ones who created Christianity. Much of which in the gospels is full of Jainism ideology which has been noted by many scholars. The Jews spread this ideology into the west and they created it in the east. The purpose of this ideology was fully realized when the Buddhist sect of Jainism was imposed on Indian society to the forced removal of spiritual knowledge. Buddhism banned all teachings and use of mantra the core of spiritual knowledge they banned astrological knowledge and the sciences of Yoga. This was the attempt to destroy the Vedic culture which was based on using mantra teachings timed to the astrological cycles of the year and important dates for that year that had to be calculated to that year. All the knowledge that was in the Veda starts to be removed around this time as Askoha's regime had control over all the Temple schools. The scheme that shows the fix was in they tried to claim this recent destructive ideology of Jainism was the original teachings being restored. That shows the attempt was to destroy the original Vedic system and replace it with this counterfeit one of Buddhism. Later after the Indian's threw off Buddhism and had a Vedic rebirth this was corrupted by a probable Jew from a city with a Jewish population. This individuals movement was denounced as subversive. What happened is when the enemy realized they couldn't stamp out the Vedic religion with another. They simply subverted it by putting their ideology into the terminology of Vedic thought. Thus changing it from the inside out forever. Which is how these false norms are now attributed to Vedic culture as well. Its well known by Indian scholars and stated that modern Hinduism is literally just Jainism. If the eightfold path of Yoga is literally the Jainist path. The original Eight Fold Path survived in Tantra which was an attempt to maintain the purity of the Vedic teachings.
If one reads ancient Vedic sociological texts the population ate meat and were not practicing celibacy. They even had divine prostitutes.
Note when this Jainist ideology became the center of the New Testament it also promotes celibacy and vegetarianism. This was required for all monks and nuns and forced on the population by the Catholic Church for extended periods. When a couple had a child the Priest would count back to see if the child was created during the periods of ordered celibacy on the population by the Church and they would be punished if it was.
Understanding the background of all this what is the point of why vegetarianism which in Jainism is literally just veganism and sometimes dairy no eggs or fish allowed. The reason given originally in the corrupted spiritual texts is this about the sacral chakra. To deal with the passions and powerful sexual energy that is activated when this centred is worked on. This ties into celibacy. The reason's for celibacy are also ridiculous and a trap.
It comes down to this the sacral is called the seat of Shakti in Yoga. And sexual energy is linked to kundalini energy. This is why the Vedic Yoga used sex to awaken kundalini and lead it up the spine. The original Vedic Yogi's had Brahmacharya and this is how corrupted this is they now claim this means celibacy it does not. It means "One who is on the path of Brahman" which in Vedic texts is rising the serpent up the spine. The Brahmacharya's all had sexual partners of the same or opposite sex to perform sexual practices to raise the serpent with. This culture created the Kama Sutra. Which is encoded sexual teachings for awakening the kundalini.
Veganism lowers ones sex drive down to all most nothing. What all this means celibacy is meant to remove an important power that is used and needed to raise the serpent and activate it. And the vegan-vegetarianism is like blowing out the pilot light on this process and weakens the body and mind. If one studies the celibacy teachings of the east they are designed to put powerful impressions into the area of the soul that relates to sex. The sacral to act as blockages to make it dangerous to awaken the serpent.
The sacral is the seat of Shakti because this is the door to the sushuma the serpent has to travel thought to be lifted up to the crown.
Vegan-vegetarianism and celibacy are about attacking the sacral chakra and making it dangerous and nearly impossible to actually awaken the kundalini energy and lead it up it the spine.
The Jews created Jainism as a subversive cultural movement to weaken the Gentiles till they could get further control by Christianity and Islam. No different from how the Jewish today created the progressive Liberal movement to weaken society to later on put it under Marxism.
I’m a vegetarian and really don’t miss meat. I will never give up dairy! Europeans are lactose tolerant and that gives us an edge.
Excellent article, but Adolph Hitler, the Ultimate Avatar, was a vegetarian and he had limitless energy. This is a complex topic that requires much scrutiny. I've read accounts of some Vegans being weak and sickly while others perform incredible feats of athleticism and stamina.